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Everything posted by JonCarleton

  1. I did not select a mount. However, it reads the Synscan firmware version correctly (4.390400) , says Model = Unknown model, Goto = 0, Pointing = -- and Tracking Mode = Alt/Az in Mount Information on the INDI Control Panel. This, apparently from the connection startup query. Frankly, I can't see how to change it. The mount is a Dobsonian, so Alt/Az seems right, The Goto = 0 seems odd. Something is definitely backwards or off somehow. I've triple checked the LatLons and made sure I wasn't getting a default E Longitude. That got me once when I was just using the handset. Doing a full alignment did no good at all. It still skews the wrong way, although Stellarium shows the target icon going to the right place...even though the scope goes elsewhere.
  2. OK.... Camera on hold until I get the pointing figured out. It is a cheap camera, and I may just have to replace it. On both Stellarium and Kstars I can get the INDI synscan driver to move the scope around. I can point, for example to Polaris and and fire it up (no alignment) and it is happy with being at Polaris. I tell it to go to Capella, and it goes...the WRONG WAY...but more or less the right distance. The displays both show that it went to Capella...but it didn't. Both Kstars and Stellarium have the same issue. However, if I tell it to go back to Polaris, it goes happily back reasonably accurately. I also find that I can't turn on tracking on the INDI control panel. I click it on and it clicks itself off again. I'm going to align it again with the handset and see if that makes any difference, but I don't have high hopes. CLEARLY, I have something key configured wrong. Connectivity seems happily stable without the Android app peeking in via WiFi. Thank you for your kind assistance. I'm new to this equipment, but I used to be a fair programmer. I am REALLY enjoying the scope...but these little technical glitches bug me. I feel certain there is something I have configured wrong, as you mentioned.
  3. Ok, apparently, plugging in the USB port to the hand unit while the synscan hand unit is in control causes things to go randomly wonky. This happens if you plug it in before power-up or after initialization. My next guess is to try switching the hand unit to "PC control" afer initialization and alignment and then pluging in the USB cable and starting indiserver. I seem to recall that it didn't connect with the INDI drivers when I previously tried the setting....but perhaps I am mistaken. Also...anyone have any luck with a SVBONY SV105 CCD? I can get it to work in daylight looking at trees a half mile away, but I can't seem to get it to focus on the moon or stars. Just a blurry image.
  4. I just purchased a SkyWatcher 10" Dobsonian with the stock SynScan GOTO setup. It has been fighting me from the outset, and is winning most of the battles so far. Admittedly, I may have added more complications to the issues. The synscan hand controller is slow and clunky and doesn't give as many options for alignment as the Android app, So, I have been starting the hand unit, getting through the initialization and telling it not to do the alignment. Then I connect to the WiFi with the app and complete the alignment. So far, so good. Just when I was getting this down, I found KStars. So, I built a remote using a pi 4B and the INDI drivers and configured KStars on my desktop. All the devices are running Ubuntu or Android. I seem to have trouble the moment I plug in the USB cable to the hand controller. It would be nice I could connect the remote via WiFi so I could use network tools to see what is going on, but I don't see how that could happen presently. Please correct me if I am mistaken about making the remote to synscan connection via WiFi. When I connect the USB, Sometimes KStars says I need to align and try again. Sometimes on the Android app, some of the pointing buttons stop working. Telescope control from either of the three devices is unreliable. I'm guessing I have too many cooks. Tonight's plan is to try dropping the Android app from the mix and doing the alignment from the hand controller then operating KStars. I have the following questions: 1. Should I plug in the USB before I power things up? Does it matter? 2. I notice there is a Control Drives with PC option on the hand controller. When select it, the INDI synscan driver loses the ability to move the scope. Is there another direct connect driver I should use to cut the synscan mechanism out of the equation? 3. The complete questions is probably, "What is the standard setup sequence and connectivity for this equipment and normal order of operations for startup?"
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