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Jupiter 31st July 4am


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After a full session last night on Jupiter, just finding time while cooking dinner to process some of the 30GB of data here's some starters

Single frame followed by RS6 stack and wavelets


Different settings and avi with more frames


I think there's more data/detail in both of these, 1st is under processed in RS wavelets and 2nd is over processed, both think may help with adjustments there and then some CS5 processing but I'm glad to see there's some data/details in both of these, there's hope for the other data and much better than my previous runs where the Eq Bands are about the only details I have.

Comments welcome thanks for looking,




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Thanks James, well you did lay down the gauntlet with your images a few days back :-) it has given me something to aim for and its not like I can really blame the scope ;-)

can't help feel there's a little more to come if only my processing skills were more 'structured' aka I knew what I was doing and why :-)

It's a revelation 2.5. I have Rev x5 but that really is pushing it on Jupiter :-) and was looking for a x3 but it would appear that there like rosking horse poo right now. I figured i can always use an extention tub to eek a little more out it if necessary.

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ok yeh processing is difficult as there so many options etc

one thing i have benefited from is Castrator, so easy to use and really helps registax

has instructions on page u open aswell

it centres planet and crops and remove really bad frames

i normally choose 480x400 ratio, then open castravi in reg6 as u normally would

heres link below download install and give it a try


highly recommended :)

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Yeah loads of options. I do have castrator but just lately its been creating avi's that can't be read. Can't work out why.

The biggest thing for me is what 'wavelets' actually do. Obviously i can 'see' the effect but that's not the same as understand what they are doing and i feel this understanding will help me judge which level and how much to adjust it. more online tutorials for me :-)

Edit: - I will try 480x400 and see what happens, although its been fine before.

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