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Everything posted by RadekK

  1. It might be the case that simple "sudo apt reinstall -t buster libpasastro" would do the trick without reinstalling ccdciel and the rest.
  2. Hi guys, two comments: 1) QHY PoleMaster is an app for Ubuntu Mate, not Raspbian. Astroberry is based on Raspbian. See this post 2) RAW files support for CCDciel and ASTAP - I have just made libpasastro library available for Astroberry. You will probably need to remove the original one before installing new one. Also you need to select which repository should be used for installation (note -t switch below), because libpasastro will be now available both from original Patrick's repo and astroberry repo. I'm not sure how it will work during next update. Please test and report. sudo apt remove libpasastro sudo apt install -t buster libpasastro
  3. Thanks Stash. I will give it a try and let you know how it goes
  4. I don't get it. So how I should address it in Astroberry Server?
  5. So it looks like original CCDciel and ASTAP binaries do not like Raspbian Buster at all. When releasing Astroberry Server (image) I decided to not recompile & repackage these apps, but added original repositories and installed these apps from them. Exactly what an experienced used would do when not using my image, but rather installing everything on genuine raspbian. Apparently there is some library (libraw?) compability issue. So it will only work if I recompile & repackage CCDciel (possible) and ASTAP (impossible). I will give it a closer look when I have time for this.
  6. I'm based in Warsaw (~200 miles away) but sure let me know when you're here. I will be in London in January.
  7. Yes it is, custom weather station hardware -> BLE -> MQTT server -> Grafana
  8. All of these already fixed (negative lat/lon and month being -1 from actual). BTW it is really bizzare that javascript function getUTCMonth() returns values: January is 0, February is 1, and so on... I would never come up with such idea myself You can update & upgrade now (run: sudo apt clean && sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade) Both virtualgps and astroberry-server-wui should be upgraded. If one of them is not available for upgrade do reinstall (run: sudo apt clean && sudo apt update && sudo apt reinstall virtualgps astroberry-server-wui)
  9. Send me your location data on priv. I will test it on my side. Minus should be handled without problem
  10. Yeah 😄 gpsd can handle multiple GPS receivers and it does rotate among them, so if you keep both virtual and real connected it will probably be lots of fun. I noticed this on my device as well. There are at least two ways to handle this: (1) uninstall virtualgps (sudo apt remove virtualgps), (2) stop virtualgps and disable the service so it does not start after reboot (sudo systemctl stop virtualgps.service && sudo systemctl disable virtualgps.service). You can enable or start it anytime by running: sudo systemctl enable/start virtualgps.service There is also runtime control of what GPS device is used by gpsd, very handy: sudo gpsdctl add/remove device (e.g. to connect/disconnect virtualgps in real time you run sudo gpsdctl add/remove /tmp/vgps)
  11. Good point! I recommend doing all the updates via SSH. If you do it over VNC or web interface it will continue the update process and eventually let you reconnect. It just takes a while to restart all the necessary services.
  12. @x6gas this is great setup user's manual! Well done and thanks for sharing this. Explaining the unexplained: Astroberry Hotspot lets you use the system right after flashing the SD card, no need to connect screen, mouse and keyboard - just connect to astroberry wireless network from your computer and point your browser to http://astroberry.local. The Hotspot can be also used in the field to access the system from any device with just a browser. Note that android devices do not handle .local domain so after connecting to the Hotspot point your browser to instead. You always need to 'Start Server' after setting up your profile with all your devices. This operation actually starts the profile with selected devices and allows to connect to it locally from KStars or remotely from your PC, including connection over the Internet from distant locations. And last but not least, always run update procedure after flashing SD card. After first boot, when you're done with configuring your Internet connection run in your terminal: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade.
  13. The update has been released. So please run regular: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade From now on GPS Panel and Astro Panel use only GPS readings as source of location. For users that do not have GPS, the system provides Virtual GPS (sudo apt install virtualgps), which can be configured by editing /etc/location.conf file or using Preferences/Geographic Location menu. Virtual GPS provides system-wide location information to each end every system component and application, so it can be used also in KStars, indi-gps and even indi_gpsd or indi_gpsnmea (any anything that uses gpsd service). If you use GPS don't install virtualgps or disable it after installation (sudo systemctl stop virtualgps.service && sudo systemctl disable virtualgps.service). The /etc/astropanel.conf file has been abandoned and is not used anymore. The same for binding to Weather Plugin location - it's not used anymore.
  14. Thanks for these appreciation words guys 😉 Please stress test it as much as possible and report back. Your feedback is very important. It's the only way I can improve it. I can see several pitfalls and bugs myself... here and there, but this version was built from scratch. It is not just an upgrade from version 1. So I'm quite happy with the result anyway. BTW. Version 2.0.0 comes along rasbian buster repository. This means that instead of using whole Astroberry Server you can just grab a fresh and genuine image of rasbian, add astroberry repo and install just INDI and KStars, as it used to work on Ubuntu. The info is already on INDI Forum in download section for Raspberry Pi (https://indilib.org/download/raspberry-pi.html) What I like personally in this version is... it works on every model of Raspberry Pi. And I mean it 😉
  15. sudo vncpasswd -service ... or using VNC icon in the taskbar
  16. It's on its way 😉 EDIT: The update to 3.3.8 is ready. Run regular apt get update && apt get upgrade
  17. No data on my side. Anybody using 4K on Raspberry Pi 4?
  18. Pi user account is disabled on fresh install for security reasons (original raspbian warns user of default password instead). You can re-enable pi account by running: sudo passwd -u pi Regarding the keyboards you need to go through standard configuration with raspi-config or gui_rc. This is correct. I have created unofficial rasbian buster apt repository with all the packages needed. This means that any raspbian user can install KStars and all INDI drivers from this repo. No need to use whole Astroberry Server - just don't install astroberry-server-* packages.
  19. Hi guys! I see the news are spreading around quickly 😉 Please register all issues at https://github.com/rkaczorek/astroberry-server/issues This will make my life easier in maintaining Astroberry Server and will keep track of issues for other users too. @stash_old could you please describe the issue related to KStars getting confused with profiles on two accounts? I think I have not accounted for this in the code. REALVNC does work with Connect via Web Browser BUT if you use unencrypted connection it takes only 8 characters for password (inherent limitation), so instead of 'astroberry' use 'astrober' - I know it's bizzare but I cannot do anything about it.
  20. There are many pros and cons, but I would say that lack of backlash in non-geared setup makes difference.
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