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Everything posted by doublevodka

  1. Very interesting @Stu Thanks for digging that out 👍 At least I know it's in the realms of possibility now
  2. So, since getting an AZ-GTI I've had an idea rattling round my head, is it possible to mount 2 OTA's? My thought is, the thread people commonly add a counterweight bar into to use the mount in EQ mode rotates with the vixen clamp on the other side. So, is it possible to add a second clamp opposite? Or would it be next to impossible to align them and make it useful? Figured best to ask first in case someone has had the same idea and beat me to it. My thought is a widefield scope to go with the skymax 127 on the other side, like a mini az-eq6....
  3. It could well be a diy one, although there still something "fullerscope" about it, the earlier models didn't have the brand cast into it, so it could still be one of those potentially. The 200p will be a good choice for it I'm sure. As for getting it apart, sounds like a liberal dose of WD40 is needed As for clock drive etc, maybe look into OnStep? - https://onstep.groups.io/g/main/wiki/3860 Looking forward to seeing how this turns out, I definitely have a soft spot for old kit like this, I will own a Tal or something similar one day 😂
  4. It looks quite similar to one of the earlier models, although, of course, it could be homemade https://www.google.com/search?q=fullerscope+mount&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjm9_LVo9r3AhVL5IUKHToqA10Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=fullerscope+mount&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIECCMQJ1DmCFjmCGDvDWgAcAB4AIABOIgBaZIBATKYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=8Sd9Yqa7HsvIlwS61IzoBQ&bih=947&biw=1920&rlz=1C1DIMC_enGB871GB871
  5. Reminds me of a fullerscope mount, maybe have a look here to start with? https://www.bcftelescopes.co.uk/about-broadhurst-clarkson-and-fuller-ltd/broadhurstclarksonandfullerltd/ it almost certainly had a long reflector on it at some point
  6. Ah yes I'd forgotten about the PS version with it's non-collimatable mirror So the good thing is you have a versatile mount in the AZ-GTI so you could go for a 130PDS, I've recently picked up a Skymax 127 on an AZ-GTI and am really liking it so far! You could even look at something like that or a short tube refractor depending on your interests and it gives you a good excuse to keep the gifted 130PS, just a thought?
  7. Hi Olli, just for a little clarity, your title says 130P, the text above says 130pds, and sig says 130ps. By reading between the lines I would guess you have a 130P with the basic single-speed focuser? the 130PDS is the one with the dual-speed focuser, not sure there is a 130PS. For the price of a new focuser, you may be better off looking for a used 130PDS and selling the existing tube, just a thought? Sometimes they even come up with a coma corrector included. For example - https://www.astrobuysell.com/uk/propview.php?view=185832
  8. Got mine out for first light yesterday, seeing was too rubbish and hazy for any decent magnification but I really enjoyed what I could see of the moon, etc with the 40mm Plossl that came with it and they can be picked up fairly cheaply. For example https://www.firstlightoptics.com/astro-essentials-eyepieces/astro-essentials-super-plossl-eyepiece.html Looking forward to Jupiter and Saturn being back in the evening sky now!
  9. The end of the focuser tube sticking out into the light path would be my guess. A picture from the business end of the scope with everything setup and focused would help pinpoint it though 👍
  10. I'm all for diy versions, here's my effort on my Nexstar 4SE before and after paint. Bit of matt black paint and some sticky back velvet worked a treat
  11. The peg mod is quite possibly the best free modification I've seen, honestly makes such a difference! Also, a dew shield or heater is a must-have, dew shield can be diy'd on the cheap too. Why manufacturers don't include them as standard is beyond me, they are essential on mak's and sct's
  12. Upgrades are a slippery slope, they'll get you eventually! 🤣Generally you are right, the included stuff is ok to get you going though. However, the 10mm standard eyepieces are not the greatest so you may want to upgrade that first? I've got an 8mm BST Starguider which has been a nice replacement for the 10mm in my other scopes, a little more magnification than the 10, but I got it for a decent price https://www.firstlightoptics.com/bst-starguider-eyepieces.html - something for you to drool over 🤣 although they come up in the for sale section here fairly often too. If you are partial to a bit of DIY and tinkering have a look here too https://www.facebook.com/groups/1484777181687589 I've been pleasantly surprised making my own eyepiece from knackered binoculars in how good they actually are, considering as binos they were fit for the bin. My diy barlow needs some more work, but I'll get to it eventually
  13. With a bit of extra inspiration from this thread, looks like I'm picking up a used Skymax 127 on an az-gti mount on Saturday 🤦‍♂️🤣 I've been missing the ease of my Nexstar 4SE, there's a lot to be said for a lightweight setup so looks like I'm joining the 127 club with you 🤣
  14. I spotted these the other day too, they look interesting! It also explains to a certain extent why they haven't released Starsense Explorer as a stand-alone option, which is a shame as I bet they'd sell thousands of them.
  15. Can't really go far wrong listening to Ed Ting, love his videos although I would like a Takahashi now which I blame on him 😂
  16. Congratulations 👍 I was just reading this article and it brought me back to this thread, looks like you've made a good choice https://astronomy.com/magazine/glenn-chaple/2022/04/your-perfect-first-and-last-telescope Now begins a lifetime of cursing clouds and pondering your next eyepiece / finder / insert astro equipment here 😂 Hope you get some clear skies when it arrives so you can get out and enjoy it 👍
  17. Looks like the usual combo of dust, pollen etc It doesn't need doing right now as it's not dirty enough to affect the view yet, but when you do come to do it here's one method - https://www.skyatnightmagazine.com/advice/how-to-clean-a-reflector/ Obviously you'll need a bigger bowl for the larger mirror, but you get the idea Alternatively if you're not confident doing it yourself there are companies around that will do it too
  18. Definitely see what Svbony say However your difficulty lies in the optical length of the diagonal, a mirror based diagonal is optically shorter than a prism diagonal as it's only reflecting from one surface not many. It may be possible to add a barlow to the diagonal to get it to work, similar to how some people have to use binoviewers on their scopes.
  19. Good to see you've come to a decision 👍 The bresser has a very well thought of mount so certainly worth consideration. Realistically any one of the 3 is better than no scope at all Again though I'd say check the second hand market, for the price of one of the three new, you may be able to get something with a slightly bigger mirror used? (I too have a finance manager, so stretch the pennies as far as I can ) An 8 inch for example has nearly twice the light gathering capacity of a 6 inch, although there's a nice looking 10 inch truss dob on astro buy and sell.... 🤣
  20. That's a lovely offer thank you 👍 sadly I don't think the pulley will work with either of my current scopes focusers However, if you can let me know the motor and controller I'm sure I can knock the rest together easy enough 🤞
  21. @banjaxed would it be possible for you to put a parts list on this thread? (Sorry to revive an old one) I'm looking to put together something simple that doesn't need a computer to control, this looks like it fits the bill 👍
  22. Thanks for confirming @Stu @chrispj Link here, post number 10 has the instructions https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/709608-can-you-guess/
  23. It is possible to "decloak" the BST eyepieces, which may enable you to use them, just a thought? Thread from here showing it on different eyepieces to give you an idea Only info I can find directly about the process on BSTs is on another forum which I'm not sure is allowed, but I'm sure you could google it if needs be
  24. Maybe don't rule out a dob just yet then, you can raise them off the ground... https://www.google.com/search?q=dobsonian+riser&rlz=1C1DIMC_enGB871GB871&sxsrf=APq-WBtkejYcOW1v7KohKAaXnu-84BkH2Q:1649422002940&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi0m8fkv4T3AhWJZMAKHfBEAd4Q_AUoAnoECAIQBA&biw=1920&bih=947&dpr=1 Or get a really really big one, no clearance issues then
  25. For visual, bigger the better is the general rule. Although for my 2p worth the later upgrade of focuser is a bit of a false economy, cheaper to spend the extra £50 upfront than buy a dual speed later at a much higher cost. Lots of reflectors on the market now for example here https://www.astrobuysell.com/uk/propview.php?typechoice[]=Telescope-Reflector&titlechoice[]=For+Sale&titlechoice[]=For+Sale+-+Dealer+Ad&titlechoice[]=For+Sale+-+Kit+Tester&minprice=&maxprice= Or (another alternative sorry!) there is this very well equipped new dob here https://www.firstlightoptics.com/stellalyra-telescopes/stellalyra-8-f6-dobsonian.html dual speed, raci finder, mirror fan the works - again quite a few posts about this one, worth adding it to the mix
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