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Posts posted by Jonny_H

  1. Hi all,

    I have a question in the hope that you could assist.

    One of my scopes is a SW 150PDS and I have been toying with the idea of replacing it with a larger aperture/longer focal length scope. 

    However I have also been looking at Barlows which would be significantly cheaper than a new OTA. However I've never owned one before so not sure one would suit my set-up.

    The 150 PDS is F/5 750mm FL scope and I have been looking at, for example, the BST Starguider 2x Barlow - so the end result would be a F/10 1500mm (I believe).

    My question is however, what impact would this have on imaging, other than needing to increase my exposure time vs what I am currently doing? Also how difficult is it (or not) to use a Barlow in an AP set-up? My current camera is the 533MC Pro.

    Apologies for all the questions....but would very much appreciate any comments.



  2. 7 hours ago, The Lazy Astronomer said:

    I just kept the standard dovetail - with my setup it balances with the front of dovetail just a couple of millimetres forward of the saddle.

    Another thing I found though: the rings are rubbish! They don't grip the tube tight enough. I ended up shimming them with some strips of folded paper and while that works perfectly, l will probably look for a better solution in the longer term.

    It's a good scope, but slightly let down by poor accessories.

    Ah ok - that is interesting to know re: the rings. I will keep an eye out for that when I set mine up.  Thinking about posts I have seen in the past that actually makes sense as I recall many people saying that they had upgraded to Primaluce rings or similar.

  3. On 26/05/2021 at 01:09, The Lazy Astronomer said:

    Lastly - and very importantly - before you start buying any astrophotography gear, take one last look at your bank balance so at least you'll remember what it was like to have any money! 😉


    11 hours ago, Clarkey said:

    Could not agree more. I've gone from affluent to poor in 18 months thank to Astrophotographyitis. 🤣


    6 hours ago, nfotis said:


    That punchline got me laughing hard - I am sure that you speak from personal experience 🙂



    So very true. But that said, everybody knows that spending all your money on AP gear is the key to success.....🤔😉

  4. 21 minutes ago, The Lazy Astronomer said:

    Thanks very much. ☺

    The scope's really nice, very pleased with it so far, but l have to say a fair bit bulkier than l was expecting.

    The focus point also seems super sensitive to temperature changes, so I think a focus motor is going to be a must for me to be able to leave it snapping away all night unattended.

    Yes I must admit I also wasn't expecting it to be as bulky. It is certainly a lump!  

    Have you kept yours on the standard Losmandy dovetail or did you upgrade?

    I cannot comment on the focusing yet but hoping that this horrid weather (up to today) and relentless cloud cover passes in the not so distant future!

  5. On 24/05/2021 at 10:07, The Lazy Astronomer said:

    Made use of my last few nights of astro darkness (although most of the subs ended up being taken outside of astro darkness). 

    Conditions weren't great, but here is 36 x 300s h alpha, taken over 2 nights last week

    P.s. quite possibly my total lack of processing skill, but if anyone has any tips on how to prevent Startools creating those ugly grey halos around the stars I'd very much like to hear them!

    H Alpha 3h0m v2.jpg

    Looking good there TLA.

    I received my Esprit 100 not long ago too, but sadly haven't had a chance to use it yet. The same can be said about my az eq6 😩

    Good work though. Are you pleased with the scope so far?

  6. What I don't understand, is that I cannot believe the likes of NASA didn't create merry hell about this when the proposal was put forward to the FCC who ultimately approved the programme. 

    Perhaps it's down to the fact that I do not fully understand the governance, but surely space launches of any kind will be near impossible when there are 30-40+ thousand satelittes flying around.

    I envisage it being like the scene from the movie Independence Day when the fighter planes are flying vertically trying to get through the swarms of alien space craft....! Perhaps a slight exaggeration but still....😉

    Anyway....I'm so glad I've dropped God knows how many £££'s on astrophotography gear over the past 1 1/2 years 🙄😂

    • Like 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, tomato said:

    It had to happen sooner or later. At least there is no mistaking the culprit.




    Hmm....and to think that we are nowhere near the maximum number that he is planning on putting up there....at least to my knowledge. And this is before Amazon and the like start getting in on the act in the future!

    What was the exposure time just out of interest?

  8. 4 minutes ago, scotty38 said:

    The bolt in the dovetail is to stop it sliding out rather than tipping out, the idea being the clamp is not quite tight enough (left loose after balancing etc) rather than being completely undone as it were.

    Hi Scotty.

    Yes I admit my 'test' was simulating a clamp failure so probably a tad OTT ☺️ I suppose in those scenarios you would likely be in trouble anyway!

    I have switched back to the stock skywatcher losmandy temporarily as I am experimenting something with my ADM losmandy.  That was really the reason for the cable ties as there is nowhere to add a stop bolt on the standard SW plate as it is so tiny in length.

  9. On 09/04/2021 at 21:01, Cyril said:

    More of Musks litter heading skywards today, who actually gave him permission to launch these satelittes?

    While it was annouched last week that in the north of Scotland thay have been setting up sites to access the data from the satellites.

    I believe it was the Federal Communications Commission that granted permission to launch the satellites.

    I dread to think what it will be like when they reach their goal of tens of thousands of satellites. And that doesn't include the others launching theirs in the future...Amazon etc.... a light frame will probably look like a flat in years to come as all the satellite trails will merge into a solid white background! 🤪😩

  10. 1 hour ago, chiltonstar said:

    In my case, it is a length of nylon cord with a 1/4 Whit bolt on one end screwed into the scope rail, with a loop at the other end around a knob on the mount. Saved my scope on one occasion....



    This sounds similar to what I have done albeit mine seems more 'bodged' in the sense that I have just used heavy duty cable ties. See pic 😉

    I was just curious what the belt and brace method was as i wasn't sure if it was a 'system' that could be purchased.

    Re: the stop bolt method - that works well for my newtonian but with my Esprit 100, I assume given the additional weight, the bolt doesn't really do anything. In test when the bolt catches the edge of the saddle the entire lot then tips up and backwards and would otherwise just fall out.  I have tried using different length bolts but to no avail - hence the use of cable ties.




  11. Hi Maideneer

    This reminds me of my very first image (also a lunar shot) taken freehand with my phone hovering over the eyepiece.

    Similar to what you have mentioned, the quality wasn't the best but to me it was the best photo I had ever captured!

    Definitely stick with it - it is a superb hobby and you will keep getting those moments on everything you capture.

    Great job!




    • Like 1
  12. Hi all,

    As above - whilst researching different types of losmandy dovetails etc.... I have stumbled across a few people commenting on 'belt and brace'. 

    From what I can gather it seems to relate to an extra bit of security in case of saddle failure/slippage.

    Curiosity has got the better of me and I am intrigued to see what this method is but I cannot seem to find any photos or more info on it.

    Can anyone shed some light on this mythical method? 🤔





  13. Hi John.

    How far are you away from the ASIAir when you try to connect with your phone? As others have mentioned the WiFi on the ASI isn't the best. Boot up the ASIAir until it beeps. Give it another short moment and then go to your phones WiFi settings. Ive never had the make phone you are using but there should be an 'available networks' section which in theory should automatically find the ASI's network. Or you may have a button on the phone screen where you can manually trigger the phone to search for new networks?

    If that doesn't work it may be the android issue you mention or indeed an issue with the ASI's internal WiFi card.

    Is your wife's tablet an android also? Can you get access to or borrow an ipad or iphone? Just to rule out any issues with the ASI unit?

  14. Well........I still haven't had a chance to use this yet.... Beautiful British weather 😆

    In fairness it isn't all the weather's fault.  We have had works done on our patio over the past few weeks, so on the few occasions where we have had reasonably clear skies I couldnt set up in the garden anyway.

    Oh well.....rain for the next few days! God I love this hobby 😜

  15. On 07/05/2021 at 20:33, ollypenrice said:

    Mirror size is about as important as the colour of the socks you wear during the capture.


    And here was me thinking that wearing my lucky blue socks whilst imaging dramatically improves my images 😩 😜

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  16. 16 minutes ago, carastro said:

    I replaced mine with a Vixen longer dovetail, as don't have Losmandy anyway.  I have never heard of a scope sliding off the mount, but if it makes you feel more comfortable,

    Stupid length of a dovetail to supply with an otherwise well made and not so cheap telescope.  How on Earth are you supposed to balance things.  


    Thanks Carole,

    To be honest, neither had I up until recently where I had read a couple of horror stories and thought to myself "that would be just my luck".

    But yes agreed that the length of the supplied losmandy is daft for what is, as you mentioned, an expensive scope.

    How do you find the vixen dovetail? Donyou experience any flex with it?

    1 hour ago, PeterCPC said:

    Thanks Peter. Just out of interest what made you choose the ADM over the 7" Skywatcher one? 



  17. Hi all,

    I hope everyone is keeping well.

    I have recently taken delivery of an Esprit 100ed. However I can't work out whether or not I am comfortable with the standard Losmandy dovetail which comes with the scope. More so because there is no room to add a 'safety bolt' at the end to stop the scope from sliding off of the mount, but also for balancing purposes - there is hardly any movement, if at all, to slide the OTA up or down to achieve balance.

    Anyhow - just curious on what others have done, whether that is buying a new and longer Losmandy dovetail or just stuck with the original.



  18. Hi all,

    As above, after what felt like an age - this beauty arrived earlier this afternoon (thank you to @FLO).

    A quick question though to other owners - I am looking to replace the standard losmandy dovetail with a longer one as I think i would feel more comfortable with bolts at the end of the dovetail to prevent the scope sliding off of the mount.  Do others use the 180mm or 355mm Losmandy dovetail (assuming you have kept to the Skywatcher brand)?

    Also, if anyone mounts a guide scope on top of the tube rings - which length UNC bolts do you use?

    Thanks and apologies in advance for the terrible weather!




    • Like 10
  19. I have an ASIAir Pro and have been using it for a few months now.

    I have to say I haven't had any real issues with mine *touch wood* other than the odd initial connection problem. But the built-in wifi isn't very good in terms of range.

    Re: the star lost message - this is correct. This has only happened to me a couple of times and can't say the images were really impacted.

    I do appreciate though that a number of people have complained about multiple issues with their units so maybe I was just lucky with mine....🤔



  20. It is very flexible compared with the standard cable.

    I haven't had a chance to use the mount yet so I cannot provide any useful feedback other than the cable looks and feels good...😆

    Some might argue that is all that matters! 😉

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