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Atik focal reducer


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Sent for an Atik focal reducer to fit to my Toucam when imaging through

the 102mm achro refractor to get a wider FOV.

It came this morning so I set up to test it on M42 through a hole in the cloud.

I knew that this would not work with my reflectors because of "in focus" travel but

I had an idea to try it in my 130mm F5 though, which I have just modded by moving

the primary mirror forward in the OTA.

Anyway I was very surprised and pleased because it worked :cheers:

Only just enough "in focus" but enough is plenty.

This has now really opened up my imaging possibilities with a wider FOV using the Toucam.

So busy playing, I forgot to try it on the frac...

Image below shows the gained FOV using the Atik :)


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You will find that it's also faster with the FR on

Yes CC and I was surprised by how much.

In that crude image above, both frames were taken with the same settings

and exposure length and the "fastness" increase is clear to see..

Really chuffed that it works with my 130mm F5 newt 8) :)

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