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SPC900 LXmod yesyes style ;-)


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Tell us how you get on gonzo. I'm waiting (still) for my camera and am planning the same as you. Could you post your order list and prices?

my order from Maplin:

Part Description Qty. LineNett LineVAT LineTotal


BZ72P ABS Box H2855 1 2.908 0.582 3.49

FH39N Toggle Sw 1 2.075 0.415 2.49

JP46A Strip Board 1039 1 1.408 0.282 1.69

M10K Min Res 10k 5 0.940 0.188 1.13

N46BZ BZV85C 11V 1 0.242 0.048 0.29

QL80B 1N4148 2 0.650 0.130 0.78

QQ14Q BC547C 3 0.726 0.145 0.87

Nett Goods Total : 8.949

Nett Carriage : 2.490

Total VAT : 2.290


Total Order : 13.73

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Thought I would post some pics of the LX mod with filter wheel built in that I posted some days ago.

Although not as I would like it, since i still havnt got the FCUSB circuit yet so it isnt all yet run trough the single usb cable.

However, I have removed the 'Electrozone' programmable circuit and rehoused it in a seperate box with an RJ45 cable running from that to the camera.

The first pic top left is the back of the camera assembly showing the cooling fan, RJ45 skt LX switch and an indicater gog with six holes in it to indicate the possition of the filter wheel. This gog will have an acetate panel eventually which is numbered and is illuminated by an led.

2nd pic (right) filter wheel front cover removed allowing access to wheel for filters. These are held in place by 6ba grub screws. Two wheels have been made since Astronomik filters are different dia to Baader and Meade.

3rd pic (left) top of assembly with covers removed showing the drive shaft and worm drive to filter wheel and indicator gog.

4th pic (right) side of assembly showing stepper motor etc.

5th pic (left) base of assembly showing camera boards serial usb and lx electronic circuit

6th pic (right) view of rear showing gog with led indicator.

7th pic (left) camera with filter cover replaced and camera housing top right.

8th pic(right) Control box which has switch to left for led indicator swith at right for remote LX mode switching RJ45 skt for cable to camera forward / reverse push to make sw for filter wheel and 12volt dc input at the top. Also spare perspex filter wheel.

9th pic (left) back of control box showing 'Electrozone' programmable stepper motor board.

The circuit has been programmed so that a single opperation of for / rev switches moves the wheel one position, by holding down either switch the wheel will continue to revolve until released and then stop at the next preset position. the 'Electrozone' circuit also has a small 'pot' for speed selection .

Still determined to get this working using the single usb cable in honour of the Yes Yes style but have to await the arrival of a FCUSB control first.

Any helpfull suggestions for improvement always welcolm.











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I've got to say I really do like Chris initial mod and your mod Boyd, my only reservation is squeezing all of those extra circuits into the same box, all generating their own little bit of heat, all adding to the overall temperature of the CCD.

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Reggie / Chris,

Yes weight is a problem the camera and filter wheel assembly is 500 grammes! But when I unscew the 1 .25" nose piece and replace it with 2" and it goes into the 10" SCT that isnt too much of a problem. The other guide camera that I posted which has the x/y axis is less at 368 grammes. I have made a third wich is also fan cooled in a smaller housing and that is 290 grammes.

I have given this some thought.... I am thinking about another idea for my SCT which the extra weight wont be a problem. More on that when I have some of the component pieces assembled, pics better than words!


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may be a little late unless you have others to remove but the 9 pin D plug on the serial USB is easier to cut off with a fine saw blade (fretsaw). If you cut both sides close to the plug you will be left with the solder tags which pop off really easily once they are treated as single soldered pads with the soldering iron.



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Ah, I see...

Yes, the LX mod is good for imaging DSOs (of course with much lower quality than DSLRs or CCDs). But it can also be useful when using the webcam as a guide cam. A longer exposure will provide more guide stars to choose from (that's what I'm using it for).

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I have a nickname for maplins, substitute the M for CR ;) I don't think I've ever known a store to be so unreliable about stock levels, even when you've phoned them to confirm the stock level, turn up at the store and they're all of sudden not in stock.

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I get most of my electronics bits off ebay from China/Hong Kong/Singapore. It's usually much cheaper. Downsides are long delivery times and that you may not need 100 of each resistor value if you only do the occasional electronics tinkering... ;-)

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I have another 'spc900' which has the parallel LX conversion done with the 'dead bug' system by 'Astronomiser'. It also has the B&W icx 098 ccd chip. It comes up on my XP pc's as a toucam, which from what I can see on web is not giving the full potential that a spc900 would do ( in terms of YUY2 and frame rates at max of 30 frames / sec) Do you know if it would be safe to 'flash this to spc900' since it has been converted or would I be better to redo the electronics back to factory type and re-flash then re do the mod Yes Yes style.



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