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joe aguiar

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Posts posted by joe aguiar

  1. just so you know that's scope is an acro NOT the apo version.

    here in North America too all the scopes were called black diamond as the colour is black with small white dots (hense the name) BUT not all of them were the apo designs.

    The only ones that have always been apo 51 glass when skywatcher first came out with that light blue version like 12 years to 15 years ago then after all were 53 doublets noe in the gold/  black diamond/evostar lines.

    Again the apo 53 glass models are Only the




    150mmf/8 models

    the other scope may be called also black diamond or now its evostar but they are acros not apos so there will be colour around the bright stuff


  2. image quality was much better much sharper as my vid says it was much sharper in a 2" 32mm ep, so even in low power I could see it much shaper and contrast.  This is when Saturn is one of its worst years too. however yes as I said to most people a doublet 53 apo at f/9 is also rated very good in fact the abbie rateing for this scope is 98% so I didn't think it be such a huge quality image difference but it was.

    John I was able to see the same features on both but tak was just sharper clearer to see and more contrast. but for $1200 the SW 100f/9 is also a good scope too it depends if you want a good better or best and how much your willing to pay.

    as I said few times when it comes to cell phone I am old school I get the cheapest phones (galaxy 3 is what I have now). some may say that's old compared to whats new out there BUt to me that's all I need I don't do apps, and to me my phone is just a phone or to text its not a camera or computer. so to me that's not important others it maybe a scope.  A decent apo or entry level apo is more then enough for what they want which is fine.

    I also did compared my 120mm TSA to the meade 130mm 6000 model too BUT I cant say what happened as I cant give details until I do a video for my channel first probally in the spring time. or iam doing my channel harm in giving that info out before I realease that info.

    But back to what I started with that's the difference I saw hope that helps if you want to see that video u can, I also have others like the 6" evostar if anyone is interested in buying that scope first you can get a first hand on that scope too.

    BUT ill stop here on the tak now since I don't want to take over the posters thread which would be rude. SW is a great company I have owned scopes from them since like 1999.


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  3. On 23/09/2019 at 08:47, tomato said:

    Based on John’s price for the Tak TOA 150B, you could buy three Esprit 150s for the price of one Tak, and still have some cash left over.


    well we cant go by price only

    I own takahashi, skywatcher, meade and celestron bascally most the big name brands.

    saying this statement doesn't really help tho, I mean by my sig you can see I have the 6" evostar apo which is $2600 (on sale right now) compared to esprit 150mm apo at $8500. so we could also say I could buy 4 150 evostars compared to the 150 espirits. and this is comparing 2 models from the same company.  I own a skywatcher model so iam not putting down skywatcher at all.

    also I also tested my takahashi 102TSA S to my 100 f/9 evostar (I sold it few months ago BUT I did own it) and there is no comaprision the tak blew the SW model out. But for most people the SW evostar could be enough and that's great.  This is also a big difference in price too the evostar 100f/9 is $1050 (on sale now) compared to my 102 tak about $4000 which is just shy of 4x the price so ya you could buy 4 100 evostar compared to a tak BUT theres a huge difference in what u will see. I did a video on this .

    iam not saying same would happen compared to an espirit model based on my experience the tak 150 could still out perform the esipirt 150 but on a lesser degree since the spirit model is SW top model refractor compared to the evostar line, but iam sure there may still be some difference even if its small BUT we all have a price point on what we buy. If $8500 is your top then the 150 spirit may be fine for you if its the 150 evostar at $2600 then that's fine too. I too have not owned a tak toa 150 cause its $19,000 which is a lot but there are those that do.


    heres the video if u want to see it


  4. I look at it like theres always compromises in the type of scope. I kinda like the sct, nothing beats its af far as being compackness BUt sure it will have CO so contrast goes down a bit BUt then again theres a huge difference in a 8sct vs a 8" refractor. After the 6: refractor size its only a obsevertory class scope.

    as far this yes "Doing the math, this means that the aperture without the obstruction would be equivalent to a 180mm non-obstructed aperture scope " but contrast will be bit better in a scope with no central O since all the light is too a point where any scope with a CO some light gets put into the airy disk.

    I say have a scope for each occasion 😛


  5. Agreed he already bought them and they are fairly good eps just dont use it with an inferior Barlow.

    Back in the 90s I came to the conclusion that I saw some difference from using regular Barlow compared  to not using one at all.

    Even using TV barlows I found a very  small minute difference but still a small amount so I tried to just use eps whenever I can.

    However somtimes with st scopes theres no other way cept to use a Barlow. 



  6. the power spread seems decent u may need 1 more highter power this also depends on your scope and focal length, since I cant see what scope/scopes u have hard to tell if u need more.

    NO don't use a cheap barlow with good eps, its just gonna lower the quality of the image .

    its almost like you could have just bought cheap $30 eps then if you use that barlow

    forget the 480x and 720x powers


  7. hi neil remember as we said in that other post it manilly the finder ep and barlow which is not going to be good.

    since you are trying to not upgrade and use what u got for now you wont get great views out of those items, but keep getting experence and i think what will happen is you will get so fet-up with those items that you will then just upgrade it.

    those eps are hygens ep with are 2 element and 25 degree fov . The barlow i think since i didnt see a pic but to my gut felling its a single element barlow i wouldnt even use it AT ALL. just for now use the 20mm ep and if it has a 12mm ep after that the views wont be good so u may as well stick to these eps, and ya forget the 4mm ep as well, the view will be big but blurry so thats no use.


  8. Both are different well maybe not the tube but the mounting.

    For the same money in a 6 inch eq5 u can get a 10 inch dob version. 

    The 10 inch will show u more especially dso. But being a push pull system moving it at high powers in small minute movements is not do easy. 

    I know some u will say u can buy the dob tracking system but where I am thsts like $600 with tax that's almost like 90% of the cost of the 10 inch dob.

    For example the skywatcher 10 inch classic dob is on sale right now for $719

    The eq version probably the 6 inch size will cost the same but u will see less. The eq version ep is the perfect height for most adults.  Also having manual slow motion controls is very handy for high  power views. 

    The dob you will be on your knees.  Even at the zenith u will be bending down .again some u will say put it on a table but it has to hold it steady or it will vibrations. 

    The eq version can add a cheap drives like $49 for tracking. 

    Ok u decide 


  9. Visual is so much easier I either just take the whole setup from inside out if it's my smaller to medium scopes. If it clouds up it takes 2 min to bring it back in.

    Try to keep it in closest room to the back door not down the stairs in  basement in back room that's too much trouble. 

    For my med to big scopes it might be 2 or 3 trips but again if it's near the back door those 3 trips are 5 to 6 min max.

    I also have my scopes setup of course capped for dust so viewing is easy but yes imaging is much harder and more stuff to do.


  10. Biggest factor is where you live and how much light pollution u have. 2nd remember you have a 4 inch scope which is made for high power views. 

    4 inch is not a big scope for dso it's ok size for the planets.

    The standard is if you are serious about seeing dso the 8 inch size is the minimum. 

    That doesnt mean there isn't some of that bright stuff u cant see either. 

    I agree as well those 2 ep are too much mag u really need something lower and the 25mm ep since your scope is soo long, a 32mm ep


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