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EQ6 mount - buying without tripod ??

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Hi. Already have an EQ6 tripod.

Q1 Does anyone know if the mount can be purchased on its own.

Q2 I have a 10 in LX90 SCT. Would this mount and tripod carry this OTA if I de forked it from the the standard Meade mount.

Many thx in advance re any replies.


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I would suggest asking your supplier but I believe the tripod is "part of the package" of the EQ range of mounts. As to the scope - I don't know that particular scope but an EQ6 should easily cope with a 10" SCT OTA - you may need tube rings and dovetail etc to attach it.

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Hello Telescope,

A EQ6 will hold it easy, i have considered something similer myself.,... but in the end of the day i just cant find a reason why i would move the SCT onto a EQ mount. the folks are lighter, better for visual and cheaper.

i still might do it in the future if the folk mount starts playing up :D

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I have a 12" LX200 OTA mounted on an EQ6 and it seems to cope with it well. I found this arrangement to be more stable than the fork on an equatorial wedge and the electronics are more reliable.

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I'm pretty sure Synta/Skywatcher would consider the tripod a "freebee", and if they did offer the mount on it's own, it would only be 50 quid cheaper or so.

But don't knock the tripod. :p I just got my NEQ6 and the tripod is nice and sturdy. Plus, you are going to SGL7 and other star parties, right? :D

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