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PST and choosing eyepieces

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Hi Folks,

I'm just about to press the button and order a PST solarscope but I'm wondering about eyepieces/barlows etc. The PST comes with a 20mm eyepiece for visual use but I want to get into CCD imaging.

I've currently got a QHY5 b/w CCD camera which I assume will get me into the game but I want confirmation that the QHY5 camera will focus in the PST? Also what magnification would this give me, maybe equivalent to a 6-8mm ep? Will the sun overfill the sensor so I would need to do a mosaic to see the full disk?

Could I use a x2.5 powermate or a decent alternative to get more detail using the QHY5?

best regards


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A comment on whatever 'glass' you put between the PST and any imager.

I have tried various eyepieces for visual use. The most important parameter has been internal reflections. Acceptable or invisible 'ghosts' in the night sky leap out in the day.

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I would say nothing too expensive. Decent quality plossls, orthoscopics etc will do fine. I had a hyperion zoom for mine but I never got on with it really. Too big and bulky for my liking, but some folks swear by them.
I can always use it on other stuff like in the back of a Canon 600mm prime lens, it would make one hell of a spotting scope :)
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Tried a Hyperion zoom but as mentioned in an earlier post it is a bit on the big and bulky side. Switched to a Pentax XF zoom that's half the size but better optically. It is a bit more expensive but it is the best solar eyepiece I've ever used.


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I rather like my TS/HR Planetary eyepieces. Dunno about internal reflections. The screw-up light shield seems to work, during daylight, for me. I certainly needed something lighter and less bulky than Hyperions, for this application. :)

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Tried a Hyperion zoom but as mentioned in an earlier post it is a bit on the big and bulky side. Switched to a Pentax XF zoom that's half the size but better optically. It is a bit more expensive but it is the best solar eyepiece I've ever used.


for £405 I would hope it is the best solar eyepiece :)
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