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EQMOD Gamepad problem

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got the scope out for the first time in ages and eqmod won't respond to the direction buttons/pad. Using the gamepad monitor tool I can see activity from all the buttons, but EQMOD doesn't respond.

I've tried rebooting, setting up EQMOD from scratch...

any ideas what else to try?

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Hi Roger,

Silly question but .... have you configured the gamepad buttons in EQMOD?


It's certainly worth checking. The assignments are held in a text based ini file and it is possible it has become trashed in some way that is making it unreadable. You could use the toolbox aplpication that installs with EQASCOM to delete the current joystick.ini file - EQASCOM will then create a nice new one with default assignments.

Also if you go to the gamepad configuration screen the re is a drop down that lists the "gamepad" device currently present on the system - is anything in that list? EQASCOM ususally destects the first gamepad is sees but if there are more devices listed you may have to force it to use the correct one via that dropdown.


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I had tried that Chris, what was strange was that it was working then suddenly stopped, but I did try creating a new one after, with no luck. Interestingly, the buttons on the right of the joypad worked, but the direction pad wouldn't.

Ok, I've bought a wired pad and it is doing exactly the same, but I have found that if I switch the pad to analog mode, IT WORKS! I'm absolutely sure I have never used it in analog mode before, but both the wired and wireless pads both work fine.

The other good news is that I have found how to reduce the max slew rate on an eqmod goto/park to keep the noise down at 02:00 :)

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