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Can you extend Supatrak handcontrol cable

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I want to use the Supatrak from a distance longer than the current hand controller cable.

Can this be extended and if so how?

The reason is that I attach my PC via a webcam to the scope which I have in the garage, a few metres away. It would be easier if I could control the scope from that distance too.

I have found a way to auto focus from that distance its just the moving of the scope.


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Presumably you mean the cable from the mount to the Synscan handset? If so, the answer is yes. I have a 3m extension cable with mine, and it works fine. I think I used a simple network cable extension from Maplin.

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The Supatrak uses a different cable to the Synscan handsets and the cable is fixed at the handset end. It is possible to control the Supatrak mount from a computer. There is this thread http://stargazerslounge.com/equipment-discussion/128345-skywatcher-synscan-goto-question.html. The interface replaces the handset and can be linked to a USB/serial adaptor or a bluetooth serial dongle for wireless control. You could also try making an extension lead with a plug and socket (RJ11 I think) and a suitable length of cable.


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I thought it might be 'fixed' to the handset so an extension would need to be between the handset current cable and the mount.

Does anyone know what type of cable and also the varies adapter/ends (RJxx) that would be required.

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