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Eq viewing comfort?

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I've always used AZ mounts and I have no experience with EQ ones. How do they compare for viewing comfort?

Obviously reflectors could get awkward, but is there much difference for cassegrains or refractors? I mean, regardless of the axis of rotation, the scope will still end up pointing at the same angle.

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viewing will be more comfortable with refractor or mak over reflectors as you can loosen and turn the right angle as far as pointing in the right directions, yes, EQs track objects across the sky better than alt/az mounts, track one object by turning one knob

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For visual only and motorized via computer, alt az mounts are the clear winners (unless you move into professional exotica like coude focus systems sending the beam down the polar axis.)

With EQs there is more variety in the EP height (counterweights high, counterweights low), the EP needs rotating and you have the meridian flip to consider. This is much detested by the imagers amongst us!

If tracking manually an EQ scores as Nicnac says, by needing motion only one one axis.

For visual use I would always choose a computer driven alt-az like the iOptron, fork SCT or others.


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Thanks. I have a gut feeling that an EQ mount will be more stable, being much heavier. Is that right? I have a lot of ground vibration in my back yard and my 4SE mount doesn't handle this at all.

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i find them very stable




all good

EQ3 not bad for visual

im not an imager, just visual for me and my set up (see sig) does me proud, dont need anything else, just some good EPs

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A good adjustable observing chair is my key to viewing comfort. The ability to sit stable and comfortable at exact eyepiece level is the best.

Other than that, I use both dobs and refractors all the time and with my chair, I'm never uncomfortable.


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THe IOptron MiniTower ticks all the boxes for me as regards a AZ mount, but are there any alternatives? Something that is just as good but half the price, and that can maybe make me a cup of tea? ;-)

Obviously the NexStar 6/8SE mount is an option, but I would like to get something a bit better - the 6/8SE mount isn't that different to the 4SE mount I am now a bit disenchanted with.

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You can with a dob :)

I personally find directly over head the one area the GEM scores over a Dob as the zenith area is a Dob blackspot, where it's difficult to track.

Never had problems with a GEM.

Regards Steve

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I personally find directly over head the one area the GEM scores over a Dob as the zenith area is a Dob blackspot, where it's difficult to track.

Never had problems with a GEM.

Regards Steve

Agreed. There is the 'Dobsonian hole' near the zenith where the tracking becomes nigh on impossible.


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THe IOptron MiniTower ticks all the boxes for me as regards a AZ mount, but are there any alternatives? Something that is just as good but half the price, and that can maybe make me a cup of tea? ;-)

Obviously the NexStar 6/8SE mount is an option, but I would like to get something a bit better - the 6/8SE mount isn't that different to the 4SE mount I am now a bit disenchanted with.

Actually the mount on the nexstar 6 is quite a lot more solid than the 4 but anti vibration pads under your scope may help. i agree the best thing to do is to place your mount on some grass or something less prone to vibration

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It may be down to the attachment between the tube and mount - the 4se is connected by means of a short dovetail to the single arm, so the scope has plenty of leverage.

I have only noticed the problem since moving my observing point from paving to grass. I'll try the paved area again to see if that helps.

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  • 1 year later...

I had an 8se a couple of years ago and that was definitely prone to vibration and the main reason I sold it. With hindsight I should have kept the ota and flogged the mount as the ota was optically stunning.


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