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Posts posted by iwols

  1. On 12/11/2021 at 15:48, vlaiv said:

    Well, sure that you can get cheaper, I just did not how you feel about CMOS sensors and software binning.

    I have ASI1600 and like it a lot, but if I was in the market for similar camera today - I'd probably go for ASI294mm instead. It has better QE and it is a bit larger (23.1 mm vs 21.9mm diagonal). Both will work well with 1.25" filters.

    ASI294 can be "unlocked" to 2.3µm pixel size.

    If you bin that x3 - you'll get 6.9µm pixel size which is very close to what you have now. That will result in 2760 x 1880 px camera.

    For use with EdgeHD - you can bin x6 for example - that will give you effective 13.8µm pixel size or 1.43"/px and you will still have 1380 x 940 px - which is similar to pixel count you have now.

    I use my ASI1600 on 80 F/6 apo and RC8" scope. With former I use it natively (with reducer / flattener) for 2"/px while with later - I bin either x2 or x3 for 1"/px or 1.5"/px - depending on what I'm imaging.

    This is for example 80mm at 2"/px - at 100% zoom (M13):


    This is RC8" at 1"/px at 100% zoom (although image is more like 1.5"-2"/px):




    hi vlaiv what do you think about adding a 0.7 x reducer to my edge to give me that extra fl over my tsoptics@600mm and possibly improve my image with the edge,what would it mean to my sampling rate please

  2. tha

    3 hours ago, vlaiv said:

    Ok, see - that is the thing,

    If you add telecentric lens to your TS scope - you won't have "more zoom" - without stars also being larger.

    Size of stars in the image has to do with sampling rate and how well it is matched to detail present in the image. Detail in the image will depend on several factors combined - size and quality of aperture, seeing and mount performance.

    Once you reach the limit set by detail in the image (and that is measured by star FWHM) any additional "zoom" will simply make your stars look large / bloated.

    That limit for most of us, on most days of the year is around 2"/px for scopes up to 4", 1.5-1.6"/px for 6" scopes and 1.4"/px for 8" scopes. On very good night, you can go down to 1-1.2" with 8" scope - but that is rare.

    With 100mm F/5.8 and 6.45µm size you have ~2.3"/px - that is very good match - right there close to limit of what looks good. It is no wonder you are happy with star size and that combination.

    With 2000mm FL and 6.45µm pixel size, you have 0.67"/px - that is at least twice as much then is realistically needed - it is like zooming in your image x2 - or x2.5 past what looks good. No wonder you feel that stars are large.

    2" version - https://www.firstlightoptics.com/barlows/explore-scientific-2x-barlow-focal-extender-2.html

    1.25" version - https://www.firstlightoptics.com/barlows/explore-scientific-2x-3x-5x-barlow-focal-extender-125.html

    However - I would not try either of those unless someone can confirm that it will work with quadruplet scope. I can't be certain that it will work properly with such scope. It will work fine with regular scope without flattener, but I simply don't know if it will work with your scope at all.

    There are some alternatives for you to consider - that might be better choices to get what you want.

    1. Replacing your camera?

    One of problems that you have is that it is not feasible to bin x2 your camera as it has low pixel count. Binning will produce ~700 x 500 px image - and that is tiny by today's standards.

    If you get camera with larger sensor  - maybe it will work better for you?

    Say you have camera like atik 16200 with 6µm pixel size and 4500 x 3600 px. You can use such camera in bin x1 mode on TS 100mm for about same resolution you now have - 2.13"/px, and you can bin that camera x2 when you use it on EdgeHD - to make it work at 1.24"/px or even x3 to get 1.86"/px.

    Even if you bin x3 - you'll still end up with 1500x1200px image size - that is larger than you have now.

    2. Add scope that is about 5-6" and ~900mm of focal length.

    It can be refractor - something like this:


    or maybe even 6" F/6 reflector? (not sure if you'll like that, collimation and all)



    thanks vlaiv is there anything cheaper than  the 16200 you could suggest ,looking at the barlows i would not have enough back focus,any thoughts on asi 1600? cheers

  3. 2 hours ago, 900SL said:

    No. You have to get the right exposure for a start, and ISO100 @1m is not the same as ISO1200 @20s.

    ISO stops are 100,200,400,800,1600,3200 etc

    For each ISO stop you halve the exposure, so for example

    1min at 400

    30s at 800

    15s at 1600


    You won't see anything at ISO 100 for 1min


    What camera and lens are you using? A tracker can significantly improve MW shots with a good camera and lens




    It's a nikon d750 with either a samyang 14mmf2..8 or tamron 24 - 135 mm

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