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Posts posted by barkis

  1. I have to say that the modern Astro. gear of all types looks what I can only call, Pretty.
    Perhaps this plays a huge part in the attraction to buy these days. Of course I'm guilty myself,
    having bought a couple of Astro century 21 bits, nothing very expensive.
    Those Primalucelab rings look smartish.

    I am presently considering a Red Cat 51, but the Postie needn't get too excited, I haven't fully committed.
    I'll rephrase that, the Wife hasn't released the debit card yet 🙁.

    • Haha 3
  2. 7 hours ago, Tim said:

    Hope it went well guys, would have loved to have joined, but had our busiest ever week at work this week topped off by our busiest ever day today, and quite frankly, I'm knackered. 

    This is a great endeavour. Would love to see Paul Money give a Zoom presentation, if you could twist his arm into doing one!


    Best wishes


    I reckon you'll be busy for a while Tim, people will be eager to get their gardens ship shape for summer.  

    Zoom is fantastic perhaps you might consider doing a presentation, Steve's was very good starting with a basic intro to imaging. It will get more in depth later though. 

    Hope you and family are all well.                                                  Ron.

  3. I had to leave before the end, but it was a big success, and I look forward to
    more in future, it certainly takes the sting out of having no Star Party this year.
    Must get myself a Microphone.  Also, Would my Canon Video recorder do as a camera?

    Many thanks to Admin. for bringing this to SGL, and a big Thank You to Steve R. for an excellent 
    performance, and look forward to more on the Imaging theme.

  4. 26 minutes ago, FenlandPaul said:

    Hi Ron, the 11 digit number is usually embedded in the link so when the details are published later it should take you straight to the meeting.

    link to meeting here


    Many thanks Paul, that's simplified it for me.   This new innovation could provide a great educational tool.   


  5. Well I've registered and Zoom is installed on my Smartphone. Looking forward to Steve's presentation. I was informed I should type in an eleven digit number after the installation, but does that mean to access the meeting. I'm a bit puzzled by that, I may have it wrong, Perhaps that was intended for a pretend meeting.


  6. The wind caught many of us by surprise today.     I had earmarked today to give my fish pond a good clean out. If had been somewhat neglected, and the algae was getting out of hand control. The wind was making a damned nuisance of itself, and making a difficult job even moreso.

    However, that compares not one Iota to the sad event that has befallen you Stu.  Even though the Optics escaped harm, it is still a heartache seeing that lovely instrument's body grotesquely twisted like that.  Must have endured a hefty clout. The Optics really deserve a new overcoat matey, Get a new tube if there is one to be had.    Sorry for your loss.


    • Thanks 1
  7. I would have thought the spreader would have wing nuts, 
    of course they can fly off too. Which scope have you got, the Skywatchers usually have a spreader running up the long central
    mount bolt, with a large knurled threaded  hand wheel to thread on and push the spreader on to the tripod legs.
    The spreader has shaped portions that fit neatly onto the legs.
    You obviously don't have that kind of telescope. Nuts don't undo themselves without something influencing them,
    such as vibration, and even then, they loosen only if they haven't been sufficiently tight.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Helen said:

    My pleasure Ron 😊 hope you and the family are well 

    Best wishes


    👍 We hope to buy a Jack Russell puppy when this Virus agony is under control.
    Best to Mike.

    • Like 2
  9. Welcome to SGL  Dafydd. If astronomy is your love, then you couldn't have better that
    join this great group of learned people.  Your knowledge will grow quickly here, and all the help and assistance 
    you might need is right here for you, all you do is ask your questions, and the answers will follow quickly.
    Hope you enjoy your new way of life. 

  10. 8 hours ago, badgerchap said:

    And here's plan number two. 


    1. Collapsible design means this should fit in a Ford Fiesta if needs be.
    2. Bearings are definitely a better design.
    3. Easier access to the mirror for cleaning 
    4. Despite the added complexity, setup time shouldn't be excessive
    5. Cooldown time should be very rapid
    6. It just looks ten times sexier.


    1. Really not convinced I have the DIY skills for this
    2. Will need some kind of jacket for stray light
    3. Design needs a bit of work to add access for collimation of the primary
    4. Still relies on some resin printed parts (rollers under bearings)
    5. As the design stands the original OTA will be destroyed irreversibly.

    The bearing cradle can be seen in the third photo. The little grey bits are resin printed collars, but I think they might be a bit rubbish against the plastic track surrounding the bearing wheels. I can probably find some bits of thin nylon tube to do the same job, but the idea is to decrease friction with the wheels.


    The secondary mirror housing just holds a slice of the original OTA held in by screws. Minimal reworking is the plan.



    Go easy on me, it's late and the kids have been driving me to distraction tonight hehe.


    Re con No.2 strike it from your list, this is no time to harbour negative thoughts. From my pov you are adequately equipped to complete this project, and with flying colours.


    • Like 1
  11. Nothing turns my stomach more than a common thief. Especially when they do so much damage
    trying to get at something they probably have no Idea what they may be stealing, and likely  to pass on to someone for a meagre 
    fraction of the value of the item/s. true worth. In this case, they got nothing, but the wreckage they often leave behind them can be soul destroying
    to the property owner/s. 
    I would deport all guilty thieves to an Arctic Island prison for 10 years, regardless of nature of the theft or ensuing damage.
    Pickpockets, fraudsters, all of that Ilk to be likewise cold stored. 

    Brutal?, of course it is, but there are enough bleeding hearts to prevent such punishment,s being introduced, so the plague will continue.


    • Like 1
  12. 8 hours ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

    This is one of the space highlights of the year for me. My name's landing on Mars.

    Just imagine, once terraforming is complete, and all the rovers are housed in the Mars Exploration Museum, a Martian will ask one day, 'I wonder what Scouse Space Cadet* was like?' Ok I know, I know, but we're allowed to dream! 🙄



    *Not my real name or rank.

    HehHeh!!   Nice one. You're name will be further out than mine, I only got to the Moon :sad:
    Nowt wrong with having dreams either 👍.

    • Like 1
  13. 39 minutes ago, DAVE AMENDALL said:

    Perhaps some of you remember Astronomical Equipment of Luton Known as A&E. Same period They  offered a fixed latitude Equatorial which had 1.5" diameter axles. My order took 3 months on that. I eventually collected it myself in bits and spent the next fortnight assembling it myself. Worthwhile because the quality was there............Dave

    AE MOUNT 1980.jpg

    AE MOTORS.jpg

    I can remember the A&E name, I didn't purchase any item from though.  I like the look of that build, it looks classy. I must have bought around  half a dozen of those stepper motor gearbox combo's during my own machinations. Only when I could work out what would produce the final sidereal rate though 😁.


    • Like 2
  14. 1 hour ago, Alan White said:

    I was never lucky enough to deal with BCF, just Telescope House in Edenbridge.
    My first astro purchase experiences were with Dark Star via mail order and phone calls in the early 1990's.
    First ever Astro shop visit was Tring and then Widescreen Centres.
    But most kit is from FLO and RVO to be honest all via the web, times had changed perhaps,
    and now perhaps more than ever going forwards.

    Fullerscopes stir up much nostalgia for me,       I can get a bit emotional over specific times in my earlier years. I had many dreams, some materialised, some haven't as yet.😁


    I would find it difficult to by pass First light for any future purchases. I've used them for most of my needs, and see no reason to change. Their service and communications are very good.   I'm not being a flag waver here, just voicing my own opinion, born of experience.


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