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I can buy a second hand Celestron CPC 9.25 XLT telescope for cheap.

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Hi All

I can buy a cheap second hand Celestron CPC 9.25 XLT, but I won't be able to test it before I buy it. The only thing it doesn't contain is an eyepiece, but I've read that the one you get with it isn't so great anyway. I can get it for about 60% the original price, so it's quite cheap.

As a novice i'm wondering if I buy the scope and find it to be faulty somehow, could it be easily repaired? What is the likelihood that it could be damaged?


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Hi evilgenius, regarding a fault would depend on what the fault may be, that would determine whether its worth getting it repaired. Its a go to for a start so if the electronics are not working that may be expensive to get straightened out. I think if you wanted to send it for repair you would have some decent scope traders who would have a look for you. FLO at the top of the page would be a good place to start.

I hope it is fine and you manage to test it out with no problems, I would also suggest contacting your nearest astronomy society and speak to someone there , I am certain they would be able to help you with it.

Of course you do have the forum itself were there is a great deal of info and some very knowlegeable members only to willing to advise. ;)

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For around £25 you can pop into Maplins and get a powerpack (which you're gonna need for this anyway). FLO do a power cable if there isn't one supplied with it by the seller. Then just plug it in and test before handing over your money.

60% of current retail is a reasonably good deal for this beast - but if the electronics are duff it'll cost a packet to ship it somewhere to have it fixed. The ota alone weighs 58lbs. I just got one of these two days ago for a very similar deal - it's a teriffic scope if it works ok. ;)

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Yeah - I've often thought about one of those Merlin - but I just love the CPC range - something special about them (to me at least). Perhaps when I'm more decrepit than I allready am I'll be forced down that route lol ;)

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