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Status Updates posted by Hawksmoor

  1. Had a brainwave as to how I could make a conversion gizmo to attach to my homemade spectrometer to enable it's use for nebulae. The aluminium bits arrived from EBAY this afternoon. I feel an astro project coming on!

    Finally got the LVST (Lowestoft Very Small Telescope) reprogrammed and catching 'meteor pings' again. Everything went west after the electrical supply to the shed went down in the last major storm deluge. All is up and running again. It really does pay to write down what you have done and programmed when you get old. I'm 74 years old you know!!👴

  2. The sky has ben briefly clear for a change so captured some data. A spectrum from the carbon star La Superba and some video clips of the Full Moon. The Lunar data gave me the opportunity to try James Ritson's latest lunar disc macro for AFFP02 which was in his last update. Excellent for high definition, even when using my mini rig and 66mm Altair Lightwave scope. Have put image of Full Moon in my Moon Album. Still working on processing the spectrum.🧐

  3. In the absence of a clear sky to  photograph  for the 'Sky and Landscape' competition I made one up for a laugh.Agoatinafractallandscape.thumb.png.aa675cffd689f05735994191d33fcd40.png

  4. Just downloaded V17 James Ritson's excellent macros for Affinity Photo 2. Just tried out the solar coloriser and up to usual standard👍

  5. It is literally 'end of days' or should that be nights? Even the robotic scopes on the top of Mount Teide have been wreathed in cloud!😶‍🌫️

  6. Back to normality - horizon to horizon cloud cover! - so murky. I'm struggling to see my neighbour's security lighting.

  7. Two clear nights with no Moon in a row! What's going on?

  8. Cold and windy night here on the coast. Cloud, rain and bit of sleet earlier, with the sky clearing after midnight but too much wind for astrophotography and old men.

    Night all, from the old man by the sea.

  9. Just as well it’s cloudy over Lowestoft as I’m a bit tipsy! Probably the Talisker but it is Skye related🤣

  10. Have an excellent Christmas Reggie!

    best wishes from George and Anita (Mrs H)🎄🎄

  11. Just to say thank you to FLO for hosting SGL and to all of the members who post and bring a bit more joy into my life and the world. Mrs H and I send our best wishes to you all  this Christmas.🌙🌞🪐🌟



    Santa Moon a copy.png

    1. orion25


      Merry Christmas, George and Mrs. George! 🎄


  12. Sadly solid cloud overhead in Lowestoft tonight. Looking at Sat24 I suspect there will be no meteors for me tonight!

    George contemplating an early night

  13. Very clear night. Just driven back from Salisbury via Winchester and Guildford, so too tired to get out imaging kit. Did however witness a very bright early Geminid meteor. Always a treat to see!

    Can very much recommend visits to Salisbury and Winchester Cathedrals. They are architectural and historical gems.

    George back home in Lowestoft.

    1. Phil Fargaze

      Phil Fargaze

      I did the tower tour when I visited Salisbury Cathedral, absolutely mind-blowing experience.  We stood out on the balcony at the base of the spire to breath taking views of the surroundings as well as the awesome view of the spire towering up into the sky , literally reaching for the heavens. I felt dizzy looking down as well as feeling dizzy looking up!

  14. Just about finished my  'Christmas Crafting' for this year. Spent the day painting with Hammerite. All I could do to restrain Mrs H from sniffing the methylated spirits I was using as a solvent. She has always liked the smell! The 'Spirit of Christmas' and less than £5 a bottle. Absolute 'stocking' bargain for the woman in your life!

    George in bed with the December edition of Astronomy Now.

  15. My birthday today. Yay!

    Spent the day making arty farty metal stuff in the backyard under a very blue sky. Mrs H made lobster linguine and caramel panna cotta (served sequentially and separately) for tea and I watched a fullish Moon rise through the window as we ate.

    All in all a very fine day for an old bloke in Lowestoft next the sea.

  16. Strange week!  Managed to play an active part in the demise of my old Black and Decker Jigsaw and an inexpensive Chinese mini-vice.  Christmas crafting has its consequences.

  17. No electrics in the backyard thanks to storm Babet accessing some junction boxes previously water-tight. Old boxes removed and new ordered and awaiting delivery. Wiring made safe, jeans covered in mud and one old man needing a rest. So wouldn't you know it - the first clear night in weeks.

    Two hours of more or less cloud free night sky and the Moon waning over Lowestoft. Too good to miss. This required drastic measures- a long extension lead out the kitchen window and the telescope lives Igor!

    Managed my first proper look at Jupiter this season and captured some avi clips with my newish QHY planetary camera. Hopefully all will process well but they call it 'lucky imaging' for a reason.

    Mrs H was making jam and baking Christmas cakes today so the house smells great! Now off to bed with the promise of Santa and reindeer in the air.

    Nighty night stargazers.

  18. According to Metcheck we are in for 102miles per hour winds this evening in Lowestoft, followed by three days of rain!  Only got snow left to go now! 

    George bracing himself in Lowestoft next the sea!

  19. According to Metcheck there wont be a night I can  stargaze in Lowestoft until the 6th of November. Oh well they do say patience is a virtue!



      That's sad. I hope the weather turns around!

  20. Very pleased that one of my granddaughter's Jasmine, has shown an interest in astronomy and astro-imaging.  She managed to use her iphone and eyepiece projection with a Celestron 70 mm refractor on a wobbly plastic tripod to image the Blue Moon. She also took a nice landscape image of the moonlight illuminating the mist over Blythburgh Mere which I have uploaded to my Flikr account and blog.

    Full Moon 03.png

    1. orion25


      That's beautiful!

  21. Last night the sky was very stable for an hour or so. I'm sure that I could see the whole Veil Nebula using averted vision and my Nikon 8x40 bins. Tonight sadly I'm back to cloud and dropping temperatures. Oh to be an astro-imager in warmer southern climes!

  22. Saw a few stars over Lowestoft last night👍 Plus two meteor stragglers from the shower.😀

  23. Home in Lowestoft and guess what lots of clouds - so no Perseids for me tonight!🥹

  24. Partial sun halo or dog as imaged by Mrs H with her iPhone.7875B0B5-57DD-44C3-8698-2C6350CDAB1A.thumb.jpeg.493f42e87d734d66edec31b8bbd34629.jpeg

  25. Moon balanced on top of a parasol. Old bloke with an iphoneE84F49F3-00E1-4F46-855E-22603206DA08.jpeg.33a42135500212a51378ea939114b4ab.jpeg

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