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Mirror Imaging...


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...no, I don't mean pouty self portraits in the bathroom mirror for facebook.

How come the images I'm capturing with my new Titan appear to be mirrored?

I hadn't noticed until just now, but I was comparing a sub from this week of M51 with an image I shot last summer of the same object. I was looking to see if I'd accidentally caught the supernova everyone is talking about.

Anyway, when I was overlaying the images, I noticed that my D3 image from last summer compares to all the other photos around of M51, but that my Titan image shows the galaxy's arms "rotating" the other way.

Why is this? I can't instantly see this as an option in Artemis, and I would have expected it to be set by default to "right way around" if it was.

Am I being really stupid? :)

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Thanks for the reply, Ant. How do you mean? You mean because there's a mirror in the SLR prism, that the image saved with the DSLR is deliberately "reversed" to match what is seen through the viewfinder? There are two mirrors in an SLR - the one in front of the shutter and the one in the prism, so surely that means it is restoring the "correct" orientation to the image, since it is what you see through the eyepiece of the camera, and that isn't mirrored - text appears correct, things on the left stay on the left, etc.

So it still seems to me that it is the Titan that is producing mirror images. I'll try and post up some images to show what I mean.

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I've also noticed that some images seem to be "mirrored", but admittedly not really worried about it. However, it would be very interesting to hear the reason - For comparison here's a link to one I took with a 40D earlier in the year (I haven't flipped mine - This is how it came out of the camera) and also Fatwoul's recent M51/SN image

Fatwoul's: http://stargazerslounge.com/imaging-deep-sky/144570-did-i-get-sn-m51.html

Mine: http://stargazerslounge.com/imaging-deep-sky/139489-my-final-m51-year-i-think.html

(Edit: If you look at other recent posts on M51/SN, you'll also see them in different orientations too, but obviously we don't know if these have been flipped...)

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