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Moon and Jupiter....


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Just a quick heads up for anybody up but not out, and a general note to say.....


The moon and Jupiter look SO pretty right now, even woke my Mrs to show her, and she didn't kill me :)

Hope somebody can get a pic.


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Yep, I was up for a J. Riddle at 3:15 am, and moolight drew me to the landing window, where I saw the pairing. Lovely sight, and when I eventually got back into bed, the wife enquired what took me so long, I said, "Ive been looking at a pair of heavenly bodies".

To fend off a second elbow into my ribs, I told her it was Moon and Jupiter, and she should go look too. She did, and took a while to enjoy the view, which she thought was a lovely sight, and why don't you go take a picture. "Too tired" I replied :).


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Thanks, hadn't got around to checking that it was definitely Jupiter. Amazing moon wasn't it. Looked really yellow for me when it first came up. Whatever the adult version of Croup is that is preventing me from sleeping at the moment, does have the side effect of giving me plenty of time to star gaze through the window.

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Yes beautiful sight at 330ish this morning. I was out spotting satellites and meant to end my session at midnight but a clear night kept me out gazing. In between satellite transits I was scanning across from the top of the big dipper eastward to Capella, carrying on passed the moon, wow what't that bright star?? Hang it must be Jupiter, Doh! Got the binoculars on it to confirm and my tired eyes could make out 3 Jovian moons.

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Ah, i was out on the lake at an island this weekend, drinking with two other guys and i borrowed a weird pair of binoculars with autofocus on saturday/sunday night to show them the moon and Jupiter. They weren't the best binoculars i've used, worked very well for terrestial viewing (boat spotting) but not very well for showing the guys our moon and Jupiter as the binos showed double views :/

We suddenly had two earth moons (twice the amount of craters :eek:) and two moon-less Jupiter's in our sky so it wasn't super impressing, so we went back to the nice welding conversation we had a few minutes before.

It was nice to see it unaided though :)

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:icon_salut:hi everyone love the picture Ivymike started keeping a diary on my nights of spotting the stars ( my wifes idea ) monday morning between 1.30 am and 4.45 am from east to west saw callisto, europaand one of its moons, Io and ganymede. lovely jupiter also crescent moon very nice but best of all pleides magnificant stars may have seen mars not sure as big tree was in the way and tried to get in between it a lovely clear night still not sure when to use the barlow x 2 lens used it to get beter detail on jupiter but was just jumping all over the place then tried it on the planet mars and couldn't get it at all by the way used it with a 25mm wide angle long eye relief and also a 10mm super lens so if anyone could let me know when the best time to use it is it for dso's or just plain spotting i would be so grateful thanx jimmythemoonlight also great pictures everyone in the pow's and also to the two winners great stuff.:):eek::downtown:

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