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Everything posted by Fedele

  1. 02.11.2022, C11A Barlow 2x, ASi224MC, TS IR / UV Cut (+ larger image) and 178MC (smaller disc image) AsiStudio, AstroSurface Stacking 1 single video within 120sec the 224 is working more appropriately at the corresponding equivalent focal length
  2. 02.11.2022, intorno alle 18:00 C11A, ASI178MM AsiStudio, AstroSurface Stack of a single video La luna era bassa., IR Pass https://telescopius.com/pictures/view/132419/by-de-marco
  3. Barlow 2x, ASI 224 AsiStudio, AstroSurface
  4. 31,10.2022, C11A, Barlow 2x, ASI224MC AsiStudio, AstroSurface is frustrating. Seeing and SC are a hell of a match.
  5. 31.10.2022, 16:33 Celestron C11A XLT, Astronomik IR Pass, ASI178MM AsiStudio, AstroSurface
  6. 31.10.2022, 16:17 celestron C8 Edge HD, Astronomik IR Pass, ASI178MM AsiStudio, AstroSurface
  7. i have starting the learning curve in the use of a SC C11A 28.10.2022 C11A XLT, TV Barlow 2x, ASI 224 MC AsiStudio, AstroSurface 00:07 02:11 02.31 https://telescopius.com/pictures/view/131828
  8. question what is this a shadow or the disk of Ganimede and in its right under the GMR europa?
  9. 26.10.2022, C11 A XLT, ASI 224MC AsiStudio, AstroSurface from 20:58 to 10:25
  10. 26.10.2022 C11A, Barlow Tv 2x, ASI224MC AiStudio, AstroSurface Mars 00: 57 and 00:56
  11. C11A, 2x TV, 224Mc AsiStudio, AstroSurface My very first shots of Mars and Jupiter with a C11A. The sky was clear of clouds, but there were veils and haze. The seeing was not good. Mars last night, around 1:20 am, when it was still low at about 40 degrees Jupiter taken in the first image at around 22.00 (Note the two details highlighted separately) and in the second around 00:40.
  12. 23.10.2022, C8EdgeHD, Barlow 2x, ASI224MC Asistudio, AstroSurface
  13. 23.10.2022, C8EdgeHD, Barlow 2x, ASI224MC AsiStudio, AstroSurface
  14. Today i have elaborated this pld AVI. TSA120, PoweMate 2,5 x, ASI 224MC asiStudio, AstroSurface
  15. 19.10.2022 C8HD, Barlow 2x, ASI 224 MC AsiStudio, AstroSurfface Unfortunately I have processed the images at different times and having many files available. They are not uniform in processing
  16. 19.10.2022 C8HD, Barlow 2x, ASI 224 MC AsiStudio, AstroSurfface
  17. Later ... 16.10.2022 C8HD, Barlow 2X TV, ASI 224 MC AsiStudio, AstroSurface
  18. Devastated by the turbulence because low, Jupiter in the first part of the evening gave a spectacle of itself with its court of Medicean satellites and with Callisto near a pole. Show that I was able to admire in a well-made C8HD. On the left in the image, I. The SXD2 Vixen Starbook Ten helps in recognizing satellites
  19. 15.10.2022, C8HD, BARLOW 2X, ASI224MC AsiStudio, AstroSurface An October with decidedly unfavorable weather conditions and many humid evenings, here in south of Italy. The layers of air laden with particles of water at low altitudes (when humidity is deposited everywhere), unlike the stable fog at high altitudes, make the shots originally quite noisy and not sharp, even if aire is relatively stable. In fact, the second situation seems better than the first, with the same turbulence and image stability. The low-lying humid air layer appears to have worse effects. Disadvantaged in this period are the SCs, due to the fogging of the sheet and the deposit of residues on it even after drying. The hoods certainly help. It is essential to identify the right FPS and the right exposure and gain values, which is not exactly simple. Any suggestions are welcome. (using google translator)
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