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Galaxy count at 466


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A fine evening but light until 11pm!

I managed to get an hour and a half observing in before tiredness and the cold one..

Picking off the galaxies on the left side of the string of galaxies that go from Virgo and up in to the Plough.

Favorite of the night was NGC 5813 a bright little galaxy in a diamond of stars to the east of Virgo. Managed to pick up NGC 5806 nearby but it was tough..

Added NGC 5770 / NGC 6106 to my observed items but as you can see from the NGC numbers I am now moving east.

For old times sake I looked at M5/10/12 which are fine globulars. Its good after looking at the extreme limits of visibility to look at something well which you can just look at!

So It looks like 500 galaxies using a 10 inch scope from semi rural England is going to be possible.

Finally checked that supernova in the Plough. Still there at about mag 13 still cannot make out the host galaxy...Clearly needs a still autumn clear moonless night!

Clear skies everyone.


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I think I may be a while getting to 500 with the light Summer skies. Perhaps September?


Or move south in summer. I have in the past taken my C8 on holidays. That is a bit harder with kids, but maybe I will get a C6 or 6" RC for this purpose. In your case you would probably need a seriously larger SCT or the like to capture more galaxies.

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