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Everything posted by Stu1smartcookie

  1. Thanks Dave ... thats a real help . With the way things are i reckon a couple of weeks is a bargain . Have to say , comparing those with the skywatcher , they seem very similar .
  2. Hi , i have just acquired a celestron omni xlt127 together with a cg4 mount . I have already purchased a polar scope which will arrive tomorrow , but i also wish to do some basic tracking with the mount . I have received mixed views on whether this is possible as the original motors made by celestron are in very short supply or not even made any more ! I was under the impression though that the CG4 is equivalent to the skywatcher EQ3-2 . If that is the case will the motor drive kit for that mount work with the CG4? Surely these motors must work as they are only doing the job of mechanically operating the slow motion controls . The only problem i can see from looking at the CG4 mount is that there is no hole to screw the fixing bracket to . Any thoughts welcome Kind regards Stuart
  3. yes i see ... and its a point well made , Louis . Iam pretty glad i asked for advice on here regarding this scope .
  4. Thanks for the reply ... as i am mostly visual , the photography is just an interesting sideline that i will use . I won't ask about polar alignment as there are YouTube vids out there that can help . I agree with you about ease of set up ... i used to get bogged down setting up my HEQ5 pro and EQ5 mounts only to see clouds rolling in and observation time cut to a few minutes .
  5. But , does it stop "rotation" if you use the wedge when taking photos ?
  6. Hi Geoff ... thanks for the reply , well , the wedge is on this mount , but celestron actually sell them for their larger scopes as an extra . It certainly isn't the main factor for buying the scope , but , it must have its use ... i really don't want another german eq mount . I live in Herts , just 6 miles from stansted airport and the LP is a pain .. i like the idea of travelling to a darker site , so portability is key . Also i have been made aware that these scopes hold collimation well. I have owned dobs that needed collimating everytime i used them and i got obsessed with it ( i spent 2 hours tweaking mirrors one rainy afternoon lol) . I want visual astronomy , and the chance to take a few pics of planets (mainly) .
  7. Good evening to you all . Firstly , i'm so glad this site exists ... i've been talking to my wife endlessly about astro equipment over the last few months and she's all telescoped out ! i have changed direction again and now want to buy a nexstar 5 . I have never owned an SCT before so i just wanted to know if anyone on here had any advice or first hand experience of these scopes . i am choosing the 5 because it has a built in wedge... does that change the mount into a EQ? Also it seems a portable scope that can be set up in a few minutes. Also i think it should give decent views . I did dabble with a skywatcher 127 Mak ... is there a lot of difference between the Mak and the nexstar ? Also , how quickly would one of these scopes cool down ... it will be stored in the house so the temperature difference will be considerable in the winter months . regards , Stu
  8. Hi , I had a problem when i put a cheshire into my focusser and the cross hairs were way off to the left instead of being central ...in the end i worked it out that by screwing the centre screw anti clockwise on the secondary moved the mirror to the front thus centering the cross hairs .. i was pretty chuffed with myself at that point but i have noticed that when moving the focusser in and out its very "sloppy " and it slips very easily .. its ok when tightening the locking screw so its still perfectly usable but its annoying me no end . Question : How do i tighten it , if indeed i can ? Thanks in advance for advice .. oh its a 200p Dob , by the way .
  9. Surely , the whole point is that whilst a 16" + dob is fantastic , the thrill of teasing out detail on the likes of jupiter and mars , and the delight in seeing the cass div (Saturn ) through a 4" refractor or a 127 mak , or even a 130mm dob actually gives as much satisfaction. I've had some of my best views through a 127 Mak , at the same time been a bit disapointed when looking through a 180 mak. Its not even a money thing ! I'm sure if we all could calculate and accumulate how much money we have spent on this hobby over the years we could buy the biggest light bucket available . There are many reasons why a lot of us "settle" on smaller scopes . I think aperture fever is something most of us go through , and still dream about . Its important to never be envious of people who buy and use bigger scopes . After all , if you are going to be envious , you will always be looking at the Hubble and thinking ...if only ! lol just seen John's post (above)... seems like hes got all bases covered there .
  10. I've had scopes for a few years (newts and all ) but ive never fully understood collimation , a sort of , it looks ok so lets get on with it attitude .. I am really glad that i started this thread . Ricochet , i've never even heard of the barlowed laser method !
  11. Well i was shot to pieces regarding the star test .. lol ... but , thanks Ricochet , if you dont know , you dont know - as the saying goes . Pixies , i dont have a cheshire ( i was lulled into the techie laser cos it looks cool camp )but i will invest in one. Come to think of it i did undo the secondary and it may well have been rotated , so thats a distinct possibility . Honestly , many thanks for your imput here , and thanks for the video ,Pixies . Starwatcher , the views are good but i reckon they could be better ... I am not sure how i will get on later but i will have another try .
  12. Hi Pixies , im at work at the mo , so i cant show you a pic until later ... regarding the images above the first one matches what i see . But its almost as if i see a non circular image behind it , like an oval .
  13. Hi I am a bit confused about what i am seeing when i check collimation of my skywatcher 200p Dob. I use a laser collimator which seems to be "on point" as i have had really nice views of Jupiter and saturn Recently and when i do an out of focus star test the inner circle seems pretty much centered . However when i look down the focuser without an EP the circle sits to one side and the actual outer "circle" is elipitical rather than round , . This is bothering me , more so the fact that i am able to focus really well on stars and planets but looking down that focuser really doesnt inspire any confidence that the mirrors are aligned properly . Its at this point that i have to bring into the conversation the "Stu" factor ... yes , i've been dabbling with an allen key and a screwdriver , so i've probably done something wrong . I've never noticed this on any other newt i've owned .. If everything was out of focus then i could understand it . Any ideas most welcome .
  14. The selling is a chore tbh ... i tend to sell out of guilt of buying more gear . lol
  15. I have found that i have a side effect ... i am addicted to buying and selling ( usually at a loss of course ) to get to my " sweet spot" ( which i honestly know i may never find ! As i am writing this i can see its a ridiculous condition , but , its also exciting , in an expensive sort of way .
  16. From what ive seen on here , John , your DIY skills far outweigh anything i could do , or even contemplate..
  17. Having owned both i would agree with you and add that the bresser has a better focusser than the SW, but the base is a little low . Optically i think they are really similar .
  18. wishing you all the best with your new scope, Phil ..you've given me some targets to look at that i had forgotten about .
  19. Hi Mathew , I have actually returned to using a Dob as my only scope .. i bought a 200p Skywatcher Dob from Widescreen Centre in Cambs ... Just by chance they actually had stock !!! It was one of those fate moments lol . i used it for the first time last night .. OMG what a great evening of viewing . Obviously the 250mm that i used to have captured more light , but , honestly , looking at the likes of Jupiter and Saturn wasnt that different . I am sure you will be completely blown away with your scope . Clear Skies
  20. Rob , I didnt realise how much i missed the Dob until i parted company with my last one (a 250mm bresser) I have used a fair few refractors recently , all good scopes .. but , somehow i think i've (finally) found the right one for me . Easier to store , easier to move , its a joy to use . Of course my scope resurfaces old challenges , ie finding the targets rather than using a goto. The wonders of the night sky that you mention are all firmly on the agenda . I particularly want to see M57 . Anyway , onwards and definitely upwards ... CLEAR SKIES
  21. So , August 31st ... an update ! And , just in case everyone thinks I’m a manic depressive that does nothing but complain about the weather , I have to report that last night (ie 31st) I have literally had my best night of backyard astronomy for a very long time . The clouds cleared during the evening and when darkness fell I was on totally clear skies .Apart from setting up with my view blocked by an annoying tree (schoolboy error) and there being enough dew to water my wife’s roses for a whole year , everything settled down and I had brilliant views of both Jupiter and Saturn . Considering their lack of height in our sky I saw three bands on Jupiter and , best of all I picked out the Cassini division on Saturn. . Not too bad for my light polluted back garden . I used my 200mm dob ( my only scope now ) , staying out until about 11pm ( I have to get up at 5 ,you know ! ) . Viewing the moon was fantastic as it’s not quite “full” . It was so bright .. I just used a 25mm EP . Just one clear evening has left me gagging for more . One more point .. my scope holds collimating remarkably well .it always has to go on a maze like journey to get from my wardrobe to the garden so I am really surprised that I haven’t had to collimate it . Bit of a positive bonus In my book . Anyway , I hope everyone had good clear skies last night , and I wish you all many many more .
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