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Eyepiece Collection 2011 * Warning Televue present *


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Ooh i would really love big 35mm grenade to complete my collection. I had started saving up for one and someone had to go and list a 19mm Pan on Astro Buy & Sell ;) Lovely collection you have there now Adam.

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Thanks Damo, you too. That 19 will be a nice step inbetween the 13 nag and 24mm pan. What objects have you found to work nicely with it?

Pretty much a similar EP lineup to you as well Damo :rolleyes:

I think we are all very similar and wise to be honest. There is no other conclusion that can be drawn, except perhaps... that we are eyepiece bonking mad! ;)

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To tell you the truth Adam i haven't had a chance to use the 19mm yet. This diabolical weather is driving me insane. My next (and i had told myself my last) ep was supposed to be a nice 2'' low power one like your 35mm Pan. I made the mistake of browsing the for sale boards :rolleyes: So here i am, still lusting after that elusive 35mm Panoptic and the wallet empty. Again ;)

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This month I have had to replace the stock focuser on the SW Equinox 80 as it had reveloped a few problems thesin one being slippage when used with a 2 inch EP and diagonal when pointed at zenith.

Next month the choices are the 35mm Panoptic or a new telescope, just need to decide what big scope is for me ;)

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Well I hate the cloud too but that is why I am saving for a PST, so I can get some astronomy fix during the day too. Otherwise I feel the eyepieces are wasting so much of their potential. But then all it takes is one clear evening to remind me why we have them ;)

Mark you thinking a reflector then?

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Yeah I wonder sometimes about all the cash invested in EP's but as you say it takes a crisp clear night to put a big grin on my face ;)

One thing about using a refractor is that any shortcomings in eyepieces is brutally shown as there is no coma for an EP to hide its faults.

Telescope wise, still not sure, the current choices are either a 8 inch Dob, 8 inch f/4 Newtonian on a skytee, a 8 inch SCT or lastly a 5 inch ED doublet refractor.

Problem is I just can't make my mind up...

My heart is on the Newtonian or refractor but I want to see how sharp and contrasty the SCT is as the compound optics could sap a bit of the contrast & sharpness. The SCT is by far the most physically compact which is a big bonus for travel use

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Yeah I wonder sometimes about all the cash invested in EP's but as you say it takes a crisp clear night to put a big grin on my face ;)

One thing about using a refractor is that any shortcomings in eyepieces is brutally shown as there is no coma for an EP to hide its faults.

Telescope wise, still not sure, the current choices are either a 8 inch Dob, 8 inch f/4 Newtonian on a skytee, a 8 inch SCT or lastly a 5 inch ED doublet refractor.

Problem is I just can't make my mind up...

My heart is on the Newtonian or refractor but I want to see how sharp and contrasty the SCT is as the compound optics could sap a bit of the contrast & sharpness. The SCT is by far the most physically compact which is a big bonus for travel use

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I agree a PST or solar filter is needed to get you through the summer months http://stargazerslounge.com/imaging-solar/150334-my-humble-attempt-todays-sun.html. When viewing the sun a simple zoom ep appears works best so that is next on my shopping list.

Have you ever had any other scopes Mark ? You can't beat reflectors for aperture over cost but every thing just seems so much sharper in refractors. Just a shame my refractor let's me down on planets....DAM YOU CA!!!

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I would like a PST or similar myself but other things take priority at the mo.

Telescope wise I have only owned refractors of varying quality but have used Dobs from 6 inch to 20 inches and used a Meade 12 inch LX200 ACF so have rough idea as to what to expect from these ;)

I suspect aperture will win and it will be an SCT or Newtonian which will finally take my cash :rolleyes:

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For anyone that is interested, I have found Opticstar are selling the PST cheapest at £450. I have contacted FLO to see if they can price match :smiley: No point buying second hand on these scopes I don't think.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Adz,

Very similar to my own collection (35mm and 22mm Pans, 11mm Nagler, 7mm BGO and a 2" Meade 5000 Telextender) for use in my 12" Dob. I know what you mean about eye placement and blackouts with the 35mm, consequently I use the 22mm more often.

Cheers, Martin

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Hey Martin,

I would love a gander through a scope such as your 12"!

The 35mm is definitely not something I would get rid of any time soon, although I do see quite few coming and going for sale. But objects like the beehive and the pleiades don't fit into anything else! :)


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