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Everything posted by Lucas_M

  1. This was one and half month ago, but worths to be shared. Saturn occultating 10th magnitude star HD 358643 (TYC 6349-0492-1). An over exposed GIF showing 96 minutes (65 frames) and we can see Rhea (above) and Tethys (below) moving. The star passing behind the rings. Animation begins with the star coming out at left side between the planet and the rings. This image is a maximum stacking combination,showing all the signal captured from moons Rhea and Tethys and also the star TYC6349-0492-1 (behind the rings). Total of 96 minutes, from 02:32h to 04:08h UT (65 frames). Sixteen frames selected manually and resized to perform a better visualization of event. Quadro.tif integration1.tif 2021-06-28-0354_6-LM_WJ_FW_PIX_PP_signed.tif
  2. Thanks very much! The imaging scale was 0.38 arcsec/pixel. My guider scale is far from ideal. An OAG would be indicated, but I only have a 60 f4 refractor that gives me 2.42 arcsec/pixel in the guiding. As long as I keep the rms error below 1.5 in the PHD, the images have no problems. Easier when limited to 300s exposure. This M16 was 600s subs and some had to be excluded because they exceeded this error limit.
  3. Hi! Thanks a lot! Do you see chromatic aberration in images taken with mono or color cameras? I'm sure you have more experience than me with telescopes (you have a great arsenal, so I don't want to repeat basics). The only element capable of generating refraction in the light is the corrector plate and some reducer added before the sensor. I have the Astrophysics CCDT67, but for sure, with no reducer we have less aberration possibility. Is this aberration from low altitude objects on the horizon?
  4. Thanks a lot all friends for the words. I appreciate very much!!
  5. Thanks, Ed!! Yes, it's a lot of work and needs too much HD free space too! 😅
  6. Thanks very much! My workflow is the standard one for planetary imaging. 1. Capture with Firecapture 2.6 2. Stacking in AutoStakkert 3.0 3. Layers sharpening in Registax 6 4. Animation Gif with PIPP All videos got throught this same processing. In PIPP you are able to choose the "speed" (FPS) of final GIF. Hope to have answered your question. Let me know if i didn´t.
  7. Yeah, bortle 9 makes the work become harder. The background gradient was faint due to limited exposure times (120s max.) Thanks very much for the reply.
  8. M16 (or only what fits my sensor). SHO Hubble Palette version Sii 20x600s Ha 21x600s Oiii 23x600s This type of image is something i'm loving to do. Big targets captured with a huge focal lenght. For this image was 2050mm FL. The C11" Edge HD has a great corrected field and no crop is needed. Astrophysics CCDT67 do the job puting telescope in a faster f/7 ratio and no distortion applied. It's not so easy in this FL to run 600s subs in a intermediate mount like AZ-EQ6 with 70% payload reached. I had time to play side by side with the famous Hubble version! 😅
  9. Just a smooth processing to keep the galaxy real in the field. Not able to take long subs due to the light pollution site, the limit exp time was 120s. A RGB challenge in a bortle 9 location. L 80x120s RGB 20x120s C11" HD reduced with a Astrophysics CCDT67 (f/7.3) + ASI1600mm-c Mount Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 GT Processing in PixInsight.
  10. This GIF is an animation of 3.5h Jupiter's rotation There were 130 images for this animation, totaling more than 400 GB of videos and a final average of almost 1.8 million frames (~ 13,838/video). At the beginning of the night the seeing was not so good, but it improved considerably over the hours. This may include acclimatizing the telescope and reducing heat dissipation from the ground into the atmosphere .... Many details with good sharpening, including GRS and NEB outbreak. First image: 2020-08-29 22:45h UT Last image: 2020-08-30 02:11h UT Equipment: C11 "+ PM2x + ASI290mc
  11. Hi friend.
    Is the Baader Luminance filter still avaliable?

    Thank you


  12. Avani, esse cara é um artista! Kkkkk Eu ficaria feliz se Júpiter tivesse 2 GRS!! Ficaria ainda mais feliz em assistir a fusão dessas 2 GRS!! 🤓
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