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Everything posted by JonCarleton

  1. You know, I believe I am finding the differences in mix of software as interesting as the primary choices. Lots of ways to fry a potato.
  2. It isn't easy, especially with dark, dim objects. That is why it is better to start with the low hanging fruit (bright things). But it is possible!
  3. I can't say about the scope, but I have several SVBONY lenses and both the SV105 and SV305 cameras. They aren't top of the line, but are certainly value for the money. Also, I must mention, that in my dealings with SVBONY customer service, I have always been pleased with the result and found them to be reasonable and cooperative. That is, dealing with SVBONY directly, without a 3rd party.
  4. Thanks for that. I have a feeling this topic needs to be revisited periodically as software changes.
  5. I am a Linux user and have been using Siril and GIMP for my post processing. The reasons are, I don't know the difference, am comfortable with using GIMP (many years now) and Siril, because it was free and worked better than other free software that would run on my systems. I am not horribly displeased with my choices and results, but I recognize that there are some more capable systems out there. I have also seen some results that seem a bit over-processed to my untrained eye. So...what are YOU using, hmm? And why? What do you like? What don't you like? Though I am myself a dyed-in-wool Unix user, my intent is not to limit this thread to Unix/Linux software (and I will admit to having tried the Windows version of RegiStax and a few others in a Linux/Windows emulator, but they ran slow, crashed on occasion and smelled funny). So, bring up Windows software as well, that is expected. I'll start: I like GIMP, but I have ages of time behind it and see no reason to abandon that bit of processing UNLESS there is a stacker that does a lot of the same work as well or better with less effort. Siril, not so much. It does what it does really efficiently, but has limits. If you have a dataset that falls into one of its favorite niches, then I suspect its stacking is as good as most other stackers. If you have any special needs, desires or dreams, as I said, not so much. I have only used a few other stackers, and only briefly, so I plead insanity for the purposes of my Siril evaluation....but it is free, and does what it does reasonably well.
  6. I am in Bortel 6. I am not using a DSLR, so all I can say is 2 second exposure with gain set to about 30%. This was not a stacked image, but one basically untouched, unprocessed shot. I provided it as a reference. There are some easy targets. Simply put, the bright ones are easy. Start with the bright ones. What you actually see in your camera or telescope, even with a bright target, may just be a fuzzy blob (my image was not a fuzzy blob....because it was REALLY bright). Look at some videos on YouTube about stretching an image, such as this one: As to your computer thinking DSS is a virus...I operate in Linux. What is a virus?
  7. The image I posted was without tracking. I have an Alt/Az mount with tracking, but it was not on for this particular image. 2 seconds is about all I can do without star trails with tracking off. I can manage 10-15 seconds with tracking on, but not much more without a guide scope with my mount. Some folks would say that deep sky is impractical without an equatorial mount. Still, using stacking, I can get some good results with lots and lots of small-duration images. It wouldn't hurt to download some of the free image processing and stacking software packages and play a bit with that end of it. Lots of folks here and on other forums have some of their image data online for download so people can gain experience. That way, you can see the results that can be had from many dim single images put together and processed.
  8. OK...one word for a starter in DSOs: Globular Clusters! Mmm..ok..two words. But seriously, these are the brightest and easiest to spot even in highly light-polluted environments. There are several up this time of year (summer 2020). I particularly like M13. I threw this image of M92 together to give you an idea of a rough image. This is a single 2 second exposure without stacking or stretching and only sizing in GIMP for processing (read that as just making a small png file for posting).
  9. 50 - 10 second exposures stacked in Siril and finished with GIMP in Linux on a RaspberryPi4. M3 and M13
  10. No problem. Most folks misspell my first or last names and nobody has a prayer of getting my middle name right the first few tries.
  11. I use one on my 10" Dobsonian. It works ok, for planets and fair for deep sky. Not bad for the price. The biggest downside is that you are limited to control software and cannot use it with V4L drivers in Linux. Although, the Linux version of AstroDMx_Capture is a very capable program. It may be difficult to match with auto-focus, plate-solving or guiding software unless the softare is designed to accept images from another software source. I do not use Windows software, so I cannot speak to that specifically.
  12. The thing is, it isn't ALWAYS up and right. If the slew was lastly right, then it will only be up (assuming you didn't fiddle with the centering manually), likewise, if the last bit of slew was up, then it will only flash right. If you press both when only one is flashing, it assumes you are doing some kind of manipulation for centering and will wait a moment and flash them both without enabling the Complete button from your initial button mashing. They really need to find better contrast in the flash and grey-out of their controls in night mode...but once you know, I suppose it is just a fiddly issue.
  13. Yep...that got me in the beginning. It's fairly inconvenient, but what they are trying to do is sure up the gears against the load of the scope so it doesn't droop the distance of the gear play while moving to the next target. The SynScan APP will DEMAND you tap Up Arrow and/or Right Arrow (or both) before it will allow the alignment complete button to work. If you look carefully, you can see the "required" arrows blinking....barely. I can't tell you how many times I pressed complete and moved on only to find I had a scope that wasn't aligned before I noticed the barely blinking arrows. A quick light tap is all they require, then get right to the Complete button. Note that the Complete button is grayed out (read that as marginally darkened, but not enough to really notice) until you have done your diligence with the arrows. Once the arrows are happy, the Complete button changes to active color again. You should get an "Alignment Successful" message when all goes well. I think that in their zeal to make the display night-friendly, they have made some of the indications very difficult to see.
  14. Just to keep current...M13 on 2020-05-10 SkyWatcher 10" Dobsonian w/Synscan GOTO via WiFi using Synscan Android App controlled by INDI running on a RP4b/Raspbian 32 bit mode on the telescope controlled via WiFi by a remote Ubuntu 20.04 x86_64 laptop with it direct USB amplified cable connection to the SVBONY 305. Images recorded wtih AstroDMx_Capture Linux x86_64 version. No filters, no additional lenses. 50 subs @ 10 seconds - 20% gain 50 darks Stacked with Siril/Linux and stretched with GIMP.
  15. I got a note this morning from SVBONY regarding their progress on the SDK for the 305, which will make it easier for software developers to integrate. They intend to produce the SDK and if not completed INDI support, then directions for those interested in using the SDK to make such adaptations. They have engaged a software developer for the task, but it will come after work on the soon-to-be-released 305-pro, a reissue of the 305 with an additional guide port. CV-19 turned them upside down for a bit, though they seem to be moving forward again now.
  16. 10 May 2020 I heard back from AstroDMx_Capture. As suspected, there is currently no version of AstroDMx_Capture that runs on the PI4 running an arm64 OS. The clue is in the distribution folder named x86_64 and the lack of a folder named arm64. They (AstroDMx_Capture) are waiting for a promised SDK from SVBONY for the 305 that was scheduled for release in May. Given I have received several unsolicited emails from SVBONY with apologies for a small order I placed in March that has not yet left China, I'd say it may be a bit longer before things normalize with SVBONY. It currently requires the 64 x86_64 version of AstroDMx_Capture to control a SVBONY 305 in Linux. The 105 and 205 will work with the 32 bit version of AstroDMx_Capture, or any V4L Linux video software (cheese or VLC are often used as well). The 32 bit versions of AstroDMx_Capture will run in 32bit Ubuntu, Mate, Raspbian and many other 32 bit Linux versions....but will not operate the 305. So, to use the SVBONY 305 in Linux today, you need a desktop or laptop with an x86_64 processor and a really long USB cable going into the house or sit outside by the scope with the bugs. I should mention that a really long USB cable needs to be the amplified variety once you get over 15' (5 meters) or so. Using a powered USB hub can also help as an option. For real distance (> 30') I suggest USB ethernet extenders. You can get 150' (50 meters) +/- with that arrangement. Meanwhile, we wait... for that moment when SVBONY releases the 305 SDK and the arm64 version of AstroDMx_Capture is created and/or the 32 bit existing versions of AstroDMx_Capture are updated to operate the 305. AstroDMx_Capture developers were very speedy in their response and have updated the text description of the 64 version on their website to try and avoid future confusion regarding applicability.
  17. OK...I built a Pi4b Ubuntu 20.04 64-bit SERVER with xubuntu desktop. Then, I manually installed AstroDMx_Capture. It will not run and barks with the same error Whytey received. I'm dropping a note to the developer and will report back when I get a response.
  18. Hmmm....I haven't gotten the SV305 to work yet with a 64-bit OS on a Pi4. The 64 bit server version of Ubuntu has only just started working on a Pi4. AstroDMx_Capture 32-bit version will not recognize the SV305. It will recognize the 105 and 205. So, the question is, which version of Ubuntu do you have? I do have a version of Ubuntu Server 64-bit running on a Pi4. Tomorrow, I will try and test it to see if there is a problem with AstroDMx_Capture.
  19. Stay with 0.68.1. I think you might have some residue from early installs. What hardware are you using? Is this a Pi4?
  20. That sounds like a possible issue with multiple install attempts. And yes, that is one way to do the debug. Here is what my "ls -l" of the bin folder says: total 19772 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 20167992 Feb 1 15:58 astrodmx_capture -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 18584 Feb 1 15:59 fxload -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 211 Jun 27 2019 launcher_debug.sh -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 81 Jun 27 2019 launcher.sh -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 48688 Feb 1 15:59 uvcdynctrl run ls -l /usr/local/AstroDMx_Capture/bin and see if yours differs. Take special care to notice the permissions (-rwrx-xr-x) and file size of the astrodmx_capture executable file. If they don't match mine, that could be an issue. You may have grabbed the wrong install file. try "cat /usr/local/AstroDMx_Capture/bin/launcher.sh" and you will see that line 4 is simply asking to run the astrodmx_capture file.
  21. Try running the launcher from a terminal so you can see the errors: /usr/local/AstroDMx_Capture/bin/launcher.sh There is also a DEBUG launcher...but all it does is take the terminal output and dump it into a file.
  22. Typo.....should be libstdc++6 stands for Standard C++ library version 6
  23. Let me know if you have any issues. I have a fair handle on Linux (since the 1990's) and communicate with SVBONY and AstroDMx_Capture periodically. You do have libstc++6 installed, yes? (check by trying to install it: sudo apt install libstdc++6) I'm fairly happy with AstroDMx_Capture..as a stand-alone, but I want more integration with INDI so I can use it for AutoFocus and plate solving.
  24. I just upgraded to 20.04 LTS ubuntu on all my systems, but I was happy with 18.0.4.x. Hmm...there was a bug related to a version of libstdc++.so.6 as supplied with the install having been updated by the Mesa in the OS and not being compatible. The fix was to move the original library file out of the way, letting it find the system-supplied file. Try this: cd /usr/local/AstroDMx_Capture/lib sudo mkdir backup sudo mv libstdc++.so.6 backup You'll have to provide your login password for the first sudo line. You would have had the same issue with the .deb file. Don't mess with .rpm files in Ubuntu, they aren't really compatible.
  25. I only use linux. Currently, I use AstroDMx_Capture on an Linux Ubuntu laptop with a LONG USB cable out to the scope. The Pi4 runs raspian currently and is the indiserver that runs telescope control (SynScan) and focus (Waveshare HAT focuser). with ind/Ekos/Kstars. So far, I have only heard that there is progress coming from the author of AstroDMx_Capture and SVBONY, but the date of a fix isn't set in stone yet. What I think we are looking for is some 32bit version of AstroDMx_Capture that will run in Raspbian OR some integration with indi by either SVBONY or AstroDMx_Capture. I have a version of 64bit Ubuntu working on my Pi4B, but I haven't tested it yet with the 64bit AstroDMx_Capture and SBVONY305, as I expect the new release this week (today=2020-05-07).
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