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A couple from the 27th April


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I've been messing around with the powermate and managed to get it so the newtons rings are not so noticable and I think I've got it

Modded PST on Vixen 80mm with Lunt 1200BF and 2.5 power mate with DMK21

best 500 of 2000 frame AVI using Registax 6 and a bit of PS magic

not sure about the colour balance yet

but getting there (i hope)




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Very nice results!

I'm also impressed to see the Lunt BF1200 is working so well with the PST etalon. This is now #3 modded system I know of which is successfully using this combo. Excellent news for would be modders.

Keep those images coming.

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I'm seeing so many great solar images of late, I'm starting to think about getting into it myself. First I need some of that stuff...U know that stuff you get that disappears seconds after you get it...oh...ah yes, money!!!

Excellent captures

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