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What do I need to attach a Canon DSLR to my Scope?

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As the subject says. I am trying to persuade the missus to buy me the Canon 350D that is on offer at Jessops. My Scope has a 2" Focuser on it and the person I bought it from (Our very own Chewy!) Said that the focuser has a camera atachment 'bit' (He did not use they words but I was quit excited about getting th scope in the first place that I was not really listening!).

The focuser has a bit that screws off leaving a 2" 'ish 'hole' with a thread. I am wondering if all I need is one of the 2 bits you normally need?

please 'elp!

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And what are my options for remote control? I know there is an IR one but can I juse use my laptop instead? And what applications do I need?

Looks like she is saying a big 'NO!' at the moment but deff going to get one in the next couple of months.

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If the scope has a camera thread on the focuser then all you "should" need would be a T adapter.


They are cheap about £7/£10 Jessops will have them (think there is one on UK buy & sell )

In saying that be prepared to buy some sort of extention tube in case you can't reach focus...

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Don't know about the IR as I couldn't get one for my Canon 350D (and they were damned expensive).

I use the Canon cable release. Set the Canon 350D to 'manual' and 'bulb' and you can keep the shutter open for as long as you want. You can lock the release down with the button on the cable. You will have to time it with your watch though.

The Canon cable release is I think about £30 or so.


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So I cannot use the IR remote for long exposure?

You can but it bleedy expensive.

I use the cable in conjunction with Dslrfocus as this lefts me program a sequence of various exposures / Iso settings and then just press start, easy peasy

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The IR remote does do long exposure, but up to a max of 30 seconds. This is the max bulb setting on the 350D. The IR remote has 2 modes of operation, immediate release or 2 second delay.

I use an Astronomiser cable running ImagesPlus (was using DSLRFocus, but upgraded :) )

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