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Posts posted by Greymouser

  1. I used to have a neighbour a few doors down, who used to like gardening after dark. ( Not Ozzy Osbourne either! ) He was quite an odd fella and used to feel insecure, because of the neighbourhood, so used to keep an ice axe nearby the whole time! A bit extreme I though and dangerous, for several reasons, especially as it is not all that bad round here, in respect to crime, assuming you can ignore the drug use! Which is why I cut my observing session short tonight, as my neighbour lit up her nightly spliff of Skunk canabis, I have no wish to share it with her! She has got kids too.  :rolleyes2:

    The axe toting fella is dead now though, he got cancer which finished him soon after retiring. Turns out it wasn't an axe he needed for protection, but a lifestyle change perhaps. :sad:

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  2. I got this in the post today.


    Quite pleased, it is a good eyepiece, probably the best I have, certainly the dearest so far, but after a little test, I am just not sure how much better it is. Certainly diminishing returns. I need to think about future eyepiece purchases. 🤔

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  3. Another update. :smiley:

    I had an unexpected clear spell tonight, so gave my second AZGTi another go. Much better this time, got better and better, not perfect, but at least it was quite close in GOTO, mostly in the FOV. Still behaving oddly in some ways, but a huge improvement. Unlike past times, the tracking was almost perfect and everything improved after engaging the second encoder. It did still seem to be stuck in alignment mode for the whole session, but maybe that is a problem with settings. Anyway, I am feeling much better now about take 2, oddness aside! It must be haunted!! :confused2:

    I do have another problem though. I got a Skywatcher AZ mount extension tube, to make it easier to attach a refractor. The problem with this is that the male connector on the top is recessed and I could see no way to get it out, as it were. Assuming I needed to remove the top, to get at the mechanism, I tried to do so. It did not come off though, turned somewhat, but then jammed. Anyone any idea how to get this working? ( Yes I did remove the bolt things first. ) :rolleyes2:

  4. 14 hours ago, heliumstar said:

    There are serious quality control issues with this mount. While my latest version (fifth I bought - don't ask lol) is fine and goto is accurate there was one that was total rubbish, two that were sometimes ok and sometimes not and another one that was spot on as this latest one I have now. I bought mine from FLO, TringAstro, AstroShop.eu and twice second hand. Two best were from 102 Mak package from FLO and standalone from AstroShop.eu - it looks like a lottery to me then huh...

    I never bother with OTA North or three star alignment. What works for me with the 'good ones' is level the tripod and mount, 1 star alignment and then goto to two objects and confirm. After that every object is in the FOV. That is also my aim. To be ready in a minute. I only have hour or two windows when I can observe and every minute counts.

    While there are issues I encountered and read about I still love this mount. There's nothing like it available anywhere else - not in the price range and not in this form. I would gladly buy something out of this world in quality and accuracy terms and in the same form factor even if the price was 10x. I was head on RST-135 but read of similar issues so this nut looks like it's hard to crack.


    Very good post, couldn't agree more. :smile:

    I have already contacted Rob at FLO and he has been very helpful, offering to help me sort it, or even accept the mount back and refund me the money. Which is all well and good, but I agree with you, the concept of this mount is just so wonderful, I would only order another one. Then maybe another, etc., etc. I intend to try a couple more things then will attempt to get a viable one, I have no wish to give in with it. Your experience with only getting one great one out of five, is not very encouraging, but at least the good ones do exist! :rolleyes2: 

  5. I need to update this thread.

    I returned the mount to FLO, which all seemed painless and easy enough. Rob gave it some attention, then returned it to me via DPD. So far, so good.

    I got the chance tonight to give it another try, with an unexpected window in the clouds. Nothing has changed. It still, will not GOTO at all accurately, will track to an extent, but not very well, or for very long. I did level it and aimed the OTA North, before starting and tried a three star alignment, without success. I have no idea what I am doing wrong. I also have no idea what fault Rob found. I did not do a firmware update before retuning it as I was very unsure of success.

    I have read of quite a few other people having issues with this mount and cannot help wondering if Skywatcher have quality control issues. I am also not impressed with the app. offered by them either, it is in my opinion, inferior to the one offered by Celestron, even though they belong to the same parent company! There is way too much white writing within the app, which spoils my night vision.

    I am left feeling as if I have a right lemon here and am beginning to regret getting this mount. :sad:

    • Thanks 1
    • Sad 2
  6. Sorry for the stupid question, :embarassed: but what is the principle behind the encoders? I have seen it elsewhere before, but I have no real idea, could only guess, so would appreciate some information. This mount looks good I must admit, but I am very unsure of the principles so do not know if It should be considered.

    Edit: Its OK, I have found out now I think, what a good idea. :smiley:

  7. So what's in here then?


    Well, it looks like a box of clouds, ( sort of, ) it says it's maybe a box of clouds, but:


    It is in fact an AZGTi, take 2! The first attempt was faulty, but Rob :wink: at FLO, sorted it and here it is in another incarnation, which hopefully will work great now! Ta very much FLO for sorting it. :grin:

    Edit: No idea how many weeks it will take for me to be able to test it, considering the sent clouds though... :sad:

    Edit2: Still not working. Starting to think I have got a right lemon here. :sad:



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  8. Well, if you are, so am I! :smiley:

    I do not have the C6 but the C5, along with an AZGTi, ( when it comes back from FLO after attention, because it was faulty, ) it seems to work very well. My only regret is that I did not go for the C6, which is only a little heavier and was the same price. Still is the same price in one place. https://grovers.biz/optics/optical-tube-assemblies/7509-celestron-nexstar-evolution-6-ota.html

    They have several different versions, not all the same price, even though they each have the same standard optics, I am assured... :undecided:

    • Thanks 1
  9. You know, I thought about dipping my toes in astro photography in the beginning of my return to the hobby, was put off partly by the never ending expense, but more so, by some of the awesome images I see on here. This is just such an awesome image. It should inspire me, but in fact it just seems so far out of reach, it seems that there is little point. :undecided:

    It is a really, really great image though, thank you for sharing. :smiley::thumbright:

    • Like 1
  10. Just noticed this thread, thought I would add my little thoughts. :smiley:

    I can highly recommend these: https://www.militarymart.co.uk/british-army-reversable-insulated-trousers/

    Second hand I know, but the pair I got was in very good condition, nothing a quick wash didn't sort out, just to be sure. You can also get the jacket to go with them. They are not at all waterproof, but that is not their purpose. They also have a zip at the bottom of the trouser, making them very, very easy to get on, even over boots. Add a pair of base layer trousers ( which would then make three layers, with your normal trousers, ) and Bob's your uncle. I think there are places online which sell them new, but I don't have the time to look at the moment. If its good enough for our army, should be good enough for the rest of us and at £16, they are hard to better. :smiley:

    • Like 1
  11. 19 hours ago, jetstream said:

    What scope do you have?

    I actually have three, a C5; C9.25, both at F10 mostly, but sometimes at F 6.3. I also have a ST102, which is F4.9. I also have a 150 P reflector, but that needs  to be sold, so does not count. :smiley:

    I have just been out and had a quick look at Saturn with the C5 and again found myself disappointed with the Nirvana, better view with the BCO 10mm, even with the x 2.25 barlow attached. I suspect I will get some more ES 62 degree eyepieces, to get closer to a complete range. The Telle Vue are on my wish list, but it is just not realistic budget wise, any time soon. No great hardship though, as the ES eyepieces are very good. :smiley:

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  12. 12 minutes ago, jetstream said:

    I own the 18mm BCO- very good, the 10mm BCO- excellent and the 6mm BCO

    From what I have seen with the 10mm BCO, I have to agree. I consider the 10mm, classic ortho from Baader better than their 10 mm Hyperion at F10.

    I am also surprised at the hype that seems to surround the Nirvana eyepieces too, to be honest. I got the 7mm one and I was not too impressed and do not really get on with it. It might just be my eye, but I find the cheap, old Skywatcher long eye relief 5 mm better, as is the 10mm classic ortho.

    I have been impressed by the ES 62 degree eyepieces too, well, at least the 26 and 20mm ones I have so far. I am now trying to decide between, two or even three more of them, or a Telle Vue Delite. I am finding it a difficult choice though, I mean just the colour; the look and the what if, just speaks so loudly to my sub subconscious... :rolleyes2:

    I think I prefer the narrower field of view, certainly my wallet does! :smiley:

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  13. Had another go tonight, until clouds rolled in that is. I tried the suggestion of putting the other encoder on too, which whilst it helped, it did not solve the problem. Then the app lost connection to the mount. :angryfire:

    Reconnecting, it then told me that Saturn was straight above! I wish!

    It seems as best I can tell, that the firmware version is: 3.18 A5, which was odd. Having so many horror stories, I am just so reluctant to try and update the firmware. Under the alignment section of the app was the following: ID=6378.9  CH=0.0'  NP=0.0'  MEL=0.0'  MAZ=11.7'  TILT= 6378.9  
    I have no idea if this is in anyway relevant, but I thought I would add it, just in case.

    To be honest I am getting fed up already with having to mess with this new mount and think an e mail is due to be sent to FLO. I just need/needed, to make sure the mount was faulty, before entering that route. I just do not have enough spare time to waste it, on trying to fettle a new mount. :sad:

  14. Thanks, good stuff to try, when I next get some clear sky, which maybe tomorrow. ( If I haven't just jinxed it! :smiley: )

    One thing does occur to me though, I was using the pro version of the app, because I wanted to track the sun, which is not allowed on the other version of the app. The thing that popped into my head, is that this states that it is mainly for EQ mounts, though it does say alt az too, the other version of the app just says alt az. The Pro version does acknowledge that it is connected to an alt az, but I was wondering if this could be part of the problem, or maybe I am just at this point, grasping at straws? Anyway, I have downloaded the other version of the app and will try that too. :smiley:

  15. Thanks, but could someone please tell me how to find the current firmware installed? Also I would rather avoid trying to update the firmware, considering the many people who have had problems trying to do this and the fact that my two PC's both have hardwired network connection and no wifi. I do have a very old laptop running XP with wifi, which I would rather avoid. :sad:

    I will be honest, I do not really have the time nor much patience to be messing with this for too long, I have little doubt I will soon give in and either try to return it, or write the money off, which will be very annoying. Is it asking to much to expect a new mount to work first time? Obviously I am being naive here. :sad:  

    Any other suggestions to save my sanity? :rolleyes2:

    Edit: Also looking at it, where do I find the firmware loader? I seem to be only find the loader for doing the hand controller...

  16. To answer questions: Yes I think the clutch was tightened sufficiently, but will check tomorrow. ( I tried to be careful though, knowing I can be heavy handed. ) I intended to try again later today, but it has been a long day and even though there was unforecast clearness, I was/am just way too tired. I did in fact mean using the keys on the app. I have no idea what the firmware version is, nor am I sure where to find that information, but will, again, look tomorrow. I was using brand new batteries, which I checked the charge of beforehand: they were fine and Duracell. I am using it, or trying to, in Alt Az mode only and not even thinking of the other at the moment.

    My intention was to use decent AA batteries to start with, just to get a taste as it were, then get a proper battery. I do notice that in the manual it claims that the lead needs to be centre positive, but FLO states tip positive, a contradiction that is indicative, imo, of a very poor manual.  :smiley:

  17. I was not sure which section to put this, but this seemed favourite, because it is such an obvious starter mount, and I have just got it and only now found time to give it a whirl!

    It seems to me that there are a lot of people who have problems with this mount, at least to start with, is there a problem with them, or is it just the awful manual that is supplied? Or perhaps just stupid people like me? :rolleyes2: Anyway, hopefully my issues will be sorted, without a return to FLO. 

    Last night was the first since receiving the mount, that I had a clear night that coincided with me having time to give it a go. ( Since getting the adapter for my Horizon tripod, because the lightweight one I bought is not up to the job. ) So I read the online synscan manual linked elsewhere here, and started to give it a go. I chose Altair as a first alignment star, which seemed a good choice considering the position of it. Problem number one, it refused to accept that I was pointing at it, in fact it seemed to be assuming that it was in fact far way away from where I could in fact see it: Almost vertically downwards! I continued to have similar problems, and after about an hour and a half, gave up as clouds were rolling and and I was beginning to ache.

    Fast forward to this morning, I thought I would try again, this time in tracking the sun, ( this is one of the purposes of getting this mount. ) I got my spirit level and compass out, just to make sure I was as accurate as possible with the starting position, then proceeded to try to align with the sun. This time the mount judged the azimuth position of the sun about right, but put the altitude about 30 degrees higher that it was in fact, if you see what I mean. I then out of curiosity tried to GOTO the moon and again the azimuth seemed to be about right, but the altitude was again too high. Lastly out of curiosity, I tried for Dubhe, which I obviously could not see, but it went to the right Azimuth, approximately, but this time the altitude was below where the Sky Safari software put it! 

    Any ideas anyone? What am I doing wrong and is there a way to avoid a return?

    It is now of course raining, but there is a bit of clearness forecast for later, so I will probably get the 102 ST out with the wedge and have a go for the sun again. I have no idea when I will get the chance at the night sky again. :rolleyes2:


  18. 8 hours ago, Danjc said:

    Seems great quality and at £90 a bargain in my books, I couldn’t keep it on long in the front room

    Good price, but me being a cheapskate, I got an Army surplus reversible jacket, which is also very, very warm, but not waterproof, which shouldn't matter in the winter whilst observing. £ 25 was good too, as are the same type insulated trousers. :grin:

    @Helen They look like camera film cases and I seem to remember you mentioning something about launching home made rockets at a star party? A link?

    Anyway, I got something in the post today too, which was nice:


    Didn't get the cat with the postie, she is the boss and refused to move! The eyepiece is an ES 62 degree 20mm; the plastic bag is an ADM improvement for the AZ-GTi and I have no idea what the wire is for, ( came with the mount ) as I am thick and the manual is poor. The box did not come with the usual " May contain clouds " sticker, which may have been good, because as you can see the sun is out! However the AZ-GTi did come with it's own wildlife from Exeter: A live ant! Does this ant replace the stickers now? It was not in the main box, but oddly in with the AZ-GTi, no idea what's going on there, nor how it survived posting!

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  19. Not quite in the same league, but this arrived in the post today for me:


    This is to replace the Helios binoculars that I am finding increasingly hard and uncomfortable to use. It has what is described as: " Extra-low Dispersion glass for optimum clarity, " which is nice... The lens has a green tint to it, but then again so do my Helios Binos. The image as seen is sharper/better than the Binos I would say, but I will know better when I get a little clear sky. It is 10 x 42. It is also much lighter than the Binos at around 325grammes. A distinct improvement, at least as far as terrestrial use in concerned and better than the very cheap Chinese monocular I used to have. :smiley:

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  20. I got a new eyepiece today, via FLO, of course. :smiley:


    Heard and read so much good stuff regarding these eyepieces and my wife said she would buy me one to try. :grin: It feels good; light and compact; I am looking forward to trying it out. Of course, as you can see, it came with the obligatory clouds and rain. I am sure it has been asked loads before and it is a decent marketing ploy from FLO, but does anyone know which of them @FLO is the rain wizard?

    A half decent song, with appropriate lyrics and great drumming. Bringing magic to our land? :rolleyes2:

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  21. Thought I would add this here, just to round things off a little. :smiley:


    Sorry about the poor quality and the mess at the top of my back garden! I really must tidy things up there. My spot is only about eight metres from the house, so my chance of viewing Jupiter, is only in the gap between ours and next door's roof. I will get about an hour, maybe a little less, but am looking forward to it, I just cannot get enough of it! The weather forecast is not so good for later on, so I will miss Saturn this time. There are some ripe Blueberries on the plant in the background, just in case I fancy a little snack! :grin:

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  22. I was out last night with the C9.25, observing Jupiter, which these photos do not show very well, but...


    Only had about an hour of viewing between the rooftops, but hey every little helps eh? :rolleyes2:

    Got to say, I was surprised with the view, I got a decent amount to see, but to be honest I do wonder if I got better last Thursday with my C5. What's that all about then? Logic dictates that the C9.25 would be better at higher mag and brightness. Was the seeing so much worse last night? I have so much to learn...  :grin:

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  23. I too ordered this last Monday, too hard to resist at that price! Dispatched Tuesday, Arrived Thursday! What more can you ask? Great delivery of a very good backpack, thank you again @Philip R for the heads up. I will add a few photos to give a better idea of scale, if you don't mind...

    Loads of space with my C5 in it, should be able to add in the AZ Gti mount, when I can finally persuade my wife to buy it for me! Then with the padded top protection, which is indeed about 50mm thick and very good. Then the bungee on the base of the pack.



    These last two are the outer pocket for the bits and pieces etc; then the fact that a ST102 fits in as well! though it has to be said that it is quite a tight fit! 🤪



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