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Everything posted by Deadlake

  1. You could also look at a LZOS 130/F6. That would be same price range as the CFF. Not heard negative reviews. CFF is an oil triplet, so what are the temperature ranges you will use? More pictures taken with this scope available, but this is one from a new owners first run. https://www.astrobin.com/full/c3vcip/0/ he has a thread on CN.
  2. I think they where by ayo, still available http://www.aokswiss.ch/ayo/main_ayo.html when back in stock I’ll get one of these https://global.vixen.co.jp/en/product/25164_3 As much as I like wood it’s a lot lighter and passes the nudge test.
  3. Best results for NV, F6 is upper limit. With the Televue compresssor will get you to F2.4, hence the use of an FSQ-106 which will be around F2. Popularity of Boren-Simon newts is local F and flat field, but yes multi use is hard to do.
  4. I was going to suggest at az100, which are still turning up in the US. However it’s 10 kg, which might be too heavy. However the encoders are built in for push too. Other advantage is you could put an APO and a Newt on it at the same time. Wide field and narrow field for fine structure at the same time. Some people have gone and bought FSQ’s (even the 130) to get the fast enough speed for NV, I thing that’s a little overkill...
  5. Seeing as cool down is not an issue (left in a case outside) and your a thinking about NV, maybe some F6 triplet would be good. Your dob would show you a lot of structure in various targets, however a smaller scope would let you frame larger objects. By the way what are you doing with your 90mm, presume that’s staying put. The TSA is not that heavy maybe just a light mount, too heavy for a ScopeTech what about a discmount?
  6. Thanks, the APM 30 mm is lightweight compared with the Nagler and Ethos alternative. However this is to go on a 130 mm triplet, so in this case good ballast for the lens, but maybe will need some extra weights for the GEM. 😀 yes, the more I think about it the more APM XWA makes good sense as they are all parfocal with the range, just like Tele Vue ranges. I suspect in certain cases another brand will be better however the question is the cost and how much you use them. I suspect for most people (given the cost of Televue) a better or different scope would be the answer. My concern over the APM 30 is to use 21 SQM is a frequent number that comes up when used with a UHC or OIII filter. I think its worth trying it as the skys luminosity is very directional where I live. London and other towns are hidden behind the Surrey Hills, however still have light bouncing around. I do find a UHC makes a difference when observing Orion's Nebulae.
  7. I thought you where going to mention this: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/explore-scientific-eyepieces/explore-scientific-100-degree-series-2-inch-eyepieces.html £954.50 i can get an entire range of APM epks for that....
  8. And a Barlow 😃🥳😁 ps: E21 are £810, just checked, well until next week.
  9. Really, what costs more then a Televue, E21 are now £900.
  10. No worries John. Modelling the EP helps a lot, I forget to check the exit pupil... 😀
  11. Good to know, backyard is 20.5 SQM, I suspect measurement is directionally.
  12. You also need to be quick, I'd imagine the 21E can do some damage on whatever its landing on. 😀
  13. My thoughts are go from the good value products and then replace those you use the most. I read threads on CN where people have gone fully Televue only to find they use just a a few EP's all the time. After this I will retire my Vixen SLV's. If I order now maybe some time in March the order will turn up.
  14. And to get one before prices go up 😃. I thought the 20 mm was a go before looking at exit pupils. Looks like to could justify both, contrasty view in 20 mm where's as for filtered view the 30 mm due to the large exit pupil. Still half the price of an Ethos 21 mm for both APM's and the reviews on CN is good for both from Ethos and Nagler owners. Main plus is views are close but the weight is less especially for Dob owners who don't like counterweights for their EP's... 😀
  15. 20 mm Lunt is the same as 20 mm APM, both 100 o?
  16. Delos 17.3 mm exit pupil 2.88 whereas APM 13mm is 2.17 mm.
  17. In the pandemic thats hard... Looking at the Delos 17.3 vs the APM 13mm 100 o same field of view, however I suspect again the APM would win on the contrast... To complicate matters the APM 30 mm exit pupil is 5 mm whereas the 20 mm is 3.3 mm... What the best trade off exit pupil or contrast?
  18. 30 mm and 20 mm have similar fields of view from the simulation, however the 20 mm will have higher contrast. Will the a filter ( UHC or OIII) work better in the 30 mm for some reason???
  19. The APM 30 mm exit pupil is 5 mm whereas the 20 mm is 3.3 mm... Is your Ethos 21 you most used EP at this range?
  20. True. Here they (all the EP's I'm looking at now given the price rises) are on a 130/F6: No other pro's and cons between the 20 and 30 mm? Field stop is around the same, whereas eye relief is more in the 30 mm. Would the 20 mm have more contrast?
  21. Apart from the obvious products (NV) I don't think anyone thought they would be caught by this. 😃
  22. Talking to other dealers, some cameras are classified as civilian or military application (dual use) which is complicating the paper work at the border.
  23. Given the cost of TeleVue, which ones would you buy and which ones would you buy another brand as you don't use them enough?
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