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Everything posted by AndyThilo

  1. I've ordered another Esprit 80 from FLO with Es Reid's optical test/check. Fingers crossed this will be the end of these issues for me. Decided that a GT81 would be a problem to mount all my kit (pocket power box/USB hub/compute stick) and a Esprit 100 would exceed the limit of my EQ5 Pro.
  2. Well I’m getting a refund. There was no guarantee that a third scope would be any better direct from the distributor. So now I need to decide what to replace it with. Another one from FLO with the optical test, a WO GT81, maybe stretch and upgrade to a Esprit 100, although not sure my EQ5 Pro will take it. Any other options to consider from FLO?
  3. Well it’s defiantly not the scope rings, which is good. Tested with just a UV/IR filter and stock foot. Taking it back tomorrow and will demand another new one. Last chance before I demand a full refund and buy one from FLO with the optical test. Or maybe change to something else like a WO 81GT. Photo is stretched 60 sec shot of Capella just to highlight the issue.
  4. Ah ok :), forget the webcam then. Try and get your DSLR running with Sharpcap.
  5. If you want to start imaging then forget a webcam. Get a cheap secondhand Canon DSLR. I don't know what your budget is but you can get them from eBay ranging from £30 to £200. As long as it has live view (for focusing) and preferably a flip out screen it will be a great first step in to Astrophotography.
  6. Yeah it’s definitely a plus, but I’d rather not have the hassle in the first place lol.
  7. Sharpcam uses your imaging camera I believe, I’ve never used it but heard good things. I bought a polemaster as I wanted precise alignment from the start. Less time I spend setting up, the more I can spend imaging.
  8. Yeah it's not looking good lol. Hopefully I get some clear sky tomorrow to take some test shots of Pleiades to compare with the scope having no rings and a basic UV/IR filter fitted. On the plus side, I might be having it checked by a certain optical master who lives very close to me :).
  9. If you want to set up your mount to physically mark your home positions for RA and DEC, this guide is very easy to follow and uses the handset. It's the same theory, just a different method: https://worcspaul.wordpress.com/2011/06/14/accurately-setting-the-“home”-or-“park”-position-on-a-skywatcher-eq5-pro-mount/ It's for the EQ5, but it's a valid method for relatively any mount. For polar aligning, just use Sharpcap or get a Polemaster. Far easier than breaking your back staring through a polar scope.
  10. Yeah I know, I refrained from commenting on their idea of factory calibration lol. In hindsight I wish I'd bought from FLO and used their optical test option. I'll see what happens without the rings and filter. If it's still bad then it's going back for a refund. I'll then have to decide what replaces it. Either another from FLO with the optical test, or something else, maybe a WO GT81.
  11. I'm not sure what testing they carry out, be they certainly didn't test the new one as I asked. They stated that they're all calibrated/tested at the factory.... I've taken the rings off and put the original foot back on. TBH the only thing I need rings for are the guider. If this cures it then I'll get an OAG. I have a full diameter dew strap fitted, controlled by my pocket power box. I'll try it without a filter as well, although the original had the same star patterns with 3 different filters, but it's a good suggestion. Just need some clear skies! I did think about getting an artificial star but not sure how much that would help me.
  12. You don't need clear skies to test. Have it setup indoors with the mount pointing North, use a compass on your phone. Doesn't have to be exact. Then with the scope parked, weights down/scope up, bring up an app on your phone like startracker or anything that will use your phones gyro to look for objects. Slew to say the sun, and see if the scope matches your phone. If it's close, you're good to go. I used this when I was diagnosing my EQMOD issues which turned out to be a conflict between the handset and EQMOD. Ditching the handset and using EQMOD with a EQDIR cable cured it.
  13. I'm wondering, could my scope rings be causing this issue? Could they be too tight, is this the reason why SW don't supply the Esprit 80 with rings? Hopefully I'll get clear skies tomorrow evening to test. I'll have to ditch the guide scope but should be able to get 60sec subs with my EQ5 Pro unguided.
  14. Well...[removed word] :(, excuse my language. New scope is even worse. New on the left, old on the right. New was shot with L-Enhance which is the wrong filter but I just wanted to see the star shape. Halos are better but new has 2 distinct spikes opposite each other. Sigh....... Is it too much to ask for a good quality scope when you pay £1100??
  15. Hi, in an effort to reduce time spent splitting apart my imaging train I was thinking of getting a filter drawer. The ZWO one looks good as it would replace my current M48 to M42 spacer. But I wonder how light sealed they are? I don't want to start having issues with light leaks when doing long exposures and darks... :- https://www.365astronomy.com/zwo-2-filter-drawer-with-m48-m42-connections.html I did think about a motorised 1.25" wheel but then I'd have to change out my existing 2" filters. Also I wouldn't use this much, just when it would be beneficial to do HaRGB etc..
  16. Hope the new is better for sure, otherwise that will be also be going back and I'll have to consider whether I want a 3rd. Or insist another gets sent off for proper checking and alignment. It's also evident on my California Nebula photo, exactly the same pattern. And the M45 was with a CLS-CCD filter, the California with a L-Enhance. NGC 1499 California Nebula by Andy Thilo, on Flickr
  17. Yeah it's the only scope I have so I was lost without it. Fortunately they're not far from me so I dropped it off and picked up the new one. Hopefully get to test it on Sunday looking at the forecast.
  18. Well I have a shiny new Esprit 80. Not sure how much they checked mine. Hopefully this one will perform better!
  19. Yeah it was a close call but the framing really sold it, plus the fact the 294 will be better suited to a longer scope if I get one. Upto 1200mm should be ok according to the CCD Suitablilty checker
  20. I recently had to decide between the 294 and 533. In the end the FOV/Framing of the 294 won me over. Good darks negate the amp glow and whilst it's a bit undersampled with my Esprit 80, a x2 drizzle takes care of that. Mono will definately be an future upgrade but only when I have a semi-permanent setup that I can leave running for hours,
  21. Dropped the scope off at Optical Vision this morning (distributors for Skywatcher in the UK). They will look at it tomorrow hopefully and let me know what's happening. Their warehouse there :O, thousands of boxes of Skywatcher mounts, scopes, everything :D.
  22. Hi Dave The flats seem to work fine, just like to know it's right or if there's an optimal exposure time. I take flats and flat darks straight after my lights, same temperature. I stack everything in PI using a modified BPP script which allows flat darks to be used instead of Bias frames. I do dither every frame in APT and also use that to drizzle in PI as my 294/Esprit 80 is a little undersampled. Cheers Andy
  23. Hi Does anyone know the 'optimal' exposure time for flats with an ASI294MC Pro? Currently I'm using a Gerd Newmann flat field generator with a 12V -> 3V adjustable regulator. With it set to 4.5V I'm getting 4sec exposures @ ADU 25000. 4 sec is what APT's flat aid. It all seems ok but I'm always looking to improve areas where I can and wonder what others thoughts were? Thanks Andy
  24. My first of 2020, captured last night. Full details below from Astrobin (lazy I know :D). NGC 1499 California Nebula by Andy Thilo, on Flickr
  25. Great video, look forward to seeing more in 2020
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