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Beginner Scope...but want it motorized?

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I am pretty close to buying the Celestron 6se, then one thing came into mind, I will be out there late at night and in the city I don't want to have people annoyed by the motor sounds...

I guess when it comes down to it I would prefer to have a telescope that once I sight in a planet, that it tracks the planet so that I don't always have to readjust it into the scopes view.

As far as finding planets and stars I like the Celestron 6se for that, but could do without it if need be. I also definetly want to be able to take the scope outside of the city when I want to.

Thanks for your advise.

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What normally is the case is that tracking an object is next to silent with motors, but slewing (that is finding and moving around relatively quickly) can very in noise quite a bit. I had a celestron cg5 goto mount and got rid of it, one of the reasons was its slewing noise was horrendous. But I cannot vouch for your scope sorry, you make be able to manually get it to the right place and then track which is what I used to do.


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we've decided against a motorised mount for our first scope, we want to find & learn

I can say I am impressed, I believe that is best thing to do. A dobsonian really gets you into the sky and all its processes. Then you can always grab an EQ mount after etc.

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I had the same opinion with my Dad. Nothing beats say, finding the Crab Nebula for the first time by yourself, no matter how mono coloured and smudgey it may appear. It is a feeling that you dont forget.

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I've got an 8SE and am very impressed with the goto capabilities of the celestron mount. Really, don't let any noise issues put you off, it's not that bad! As to the manual V goto debate, both have merit for a beginner depending what you want from astronomy. To learn the sky, fine a manual mount can't be beaten, but there's nothing like pressing a couple of buttons on the handset and your chosen target being in view. You can see so much more in a session.

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