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Hello people, help with PS editing required.

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I have a heq5 mount which is piggybacking a Cannon 10d. After taking 5 shots at 5min exposure and stacked in registax im left with a 35mb tiff image. Once loaded into PS CS5 im at a loss, I have read different guides but without much success. I know theres data in there because of the histogram just cant seem to get the detail out. Was wandering whether anyone could shed any light on this for me or knows of any dummy guides I could use on tinterwebb.

Thanks people.

Rich T

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First off, try Image adjust/levels and move the (top row) middle (grey) triangle towards the histogram (but not as far as it), and then the left hand black triangle towards the histo (for not as far as it). Hopefully you should see something starting to show.

Then go to Image adjust/Curves and click on the dark area - note where a little square pops up on the diagonal line and click on that (that fixes the dark area). Do the same with the bright areas and then the middle areas (? nebulosity depending on what you have imaged). You can pull each of these areas around independently.

This will give you a starter. Curves and levels can be repeated if necessary.

Hope this helps.


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I have a heq5 mount which is piggybacking a Cannon 10d. After taking 5 shots at 5min exposure and stacked in registax im left with a 35mb tiff image. Once loaded into PS CS5 im at a loss, I have read different guides but without much success. I know theres data in there because of the histogram just cant seem to get the detail out. Was wandering whether anyone could shed any light on this for me or knows of any dummy guides I could use on tinterwebb.

Thanks people.

Rich T

From your description it appears that you are trying to process widefield images in Registax. Registax is designed for lunar and planetary image stacking. I suggest that you download Deep Sky Stacker DeepSkyStacker - Free first and stack your images with that program.


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