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Considering Upgrading My Meade ETX-70AT

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Hi Everyone

Been reading through the posts and stuff and I am a little confused and need some assistance.

My current telescope is a Meade ETX-70AT which is great really but I am considering learning the sky etc and have been looking at getting a 'cheapish' dob. The one I am looking at is a Skyliner 200 8" which seems to be pretty cool.

I have various eye pieces for the ETX and I was wondering whether these would be compatible i think i have a 9mm, 25mm and a Barlow (either 2x or 3x).

To be honest, i could never really find a great deal in the sky with the ETX, planets were OK if a little small, saw a few DSO which didnt look too bad.

I have seen some 'telescope simulators' about which you can put in your details and then 'see (kinda)' what you possibly could see with the actual telescope.

Basically, does anyone have the link and also what the settings would be for an 8" Dob vs the ETX 70. From what i have read the 8" is loads better (forgetting the GOTO) and I should be able to see a lot more. However the other day I saw some pictures someone had taken with the ETX 70 which were outstanding.

Just wondering if it is worth upgrading


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Hi Lee,

Welcome to SGL :)

Visually a 8" Dob is a massive step up from a ETX70, your eyepeices will be compatable although you'll probably get similar free with the Dob.

The settings for the Dob will be 200mm, focal length 1200mm, focal ratio f6. I'm not sure about the ETX though.


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Hi Lee,

If you are used to an ETX70, the Skyliner will astound you!

There will be a dramatic increase in brightness, resolution, clarity and magnification.

The two FOV charts show the difference in magnification using your 9 and 25mm.



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Hi Lee,

Welcome to SGL.

I used to have an ETX-70 (My first real small telescope). You wont go far wrong with the Dobsonian, however it won't be as portable as the ETX..

Give us your shopping list and we'll help you spend your money :) :)

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The 8" will be a huge improvement over the ETX.

I have an ETX70 as a portable scope but I use my 8" Newt alot more.

Are your eyepieces the ones that came with the scope?

I still have them but they are not the best and won't let the 8" scope perform to it's best.



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