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Posts posted by Jonny_H

  1. 11 hours ago, Dazzyt66 said:

    I've just taken the plunge and got a RasPi 4 & FLIRC Case on the way! Been checking out KStars and EKos for the last few days and have it all working on my macbook with my HEQ5 perfectly. So, Astroberry will be my solution now for getting more into AP and pretty much all EEVA. No cables at all running to the house - mount and pi will be powered by powertank when UK weather allows and atm my mount is using the Synscan App (which I still need to use from my phone until I replace it with an EQMod cable direct to the pi next month ). No longer will I need to use a PC for astro stuff and my mac for everything else! It feels quite liberating... 😁

    I treated myself to an ASIAIR Pro not long ago and it's amazing!

    No more laptop, extra cables etc... definitely a game changer! 🙂

    • Like 1
  2. Hi all,

    I thought I would have a go at M81 last night.

    The clouds were very temperamental so only manged to capture 1hr 20 mins of lights @ 16 x 300s.

    I still have a lot of work to do on my capturing and post processing but don't think it is hideous.

    Clear skies.



    • Like 13
  3. 17 minutes ago, Stargazer33 said:

    Focus with your camera. The focal length will be slightly different between your ep and your cameras sensor. 

    If you haven't got a bahtinov aid in your imaging software you can download the free program Bahtinov Grabber

    Thanks for this. I will take a look at that.

    I am currently using an ASIAIR pro and I'm not aware that it has a bahtinov aid albeit it does allow for an EAF (which i don't have at present).

  4. Hello all,

    I have a bahtinov mask on order for my 150PDS as I have been struggling with focus lately when imaging. Currently I have been focusing manually by eye.....or at least trying to 😉

    Anyhow....in the fear of this being a silly question - what is the best method for focusing using a bahtinov mask prior to an imaging session? e.g. should you get into focus using an eyepiece first then switch to your AP camera? Or should you focus using your AP camera? Or doesn't it really matter?

    Any input and info would be much appreciated.

    Clear skies.



  5. 47 minutes ago, DaddyG said:

    Ok thanks for the quick replies, I have seen a Celestron Netstar SLT 127 with extras for sale near me and think I may go for viewing whilst looking into astrophotography.

    I know it's going to be costly enough so don't want to buy anything that's not suited!! And am guessing the number of telescopes you need is always

    n +1!?





    I started off last year with a single telescope and a mount and was quite strict with myself about buying wisely so that I didn't have to buy anything else.......

    1 year later, another scope on order and a much lighter wallet 😩

    It's all worth it though and you will love it!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  6. Hi all,

    I wondered if anyone had any good recommendations for replacements of the ZWO supplied flat USB cables - specifically the USB 2.0 cable for the 120MM mini and the USB 3.0 for the 533MC Pro. I assume these cables are similar/the same used in other models but have stated my cameras incase they are unique to each camera.

    Nothing wrong as such with the cables - for reasons I cannot explain I just have a bit of a 'thing' against the flat/ribbon-style ones.

    • Like 1
  7. 31 minutes ago, AstroRookie said:

    It turns out it's just me ...

    A friend suggested to shine with a flashlight into the holes, to see if there are threads present, and what do I see, there are already locking screws in the holes.

    So this stupid here tried to screw locking screws into locking screws ... I feel so stupid, but I have the "advantage", I can always fallback to my username


    If its any consolation - a few weeks back I thought something was seriously wrong with my new ZWO ASI533MC Pro.

    At the end of a session I wanted to capture another target just to see what it looked like in the frame (ready for the next session). The 'light frame' came out pitch black to which I thought my camera had given up the ghost. I started frantically googling to see if anyone else had the same issue.

    Cut-two - I had left the dust cap on the scope (from when I was shooting the dark and bias frames) and had obviously forgotten to take it off before moving to the target 😩

    • Like 2
  8. 33 minutes ago, Mr Spock said:

    The nebulosity is well captured and shows the illumination well; it has a lovely delicate colour - well done. But, as noted, it's out of focus. A Bahtinov mask should sort that for you.

    The next step would be to manage the core. I'll leave that to the experts.

    Yes i really am still a novice to AP.  I am still getting to grips with post processing and agreed the core needs to be tamed.

  9. 2 minutes ago, MartinB said:

    That has the makings of a great image but, as you say, the focus is off and there is no recovering that.  How are you focusing?

    If I am being honest - completely manually and unaided at present.  I am thinking a Bahtinov mask might do me some favours!?

    • Like 1
  10. Hi all,

    I managed to get 1hr 15 mins of lights in tonight before I lost the target behind a neighbours tree.

    I attempted dithering for the first time and it seems to have resolved a lot of the noise I was getting in previous images.

    Anyhow - I would welcome any feedback/pointers. Apologies in advance for the focus....or lack of!

    15 x 300 sec lights, darks, flats and  bias. Stacked in APP and tinkered in PI.




    • Like 2
  11. 6 minutes ago, philtodd said:

    Related to this, is there any issues with the scope and kit needing to cool down before observing? Would it be better to store in eg the garage (surely no more of a security risk than being in an obsy outside?)

    I will let others chime in here, but i don't believe leaving the scopes inside will have any detrimental impacts to the mirrors etc.... of course within reason.

    I think the benefits of leaving the scope as close to ambient temperatures like you say means that it will need less cooling down time (if any).

  12. On 15/03/2021 at 22:09, newbie alert said:

    For that kind of price I'd go esprit 100 over the W/O 

    I was originally looking at the 100 and for reasons i can't explain I keep getting drawn in to it.

    The only gripe I have is that it is reasonably similar to my 150pds in the sense that it doesn't give me a hugely different fov (Albeit still noticeable).

    Granted the 91 has a similar fov but with the dedicated reducer it takes the fov a step wider.

    Unless of course there is a reducer that works with the 100?

  13. 21 minutes ago, Jonny_H said:

    Thanks TLA,

    I might be wrong but I think FLO uses the 104 in the IKI?

    So.....I think I have narrowed it down to 3 contenders: Stellamira 85, WO GT81 iv or the TS-Optics CF-APO 90. This after discounting the FLT91 (for reasons I can't explain it doesn't give me 'the feeling').

    The Stellamira and TS-Optics seem similar in terms of focal length and speed so I guess it will be down to personal choice. The WO will give me a slightly wider fov....All will be used for AP so will be getting a FF/reducer.


  14. On 15/03/2021 at 23:45, The Lazy Astronomer said:

    I think the Stellamira 85 is what FLO use for the IKI observatory, if you wanted to check out some data (granted those images are from an excellent location, but still...)

    Thanks TLA,

    I might be wrong but I think FLO uses the 104 in the IKI?

    So.....I think I have narrowed it down to 3 contenders: Stellamira 85, WO GT81 iv or the TS-Optics CF-APO 90.

    The Stellamira and TS-Optics seem similar in terms of focal length and speed so I guess it will be down to personal choice. The WO will give me a slightly wider fov....All will be used for AP so will be getting a FF/reducer.

  15. Hi all,

    I have in the past asked a question as to how everyone leaves their set-up after a night's imaging session. Further to that question though....does anyone leave there imaging rig complete when not in use? E.g. scope left on mount, cameras attached and so on....?

    Mine currently lives in the corner of my lounge more-or-less completely set-up other than cameras and cables. I do this mainly to reduce set-up time (e.g. not having to set-up from scratch).

    Curious to hear what others do and why 🙂

    Clear skies.


  16. 18 minutes ago, Iced Tiger said:

    I did not get the flattener, I went for a red 91 to match my guide scope and camera’s. I looked at the flattener on the William Optics website and it looks all black. Might invest in one, FLO only have one in stock, I have emailed them asking what colour it is.

    Yes that's what I would probably go for tbh for the same reasons (cameras, EAF & asiair pro all in red).

  17. 12 minutes ago, Iced Tiger said:

    Not managed to use my new FLT 91 yet, still waiting to source a Skywatcher EQ6 R Pro mount. When I looked at the fov it matched the Esprit 100ED I was also looking into buying for imaging. FLO had the FLT 91 in stock in red so I took the plunge, my guide scope is the William Optics 50mm with a ZWO 290MM and the main camera is a ZWO 294MC. 

    Nice.  If i decide to get the 91 the next tough decision will be the colour! 😆

    Out of interest did you also get the flat6iii flattener with your scope?  Interested to see the colour of that if so.  On Flo's website it shows the gold version but there is a bit of text that says that the colours in the image may differ for the FLT91 version.

  18. Hi all,

    Curious to see if anyone has any reviews/thoughts on the WO FLT 91 scope.

    As some know - I am currently looking for a nice refractor (now to sit beside my 150PDS as opposed to replacing it) and will be used primarily for imaging like the 150.

    I have therefore been looking at shorter wider field fracs such as the Esprit 80, GT-81 and similar.

    However the FLT 91 has also caught my eye. It seems that with the dedicated 0.8x reducer/flattener it puts it into a very similar fov as the others.

    My main imaging camera is the 533MC Pro.

    Any thoughts?

    Clear skies.


  19. 26 minutes ago, PeterCPC said:

    Yes I would say 2 hrs min. If you use BYE or APT, dithering is very straightforward.

    Thanks Peter,

    I am currently using a ZWO ASIair Pro connected to mount (HEQ5 Pro) using an EQDIR cable.

    You can dither using the aisair but the instructions allude to not trying if you're a beginner.....which I am...so I haven't yet! ☺️

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