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A dodgy one maybe on ebay


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Scouring through ebay you always seem to come across what is a great bargain, have a look at the scope below, tons of goodies with it and as they say, if its too good to be true it normally is. Then notice how many previous sales this seller has. I raised this as a few months ago whilst scouring ebay I saw my old ETX for sale, not only was it being sold by someone in London, which was difficult as I had only just sold it to a guy in Cheshire. Then this seller decided to also use the exact same description and even my photographs showing my garden. A report to ebay had the sale ceased with an hour. Anyways see what you think.

Notice this seller defines themself as a business seller and will not allow pickup. mmmmmmmmmmmm


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Just as a tester, I sent the guy an email to ask why, if I was prepared to pay cash after an ispection of the instrument, would he not be prepared to let me pick it up.

As yet, NO REPLY.



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Well spotted on Ebay. It would be a good idea , I think, for us all to keep our eyes open on EBay for bargains and also for dodgy deals and post warnings on SGL for the benefits off its members, some of who may be watching with view to bidding.

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One other scam that goes on and people are not aware it can be done is this, you sell your £100.00 kit to a buyer in say the United States, even though you have used paypal and have recorded delivery etc, the buyer advises you 2 weeks later that they have not recieved the goods, even though the postal sheet shows it was signed for. The trick is the buyer signs for the goods in another name. They then contact paypal who open an investigation (here comes the crunch) paypal are known to reaccess the sellers account and retake the money paid to you, they then send the money back to the buyer, who now has your goods as well.

Paypal is owned by ebay and to be honest seem to be able to do as they please. There are a number of horror stories in the ebay forums and the above is a favorite one. IMHO ebay has become far too commercial now, it is aimed either for big sellers who flog at higher prices than on the high street and by scammers known to operate from places like Nigeria.

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