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What would you choose?

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...yep another indecisive newbie!

I have got to the point where I can purchase my first scope and was hoping for a little advice or an experienced opinion.

Up until recently I had set my mind on a Skywatcher 200P Dobsonain as it has a great aperture/cost value and even though its primarily an observing scope i have seen some great images with it. Also the simplicity appeals to me, as its pretty much point and look!

after seeing what was about for the same sort of money i came across the Explorer 130P AZ GOT. at first I wasn’t too fused on a goto mount but then thought if it helps you point in the right direction then surely it will be a fast and effective way of learning the sky. As someone who is keen on photography it also appeals. However I’m not 100% sure how the goto works and does it require a complex setting up procedure each time?

I guess the million dollar question (or in this caseis how much better will objects look through the larger Dob? I am very keen to observe planets to start with so if the results are much better in the Dob then maybe its the one for me.

I was just hoping maybe someone has used them both or at least one of them and can offer some advice and realistic expectations

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You'd just need to buy tube rings and a bar (called a dovetail) to connect the Dob to a HE5, they'll probably set you back about £25-£30.

The fittings are pretty much universal, the only thing to watch is that the mount is big/ heavy enough for the telescope you intend putting on it. Theres not much worse than a shaky mount when you are trying to observe at high magnifications.

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I have both those scopes, enjoy using both of them, found more with the goto of course but for better views the 200P wins hands down, realy is a great scope.

If your budget allows you the 200P dob now comes with goto.....my next big spend!

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I teach astronomy to hundreds every year - and I would NEVER start a beginner off with a GoTo scope.

The Dob is not only far superior in terms of the views at the eyepiece, it is far easier to operate, setup-take down is far faster and easier, the scope is more rugged and trouble free - and you will learn more (and faster) with a dob.

Go for the views, not the bells and whistles. Astronomy is still all about the experience at the eyepiece - not about the fancy computer and motors that drive the mount.

If you have questions, you are welcome to PM me - starting people off right in this hobby is my profession, and I'll be glad to help.


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Thanks Dan, yeah im pretty much set to get a Dob now, the positives far outweigh the negs, I think I just paniced at the last minute!

Thanks again for all for your views and advice!

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