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1000D Astro Imaging Mod


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Well, I've been wanting to do it for ages but have been very worried that I'd end up with a bricked 1000d.

I performed the mod today and am glad to report that the camera seems to be functioning ok.

Took before and after shots which show just how much the IR filter modifies the light captured.

Weather permitting will get to test it out tonight. I was going to give piggy back a go so will need to use my Astronomik LP filter in the camera, I think I read somwhere before someone cutting off the flange on the stock 1000d 18-55 lens to allow it to be used with the Astronomik LP filters

Does anyone recall or have details on the procedure? It looks simple enough to do, junior hack saw to cut the flange away taking care not to damage the lens to camera contacts.

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Which mod?

The Camera one or the Lens one?

I find the Gary Honis guides about the best out there...

He has now combined them into a single set of pages covering a range of camera models with the differences highlighted...


FWIW I prefered the single model mod schemes as there was no ambiguity then...


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Thank You!!

Good luck with the mod, taking your time is the key, I didn't even have any bits left over :)

The guide Psychobilly linked is the one I used, first rate, clear steps.

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We used the same guide for our 450d, there is also a utube video we downloaded and watched over & over

We found replacing the filter the tricky part, getting or not getting silicone on the parts, if we were doing it again would go for no replacement (we also have a 400d unmodded).

Found a large pill box useful for putting screws in while taking apart, lots of little compartments.

JCJC's dad

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I did the filter mod on my 1000D a few weeks back. It's not hard to do, but it's fiddly and the risk of getting dust in there is scary. I think I held my breath the whole time the CMOS assembly was out :) I did it though and there's no dust on the sensor. Took about 45 mins. I just did it inside a plastic bag and wore dust-free Nitrile gloves.

Bit of a tip to anyone thinking about it; once you've got the back cover off, I'd remove the awkward screw hidden behind the left of the viewfinder first. This one is a PITA to get to and is easily rounded off, so be very careful :)

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  • 1 month later...

Just a quick further question on this.

Now that I've removed the stock filter and don't intend using the camera for anything other than astro imaging. Am I correct in saying that I don't need to bother with fitting the bcf replacement filter that many modders seem to opt for?


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It's not required for the 1000D. I was told that after thorough testing the remaining AA filter was found to be very high quality and replacing it would yield little/no benefits.

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It's not required for the 1000D. I was told that after thorough testing the remaining AA filter was found to be very high quality and replacing it would yield little/no benefits.

Is the "AA" filter you mention the "Low Pass Filter 1" mentioned in the mod steps?

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Congratulations on your mod. I Baader modded my 450d, which I found quite a challenge, but mainly due to the horrid task of glueing the new filter in (I messed one of them up and had to buy another!)

If you are gonna do any daytime photography at all, get yourself a grey card to sort the white balance out.

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Thanks Lewis, the camera is now a dedicated astro camera so won't be used for daytime photography. The reason I'm asking all this is that since doing the mod I've only had one opportunity to test it out at night and the images it captured were very pink until I RGB aligned in DSS. I was using AWB.

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