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Everything posted by OnceWaser

  1. Yea thatll do it! People have had success in cleaning them with certain products and lunt offers replacements for them as well if you dont happen to clean it up
  2. Sounds like you are using a tilt tuned telescope? Its true that the sun doesnt have a ton of crazy phenomena happening at the moment- but you should be able to at least see good surface detail and proms on most days! If it is a tilt tuned, make sure you are not just spinning the wheel in its free zone where the internal etalon is not actually being adjusted- i have done this myself and thought i was tuning the telescope but as it turns out i hadnt gone far enough on the wheel to actually engage any tilt and hadnt been tuning at all! This may not be the case for you but thought i would mention it. You should feel some resistance in one direction once you actually start tuning.
  3. I have heard the same thing about similar products for cleaning those pieces of bluish green glass, but i have not tried myself
  4. https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/615362-help-whats-wrong-with-my-lunt-bf/?p=8531459 check out the link above, it is neither ITF or ERF
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