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Everything posted by Fedele

  1. 11.02.2022 Takahashi Mewlon 180c, TV Barlow 2 x, Apollo Max M Player One Astronomy Sharpcap, AstroSurface T1
  2. 11.02.2022 Takahashi Mewlon 180c, Apollo Max M Player One Astronomy Sharpcap, AstroSurface T1
  3. 11.03.2022, Matera (Italy) Takahashi TSA120, Televue Barlow 2x (immagine del polo), Apollo Max Shapcap, AstroSurface T1
  4. con riduttore TS 0,5x alla camera 10.03.2022 Takahashi Mewlon 180c, ASI 178mm, AsiStudio, AstroSurface T1
  5. 10.03.2022 Takahashi TSA120, ASI 178mm, AsiStudio, AstroSurface T1
  6. 10.03.2022 Takahashi Mewlon 180c, ASI 178mm, AsiStudio, AstroSurface T1
  7. 10.03.2022 Takahashi FS60, no and with TV Barlow 2x ASi 178mm, AsiStudio, AstroSurface all images are compressed from my aFB Page
  8. Takahashi do we have any? Ready for a visual attack on the Moon .... when i need to LOOK at Moon Mewlon180c is "The Specialist". I just hope the clouds go away. The First Quarter Moon in Mewlon180c? a show
  9. FS60CB & Maxbright 2 test and option 1 not completaly success due to the stupid things did on the focuser by Takahashi (sorry...) Using the TV Ploss 25 mm with a 1,25 GPC (the lowest) i don t reach focus for mm. No focus instead with shortest with shorter eyepieces. The problem is that the inside of the aluminum tube of the focuser is less than 2 ", so the 2" nose does not enter completely and stops 12 mm inside the PLL eyepiece prota. Now i will try a second option, to reach focus with the original focuser: or I will use two 13.5 mm m48 / t2 fittings or much more likely I will sacrifice a 2 "nose by sawing it and reducing it to 10/12 mm I will do the same with a 2 "GSO extension, allowing me to eliminate the crazy set of three AVVITA & Unscrew fittings ... a real madness that wastes a lot of time interchanging accessories.
  10. 07.03.2022, Matera (Italy) Takahashi FS60CB (60/355), PowerMate 2,5 x ASI 178mm, AsiStudio, AstroSurface
  11. I saw a photo with the modification for encoders and cable connections. So it can host these and nexus
  12. Am I wrong or hoped that the changes were made on the AZ75 to accommodate the goto kit?
  13. First light and first test of the Takahashi FS60CB. There is haze and not good seeing. I have to say it looks promising. Fluorite puts its very recognizable mark on the stars and objects. Here the daylight was still present and therefore diffused by the haze 06.02.2022, Takahashi FS60CB, Powermate 2,5x, ASI178, AsiStudio, AstroSurface T1
  14. I told my wife that I found it abandoned on the side of a road and that out of pity I took it home. Increase the Taka family with "The Little Taka". It will be used for Solar in Ha alpha with Daystar, riech filed, grab and go i need suggestions on the support (rings, cradle, etc?)
  15. hi I want to adapt a 135mm DERF to both my TSA120 and a 159/900 acrho. any idea?
  16. i need a pair of these, for my TSA120. 1) is a good choice for medium mag view of fileds and DSO? 2) how large in mm are they? i need this measure to understand if they work properly in a Bino MAxbright 2 thanks
  17. 09.02.2022, Matera (Ita) Mewlon 180c, ASI 178mm @ f12 AsiStudio, AstroSurface
  18. 08.02.2022, 17:00 Matera Takahashi Mewlon 180c, ASI 178mm @ f12 AsiStudio, AstroSurface
  19. 08.02.2022, ore 16:25 Matera Takahashi TSA120, ASI 178 mm @ f 7.5 and with TV PowerMate 2,5x AsiStudio, AstroSurface
  20. 06-02-2022, Matera(ITA) Mewlon 180c, ASI 178mm AsiStudio, AstroSurface in day light seeing not good
  21. and we are in February 2022, after the trumpeted announcements
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