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siting a viewfinder and a baader skyview red dot finder together


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My stupid question for the week. Would anyone be able to give me some advice as to putting the skywatcher viewfinder that came with my skywatcher 200, and a baader red dot finder together on the scope. I was tempted to try and fit the baader onto the viewfinder so it is being piggy backed but i am unsure of the weight issue for the poor finder. I suppose I could drill two holes into the scope so they are roughly sitting side by side, but the angle of the focuser and the viewfinder together would mean the baader being almost half way round the tube.

Or!!!! are there fitting around which would allow both to be sited one above the other. Bit lost for ways to get around it so any help would be welcomed. I know i could interchange, but i was hoping to have them on at the same time. Thanks all.

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I don't have the same RDF, but I mount mine between the focuser and finderscope, and set back so it's level with the focuser base plate. Mine used to stick down with sticky pads, but I can see me screwing and attaching properly!!

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You would probably be best to drill the scope and mount it properly...

I have to ask ...Why?

The Baader finder and a low power eyepiece should be sufficient..Unless you have discovered a new trick.. 8)

Come on, tell us that you've discovered a new manual GOTO system that is so simple and that can put a target smack bang in the middle of a 5mm eyepiece every time... :rolleyes:

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I have a red-dot finder and an optical finder on my Newt. The advantage is that the Optical finder cuts through the murk better, but the red-dot is nice for getting to approximate locations, or right onto a bright object.

I put the red-dot finder between the optical finder and the focuser. It works well. Try using double sided tape ot mount it until you find the best location, then drill your holes.

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