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Everything posted by DroneSaif

  1. That one probably does but I can’t use that with a QHYCCD camera. I got this one. https://global.vixen.co.jp/en/product/3878_09/ I must be missing something here ….
  2. Hi, thanks for the response. I did get the rotator in the end. but the rotator does not have any threads on the camera side. Just smooth. I was expecting M48 male threads. any ideas ?
  3. Hi, I am planning to use the FL55SS with 1. Flattener and reducer 2. Only Flattener With dedicated Astro camera from QHYCCD or ZWO. But I cannot find any information about how to attach the camera and the back focus. Does anyone have any information to help me on how to use these cameras with the scope in the above configurations ? thanks a million! saif
  4. Thank you sir! Now to wait for them to be in stock....
  5. Hi. I am planning to get the following :- Astro Essential 32mm Guide Scope (https://www.firstlightoptics.com/.../astro-essentials...) ZWO 120MC camera (https://www.firstlightoptics.com/.../zwo-asi120mc-s-usb-3...) Can I use the above combo to guide the AZ-GTI with the following ? Current Setup : Sony RX10M3 camera ( Effective 24-600mm F2.4-4, or 8.8-220mm) Target Setup William Optics GT71 (https://www.firstlightoptics.com/.../william-optics-gt-71...) ZWO ASI 178MM (https://www.firstlightoptics.com/.../zwo-asi178mm-usb-3...) Or better Any suggestions would be gratefully received
  6. Is this the scope you are using for guiding ? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32881302355.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.75133c001JjErg&mp=1
  7. Hi, I wonder if you have any feedback after using the 290mm for a while. I am looking to get this too.
  8. you're my hero! I saw your other posting on this too and that Jupiter is amazing! Did you put a Barlow on it ?
  9. Have you received the C6 yet? how has not been ? I am planning the same!
  10. Hi there, I am pretty much following the same route here. I have the AZ-GTI and am looking at the Celestron C6. But I thought the C6 is 4.54kg. Is there a version that's 3.8kg ? And how have you been with the C6 and AZ-GTI after a couple of months now ?
  11. I have it on a manfrotto tripod. VERY study, but I think it's the unit itself. I don't want to take the risk. I am in Saudi Arabia. Service will be hell.
  12. I wish I could, but I like in Saudi Arabia. Shpping the stupid mount increase the cost by £180 If anyone here wants An Astro F1 mount, we can come to some arrangement!
  13. Hi, I am looking to find an OTA that would give the best view of the planets and the moon. I woulds like to be able to get some really decent photos of the planets, specially since mars is about to enter ascension. Would like to have photos that show the polar ice caps. So as much focal length and maybe barlows would be great. The only limitation is that it needs to be < 5KG to be able to use the AZ-GTI. 4.3-4.5 KG really, to give some space for other equipments. I had a look at these and they re just a touch heavy. The SkyWactcher 150 Mak - 5.6kg TS-Optics 6" - 5.4kg Omegon CC , 154mm - 6 kg. Am I stuck at at the 5"/127mm range ? Any suggestions ? Thanks
  14. Ahhh but sir... I don’t have a Telescope yet. Right now I am just using a camera and a tripod. 😁😁 i have been looking around to find a mount and scope that makes life easier, this the need to understand.
  15. Hi all, Thank you for humouring me with these answers and they are very insightful. If I can summarise the answers. The accuracy of the GPS as they stand today is not good enough for this. Best I have seen is 5 meter radius, but I have seen discussions where 1m is possible in open space. Accuracy if Compass is also not good enough, to know the direction the mount was pointing to. I suppose a gyroscope may be more accurate, but I think using triangulation 3 GPS antenna 2 meters apart, might do the same job. Again, accuracy of GPS may be an issue. Amateur mounts do not have motors to for RA/Earth Axis alignment, thus requiring human input, which is also inaccurate. Accuracy of the mechanical movements of the motors are too low. And position information is lost if clutch is used. In think the AZ-GTI from sky watcher is able to track despite having a clutch, but yes motors may not move accurately enough. All the above meant that accuracy to the level needed on a very narrow FOV scope, is not currently achievable even for visual observers, much less for astrophotography usage. I suppose a small error will be magnified simple due to the distance involved. thank you for greatly increasing my understanding of the problem.
  16. Hi, I have been reading quite a few posts here and elsewhere about the trouble with getting the alignments too the stars accurately. I don't understand why alignment is a problem. It seems to me (perhaps naively ) that with the accurate date and time, GPS satellites and electronic compass, the mount software for goto mounts should be able to automatically align to Polaris, or to whatever star/planet the viewer wants, without the need for the alignments. I don't yet have a telescope or a mount and am looking to get enough info to get the one that's good, so perhaps the reason why I am not clear on this. What am I missing ?
  17. Hi, Did you decide on this mount in the end ?
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