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joe aguiar

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Posts posted by joe aguiar

  1. you can put motors on a dob BUT I think its very expensive like $500 to $600 cdn to me that's way too much as that's as much as the whole scope.

    I look at it like an extra or accessory should verey be that much as the main product, it should be like 10%. That's the good news about putting those simple ra drive to a eq1 eq2 or a eq3 its like $50

    The difference tho of the 2 will be huge. The 8" will collect a lot more light and if u want to look at the deep sky stuff that's where u need to be to start 8" and up.

    The dob has no manual controls and high power viewing I find is not the greastest, as pushing and pulling the tube is very easy to over shoot in the ep if you are at highter powers.

    This too me is really a hard question tho, If you were to just want to get the eq 130 on eq2 I would say that's a good  start, but it just cant compete against a 8" scope, so even tho I said dob has some issues I may get that .

    Just in case u didn't know they sell a 8" f/5 reflector on a eq5 mount its kinda midway and has all the features u need BUT will be heavier. So I am not sure what your limit is If that's too much they sell the 6"f/5 version too on cg4 mount


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  2. if u do you only have to use the slow motion control on one axis so its worth doing, your polar alignment doesn't have to be perfect. if u have the polar scope just put Polaris dead center of the cross hairs.

    if u have a eq2 type with no polar scope just point the shaft to Polaris and again its close enough u will manilly use 1 control and the other just a bit only.


  3. heres my thoughts

    I think I rather go with the 90mm refractor, im assuming its f/10?

    if so colour correction will be good and images will be also good with no central mirror. The 130 sw heritage if not collimated wont get the best views. lately I read most new people just love to touch the collimation of a scope. I think it best un touched.

    The reflector will give you bit brighter views BUT it wont be huge as its only a 5.1" vs a 3.5". The reflector will lose at least a full inch or bit more compared to a refrector anyway.

    so really its a 3.5 vs a 4" which wont be that much more light grasp.

    The reflector mini dob also has some issue ( I did a video  on my you tube channel) here is where I think it fals short abit

    -SW mini dob needs a shroud to block stray light and need a dew cap as the 2nd mirror is out in the open. In the winter like now its not dewy BUT in the summer it will be and will 99% dew up in most countrys, of course I cant say 100% cause it depends on the climate you live in.

    The mini dob also need a small table which adds to the cost of the whole package or stool, and it need to be solid steady or theres no point and it will have too much vibrations. That base is made of pressure board/ some called it chip board or MDF board, and after few years the elements will start to rot it out, its not real ply wood. Also the cost to me is too much for that scope as I say on my vodeo it costs $299 cdn then plus the shourd + dew cap+ stool or table and its a lot more then the eq  version.

    OK so meade has the Polaris 130mm on eq2 its the same ota less its not as compact BUT its on a eq2 mount which I think should cost more as the steel , alumumium gears, slow motion controls and cog wheels is MUCH harder to make and costs more. Ok sure it may take a brand new person a tad more to learn a eq mount but its not as bad as people think.

    All I did put the mount down ( I cant see Polaris as I only have a south view from balacony) but I kinda know where it is so just put it in that direction and that it use the slow motion controls vs no controls on the mini dob. The tripod version is also the perfect height for really any teen or adult. and this model cost the same is the SW heritage.

    BUT OK this thread is not really about the meade vs the sw reflectors BUT I was just letting you know about the costs of the mini dob plus the extras u need to buy then compare to something similar.

    The refractor will never need collimation a HUGE plus for a brand new person, ypou can also use it for daytime views . Sure this is the best scope for that BUT if that's not really your thing and will only do it few times and you have this scope just try it and use it for that.Again everything applies here with the eq mount being being height, having slow motion controls and you can add a clock drive later. It may not be rock solid on a eq2 but u can still see detail very good. Just put the planet in the outer edge let it drift slowly to the center and let it settle down and just look at the image.

    So bascially I would get the 90mm refractor over the SW heritage BUT altho  theres what I call short falls in the heritage its still a good scope BUT it should have been cheaper like $249 cdn not $299 or they should add a shroud and dewcap for the $299 price.


  4. Normally it’s easier to do that from A dob to an EQ mount because you just have to add two rings in a vixen bar and that’s it however you’re trying to do it backwards which means you need the round bearings and then you have to mount it on the OTA where is balance perfect and then you have to build yourself a base so I definitely think it’s harder this way did the reverse


  5. 2 hours ago, rockmattstar said:

    So the AVX is like the new version of the cg5? Are there any other mounts that people can recommend.  If I'm looking somewhere between £500 & £1000 I want to make sure I'm getting the best I can for the money.

    You can try the sky watcher the Eq5 you could also try to HEQ5 you could try the meade Lxd 85 and yes the AVX will work as well

    The AVX is Celestron’s version or newer version of the EQ five


  6. I have the lxd75 and did a review vs the lxd 70 on video but i haven’t nt put it out yet. I might in next few weeks tho

    but i did take out the goto motor and Drives and hand control and just made it manual mount with with motors on both axis 

    go to it’s just becoming sometimes more trouble than it’s worth


  7. Yep the lxd75 is kinda heavy duty eq5mount in fact it still has the 2inch thick tripod legs where the lxd55 is kinda like a eq4.5 type mount but uses the thin aluminium legs that eq3 has

    but also those Schmidt newts  are f4 but with the corrector on it behaves like a f5 reflector but it’s bit smaller for portability 


  8. I would prefer a 8” with 150x power vs 80mm at 150x

    i don’t live in uk but I guess I can give u my experience 

    the 80 will be maxed out almost where the 8” won’t be

    also u will see more dimmer detail overal to

    or if it’s manilly for the sun moon and planets and double stars a 4 to 5 inch top end apo refractor will also be great cristal views


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  9. To me I don’t think those are that bad most of them or plossl ep sets or super Plossl Ep sets

    so if you have any eps that are worse off that come with those starter telescopes I don’t think it’s too bad of a deal

    you’ll probably use at least four of those the moon filter in the Barlow yeah you might not need all the planetary filters but for the price of maybe buying two regular or 3  pieces you’re getting a whole package which I think is OK

    of course there are better ep out there but if this is your first upgrade and u have the Huygens Keller’s or super ep then this set is a big improvement 


  10. OK so I would say get to the rigel finder right away because not having zero finders and just a low power a piece is still going to be hard to find stuff

    so with the rigel you don’t not have to buy a straight through or right angle finder but you need something.

    The tripod I thought that was coming with the sky watcher should be a ready 1.75 inch thick so I’m just not sure why you need to order a second one. Unless you were just talking about getting the half pier to raise it but of course that will add more weight

    A cg4 mount is supposed to handle about 15 pounds so your William optics 126 I think it’s already about 20 pounds and that’s without the finderscope and diagonal and Eps. so I think that’s gonna be a little too heavy for the CG4 my set up is about 16 to 17pounds and it’s a pretty much the limit so I think if you get that scope with the accessories it will be a little bit too much.

    you probably could do it but it’s probably not gonna be so stable so with that scope I think you would need the EQ5 if you got a lighter telescope then you probably could do the CG4 

    As per the eyepieces it’s just you know 100° field of view becomes fairly expensive yes ES is a cheaper brand but also your telescope is not a narrow field of view and it’s I would say medium field of view.

    I don’t think you’re also need a wide field of view Ep with a medium format scope. Maybe some thing like a 60° to 68° will be wide fov 

    ok u decide

    Some of those lower end Ep that are ultra wide or ultra super wide yes you get the wide fields but might not be as sharp as something a little less

    so you’re paying for basically the widest true fov that you can get but doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be the sharpest though

    Again that’s just me you might feel different


  11. this was my 2nd part but I lost internet connection

    TV diagonal is expensive I just use an Antares 99% die-electric and works well for me but if u want better name that ok too

    the best finders are rigel or telrad some people use those along with the regular one u mention for the dimmer dso, what I do is use alower power ep like the meade 4000 SWA 68 degree fov 32mm ep that's like a wide power view in the ep and with your scope it should be ok simce its not a narrow field of view

    I probally woundt buy the es 100 fov ep maybe buy 60 to 68 fov ep and save some money BUT if you like those ep that's ok too depends what u want. In a way your scope is not narrow its a medium focal ratio at f/7.7? so its already semi wide then to me adding a again wide fov ep its not for me but u decide.

    the TS tripod y are u buying this? the eq5 comes with a 1.75" steel tripod or is that mount tripod smaller? like the older models? I probally would pass on it if its 1.75" BUT if its the 1.5" or smaller I would buy a 2" steel tripod.


  12. as you can see theres lots different opinions even from experienced people in the hobby as there is no one way to do anything

    I know thingo is gonna to carry the scope mount etc down the stairs I think to the park and that's why hes thinking the regular manual eq5 mount and not anything bigger

    the wood tripod is a good option altho I don't like the kind that cant raise up or down or the other kind that has bolts where u unbolt each leg raise it and then reset each bolt on each leg.It just takes too long to do. The wooden tripod probally does dampen better then steel legs or the alum kind however I have found the steel legs to be fine over all. Years ago I built my own tripod legs from 2x2 for the main legs and then 1x2 for the outer legs thast raise or lower. Altho I made that one with the bolt method said above and it was soild, wasn't expensive but in the end and after awhile I didn't like the un-bolting and re-bolting.

    Thingo what I fear tho with this set-up is its still pretty heavy and since you have to carry it outside then to the park, I fear u may do it for awhile, but it will start to wear you down after awhile. And for quick sessions it wont be worth it. I think u need something lighter. I think the  WO 126 is just too heavy a scope and then the extra 12 lbs counter weight along with the 1st weight and the tripod and mount that just too much.

    I think you should consider a lighter scope.

    I know my tak 102 tsa s with my large format focuser 2.5" ota with rings diagonal is about 17 lbs which is very heavy for a 4" scope. I use the cg4 mount as a light weight scope like you to carry downstairs to the park next door. Mind you this mount is smaller then the eq5, and I have 2 smaller weight 2x 8lbs not 2x 11 lbs. So this setup is lighter and carrying it all down the elevator out the doors etc is very heavy after 100ft

    the apt I had before this one I was facing north so then I had (don't anymore) meade lx70 acro 4.7F/8 on the lx70. This mount is a eq5 but I only needed 1 weight I think I may have used the 8 lbs instead the larger 11lbs and the ota of the 120mmf/8 was lightish  maybe 9  lbs max. this was an ok setup to carry for this type of thing I also had a wagon that I bought to take everything down in (of course scope needs to  be in 2 or 3 parts)

    thingo another thing u should look at is for imaging you don't need a large scope like trever has in the astroback yard channel (BTW I haven't meet him but he only lives 1 hour from me ) maybe one day we both do a video together.The camera does 90% of the work so a lot people use a 80mm ed apo on a heq5 which will work fine. For visual tho u may need something largish but portable and light weight


  13. On 04/01/2012 at 11:26, Jnook86 said:

    greatly appreciate the advice, do you think ill be able to see saturns rings decently with this scope?..i was able to see jupiters cloudbelts quite well with it..hmmm 6mm eyepiece ha?..i was told that this particular model wasnt compatable with other eyepieces other then the one, or ones it came with.

    Whoever told u that was incorrect as John says u need I would say least 2 more eps maybe even 3

    A 32mm ep for lower power a d easier to locate items

    I'm thinking the 24 altho that's not a common number may need to be replaced but if u can send a pic

    Then something like a 12mm to 14mm for medium power u cant just go from low to max powers.

    Then a higher power like a 10mm to 6mm ep maybe even a 2x Barlow

    Using a moon filter will cut down on venus's glare and of course use it on moon

    Dont bother with bars for now it's too far wait till it gets bigger. Jupiter and Saturn are pretty much gone so u gotta wait till fall

    Once u get better and few more ep and a Barlow then u will see things better

    Also a decent ep would be a plossls or super plossls which are fine for that scope and dont cost alot


  14. 13 hours ago, oymd said:

    That looks nice...

    Yes, I agree...and forgive me for going off on a rant here....

    I have got into the hobby just since last Christmas....Have been reading astronomy since my teens, but only actually got some gear this very last xmas.

    I've noticed that the telescope/astronomy world is somehow stuck in the Victorian age!!

    The whole world is using thuderbold/USB-C/or the very least USB3....yet most of Astronomy gear still deals in "SERIAL" interfaces....and having a USB 2.0 connection on a mount is hailed as a luxury!

    There is very very little to no intuition or practicality in the products available, for normal prices, and most need modding, adapters, etc from consumers...

    Primaluce Eagle/ ASI Air/ Pegasus boxes are hailed as next best thing since sliced bread, when they are utilising a basic concept available in every other industry on the planet, and should be the norm, not the exception.

    £3000+ mounts that do not have native WiFi, Bluetooth AND GPS, is pretty ridiculous....I bought an AZ-EQ6 Pro in January...which needed a silly bizzare dongle to have WiFi connectivity...very silly

    The whole hobby is about knowing where we are in space, and a £30 mobile phone can give you EXACT co-ordinates, time, location, compass, elevation, cloud cover,  etc...yet a massive 25KGs SCIENTIFIC MACHINE that is supposed to track, and pinpoint thousands of objects in the sky does not know where it is, what time it is, and at what elevation or timezone it is?

    The software looks like it was written in the 70's and targeted towards MIT physicists to use....

    etc etc...

    I rarely see something these days and say...wow...that's smart, intuitive and easy to use..

    I realise that the counter argument is that these are mass produced chinese products, but so are laptops, PCs and "SMART" mobile phones...


    my rants over...


     I think there too much teck in this hobby now

    U dont need a planisphere just use a phone. 99% of every scope is goto. There is almost no more or at least very few none goto mounts now.

    There is wifi in scopes, they can be moved by laptop wifi etc

    Now theres apps to polar align u dont even have to see Polaris 

    Theres apps to tell us when it's clear no need to ho outside and look

    U dont even need to look in the ep just sleep a d when u wake up the inage is on the screen

    I think we r losing the art of looking, polar aligning, tracking,  finding or star hoping, the mount scope does all that now

    To me the nature relaxing part of astronomy is already gone


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