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joe aguiar

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Posts posted by joe aguiar

  1. what the 8se does right and made for is a porable light weight goto 8" size scope being 35 lbs total, which is almost imposible to get from any other scope. I carry whole thing by the fork arm with 1 hand no other scope u can do that complete ota mount weight tripod etc.

    so I don't get it when I read people say the mount is bad for imaging or its not rock steady. It wasn't meant for that, if someone needs a rock steady mount or double fork arm celestron has other model to fit that bill. 

    don't buy a 300 laptop and then say It cant play my heavy graphics computer game 😛


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  2. On ‎09‎/‎09‎/‎2019 at 10:26, Fishslapper said:

    Is the 8se any good for imaging and also are the syncscan controllers easy to get used to,I’m currently using an az-gti wi-fi mount with a skywatcher 130p which is great but it’s time to upgrade.

    no its not made for that however if u get the wedge u can do basic stuff. I would then recommend use the same ota on a heq5 mouint and keep the se mount for more portable times

  3. is that's the f/5 version or the kind with barlow in focuser making it an f8 version?

    if it says 650mm fl that's f5 you can start basic ap stuff like moon planets.

    if its 1000mm fl then that's the 2nd one I said and and being that focal ratio gonna be hard for ap

    also most those reflectors even if its the f/5 model still has 1 issue the focuser may not come into focus with camera, u may need to get the low profile focuser as the camera need to be in more. Some people move the mirror up inside the tube 1 to 2 inches depending where it focus.

    in the 80s 90s the 8" sct was a very popular scope for ap now its more like a 70 to 100mm apo refractor on a good eq5 or heq5 mount.

    I would say trade it up to the eq verion you most lickly will need to do that anyway.

    if you go 70mm to 100mm then a tracking eq5 will be fine as that ota weights like under 7 or 8 lbs.


  4. ops forgot to mention the last thing better from the type 3 to the ealier models now u can unscrew the filter and bf diagonal and use it as a regular refractor which is a bonus for those that want a whilte light solar obsevereing or just a small grab and go refractor

  5. 22 minutes ago, Peter Drew said:

    Be aware though, the 70mm Coronado is still a 60mm aperture Ha telescope as it has a 60mm aperture front etalon. This will be marginally better than a single stacked 60mm unit as it is double stacked with the original small internal etalon. It's hard to see how it might give much of an improvement over your Coronado2.    

    true the most difference is the focuser and that alone be a lot money. just as an example I just ordered a new moonlight for my tak tsa 102 my cc bill says total 709 AND that's not including I may have customs duties and brackage charges when my pachage comes. so that can be close to $800 for a ficuser. now saying that I know the one used on the solar scope is not that expensive but its still a huge improvement over the ealier models.

    also when I took mine apart to put moonlight on my soalrscope I held the internal filter. I didn't measure it but its not a full 60mm meaning it could be 50 to 55mm it has a cell holding it similar to the lens cell of refractors. so now seeing this I bet the full front filter maybe be better to what degree I cant say. 

    lastly I like the thumb screw tilt verson the cornado 1 or my Arizona model had instead that internal tilt mode.



  6. so right now I have the coronado2 and I like it a lot yes the focuser not the greatest but works fine, just slide it to where its focused then use the fine helical to fine focus.

    the newer corondo3 has a better dual speed R&P 2" focuser much better

    I just this week installed a moonlight made for the corondo solar scopes. I used to have mine double stacked and u do see abit more detail but its mainly on the surface I found the flares was better for single stack, remember double stacking a system will make it from .70 to .50 so its a gain but not a HUUGE gain. I sold the 2nd filter off for $1000.

    before this model I had the oringanal cornado 60 made in Arizona model and I compared to the lunt 60 (not the preassure tuned version of course ) that was like 8 or 9 years ago. the images in the Coronado was brighter then the lunts version by about 25%. now I don't know what bf the other guys was a 6mm or 12mm and his is .75a mine .70a.

    both scopes were used side by side same day my same eps too, now was the original cornado made in Arizona better or was his a bf6mm who know but mine was clearly abit better not huge better but u can tell.

    I plan on upgrading to the newer cornado 70mm maybe next year and put mine for sale with the moonlight focuser

  7. ok iam from Canada so I had to google lp map then your city

    ok so first that a red zone 2nd worst iam in Toronto white zone even worse than yours.

    dso will be hard from either or any heavy lp zones BUT there are a few things you can do to over come somewhat WITHOUT driving hrs to the country sites.

    first is try to get somewhere that has no streetlights cars head lights passing house/ porch lights. this can be your back yard a courtyard if its an apt/condo. if you can do that that helps the most as your eyes need to fully adapt to the dark to see fainter objects. any light source will hinder this.

    2nd you can get a bit larger scope to capture more light so you can see there is a limit until the size becomes too large and the gain stops.

    so I would say an 8" to 12" scope being a reflector or sct type, whatever u prefer.

    just to give you an idea in my lp white skies I could see m31 but its a faint small fuzzy patch. this is bascally just the core. with large scopes helps BUT as an example using a 16" dob then getting to a green zone with a 80mmf/5 refractor acro blew the 16" from the city. m31 was HuGE and I could easily see the whole thing not just a fuzzy dim patch.

    getting to blue  or better skies helps the vies even more. so if u really cant get to country skies then make the best of things try to have no lights shine on you and get a bit larger scope like I said 8 to 12 inches


    joe jaguar

  8. based on my experences before they cant be moved easily but ok

    I rather not carry another 3 items tho like a stool and a table for the dob and a eq platfom. I heard from the cenius that 80% of the population live in citys anything bigger then 500k pop and more. and within those citys / large citys and mega city a huge population growth is the apt condo market. for those people carrying 3 to 4 trips outside down the elevator to the courtyard cant be done  leaving your gear alone.

    I still say the 8"sct on eq4 or 5 is better bet or a 6"f/5 reflector on eq4 is a 1 step setup and you don't need the tracking platform table or stool to view. but this is based on my years of obsevering and other may have different prfrences.

    those tracking are expensive at least 500 from what I saw before which is almost the whole scope tho.

  9. also you said that u don't want it to take up your whole back seat BUT either one will do that. also the 10 inch dob is a 2 step setup maybe the 8 inch you can do it in one shot .

    the dob wont give you tracking at all a eq verion will and u can later add a motor drive to keep the object in your ep.


    most dobs Teflon friction is not smooth enough to alow mm movement, so at high powers moving it in a mm movement is hard. moving it lets say half an inch is not much BUT in the ep that can throw the item out the fov. these dobs if its too light and smooth it will slip so it has to have friction to keep it where its pointed but then it isn't smooth enough for high powered views.


    also both dobs with be about 4ft tall so even looking upwards yopu will be bending down already and if its pointed 45 degree u will be on your knees. what if the ground/grass is wet muddy?some people told me get a table to raise the dob BUT then it HAS to be very sturdy to hold the dob well without vibrations. then that's another item to carry with you too.


    just letting you some of the cons before u buy a dob so you know what you are getting into.

    from your parameters I think the 8" sct is best bet. I have used it on a cg4 mount as well if you want a lighter setup. most times it comes with a cg5.


    joe jaguar

  10. I think the sct is your best bet nothing can match its size, like 8sct. And if u want portable then try the 8se.

    You get it all tripod tracking goto etc of course 1000 u cant buy new but I always see some on the used market.

    It's also only 35 lbs total I carry everything with 1 hand by the fork arm, of course I  cant go too far like that tho.


  11. Best thing to do get a telrad or rigel 

    Also the dob is really low 4ft about and that's looking upwards. So i could see y bending down like that and trying to fi d object may not work. Thatd y I would recommend getting that scope on the eq5 version. Even the tripod st its lowest point puts the ep perfect for looking and finding objects.

    A 8 inch used sct can be sought and they also sell it on a eq5 mount too.

  12. a lot people say the 8" dob but I guess I, the black sheep here cause I don't think a dob is best in the smaller sizes 8" and under and heres y and maybe some u wont agree but this is my opnion from obsevering over the years. also just cause the dob is the cheapest kind scope doesn't make it the best scope.

    first ok a 8" dob is about 48" tall (4ft) so when viewing upward (zenith)an adult will be bending down already, then if u put 45 degree or lower your on your knees or lower. Some people may say get a small table BUt then it need to be sturdy or it will bonce the scope on top of that. also that's another item to carry outside.

    if you live in an apt or condo building carrying extra trips cant be done. even if you live in a house that's still an extra trip I don't wanna do.

    next the dob cant be upgraded like a eq one with a drive. and when your obsevering at high powers 200 to 400x the object may leave from 20 sec to 10 sec depending on power used and fov of ep. so making small mm movements on a dob is hard on high powers not so much on low to medium powers. moving even half an inch at high powers by hand can throw the item in the ep oot of the view.

    I think a 6"f/5 reflector on a eq4 is better and u can carry everything one shot and u can manually track the object or add a drive. or a 8'f/5 reflector on eq5



  13. Quote

    so to start u live in a yellow zone I think ( I don't use the bortle zone as the descprtion of the different zones seem to be off to me) so I use the colour zones.

    anyway if your in a yellow you are much better than a lot of the population who live in the city (white zone ) like me.

    I used to drive 90 min just to get to a orange zone for 2 hrs then back. so taking the go to time and back that 5 to 6 hrs which is a lot for same night looking.

    later on I went to a friends cottage and 3 years in a row my family went on vaction each year to cottage resorts all 3 were in green zone. the green zone is where I would say the real dark skies begin and you will really see those dso well.

    after that I got into a blue zone which is what your saying which is of course better but half of my south skies were blocked.then later I got into a grey skies which u guys called zone 2, which is 2nd best there is.

    so saying all this is I think the blue zone is fine there wont be a HUGE difference between blue and grey. yes theres some diff. if the drive is not long then do it if its another long drive for 1 zone better I say do the blue zone

    hope that helps



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