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Your Star Will Shine

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Everything posted by Your Star Will Shine

  1. Thanks and well figured out from my vague post Yes Milkyway bortle 3 mostly
  2. Apologies if this has been asked 100's of times. I'm struggling to decided on what light pollutions filter to choose for DSLR I shoot with a Nikon System D7200 and various lenses but mainly Tokina 11-20mm F2.8, Nikon 50mm F1.8 Clip in or front of the lens I'm not precious so long as it does a job. Many thanks YSWS
  3. yeah its a tricky one I stumbled across a good article on the subject which helped........ these are my choices: WO Z61 Altair 60EDF SW Evostar 72ED Redcat
  4. I love my recently purchased ioptron tracking mount and want to go a bit further than widefield with my DSLR. The max payload with the counter balance (which I have) is 3kg so using my Nikon what would be a good refractor to team up with this set up. I have a tight budget of £200 to £500 on the secondhand market. Many thanks in advance
  5. To everyone who gave the advise I turned off the NR and hey presto back to perfect exposure times as set. I tested images in stacking and perfect no real noticable difference versus previous shots when NR was on. Happy days thanks again
  6. Thanks everyone, I purposly turned NR on so I'll turn off and see if that helps. Intervalometer settings Delay 1's 20's EXP Interval 3's 100 shots
  7. I have a Nikon D5000 and when using it with my intervalometer it struggles. I think its to do with writing the data to the SD card Its at the point now that 1 in 5 shots are at the exposure time I set and the rest range from a few seconds to nearly a minute when I was shooting a 20 second exposure. Is there anyway to help my camera cope or could it be my SD card? or do I have to have huge time delays between shots? The card is a Ultra SD 80mbs 32GB Any help greatly appreciated.
  8. I do 80% observing and 20% imaging mainly due to time and sadly living in Manchester so clouds means short sessions and not enought time to set up etc
  9. Got up at 5am this morning went to get my gear ready and then mist came down plus it was low which didnt help with the trees around me so knocked it on the head and went back to bed. I will try again in the morning
  10. In my line of work we import some products from China and during the last 12 months things have obviously been crazy. We had to charter flights which meant the transport cost was 3 times more than the value of the goods but our customers need it so paid the fee's. In normal times if we did fly goods in it took 7 to10 days now its 6 weeks. I'm assuming the telescope retailers are not 150m turnover business like where I work so will go down the container route which is 2 months give or take in normal times from factory to front door so to speak. We have very good fright and shiping agents with long standing relationships and they've said shipping is now around 3 months. Our goods are high volume low cost goods that only have 3 to 5 weeks manufacture process I have no idea what the time is for a telespcope or the number of factory's making these but you could imagine based on the demand in the UK its huge where our retailers sit in that que will only add to the lead time. It could be weeks or months. Looking online for the last few months and the sold out messages on most items I'd suggest orders went in around late summer so I wouldn't be supprise if you see some land late Jan Feb but these may only clear back orders as they continue to mount. If you're really need to know phone the supplier they'll give you the exacts. I will wait to later into 2021 to upgrade unless something second hand pops up at a sensible price and condition
  11. me, you and about 100,000 others it appears.........good luck
  12. Hello everyone, From the clear sky capital of the UK..................................Manchester! Looking forward to talking to others and learning more, just starting Astrophotography in the New Year after mosty observing for the last year or so. I've been practicing with my phone and doing vids and then stacking them in Registax and woefuly editing them in GIMP. Got a Skywatcher Heritage 130P which I love and will be purchasing a 72ED refractor soon plus DSLR or Telescope camera (I'm yet to make my mind up) Cheers Damian
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