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Posts posted by barkis

  1. 1 hour ago, alan potts said:

    Ron, looks like we have alien chickens over here too, not something you see every day.


    Happy free roaming chickens, seem to like my garden too.


    4 Yolkers too, you are a  lucky guy Alan. ☺️

  2. I'm a bit perplexed about Helen Sharman's statement concerning Aliens, their likely existence, and the likelihood they 
    are already here on earth.  
    I, and many others will agree, that their probably will be other lifeforms in the universe, due to the countless  number of
    stars, with planetary systems similar to our own.  
    Guesswork isn't enough to indicate the existence of others in the Universe, it would be more  sensible to wait for absolute proof.
    I hope the sale of tinfoil doesn't  go through the roof 😁.

    • Like 2
  3. It may still be a bit presumptuous to expect the big fellow to go bang in the near future.
    He could well hang about for a few hundred, if not thousands of years yet.
    I'm not sure I want to see  Orion's right shoulder turn into a moon like object shining in our night,
    or daylight sky. It would be a sight to behold for sure, but I'm not that eager for it happen :sad:.


    • Like 1
  4. Who the hell comes up with these crackpot projects anyway?
    The space surrounding Earth is crammed with enough junk without throwing anymore up there. 
    The main aim in my opinion, is to make money for those responsible, and not so much to improve communication
    planet wide.  I'm sure technology in time,  will improve sufficiently in order to achieve that goal without the need
    to litter the night skies with hundreds of pesky fireflies.
    Is there not a world governing body existing to veto this madness?



    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  5. I had an issue with my EQ6-R too, but unfortunately, self inflicted due to 
    carelessness. I blew the main board out, but Flo. and thanks very much to Martin  who
    quickly got a new one sent out to me, I had to pay for mine, but that's what you get 
    when you've donned your own Idiot hat. James too had a role in the communications
    that Flo. excel in.
    I'd just add my best wishes for a Great Christmas, and more success in the coming New Year
    to all Flo's crew, and indeed to all members of this great institution SGL.

    I'd just add, be very careful when altering the power input cable for whatever reason.
    The correct Polarity is vital, so be absolutely sure you get it right. There is no polarity 
    protection built into the Motherboard, if you get it wrong, it's instant death.

    Image result for merry christmas sign


  6. The APM909 Module was difficult to buy. I tried but I was informed that the device could not be 
    imported due to restrictions in place because they contained certain metals that were deemed a danger to health.
    I've no Idea how much truth there was in that. However, I took a devious route to get one from the States.
    I needn't have bothered, I sold the scope shortly after.

  7. My RoR is a double one two in tandem.
    Both have permanent piers, but only the front one is used for astronomy.
    The rear one is used to house the Laptop, and is also a warm room.
    It stays remarkably dry in there, so no damp worries. 
    This image is old, the mount carries the MN190 at present. 
    Power supply cable to a distribution box.  plus USB  cable  to a Startech Hub,
    means all the cables for addons don't litter the surrounding area. 
    Outputs are set to service different devices. Since this picture was taken, the Dist. Box
    is attached to a saddle that can be parked on whichever scope is on the mount,1300836131_Setup1.thumb.jpg.24b7a2a65b1215efaef8e6dbd260d71a.jpg

    • Like 1
  8. You're a Class act young Steve. Tremendous production here, and great to see your work
     back in the DS Imaging section. You must have put a lot of effort into this  work, and the effort
    has been rewarded in a big way.
    Look centre left of the image, there is a likeness of a Great White shark rearing up out o f the turbulence it resides
    in. Perhaps it's just my questionable imagination at work there though :icon_salut:.

    Best Wishes matey.

    • Like 1
  9. 6 hours ago, apophisOAS said:

    yes Horizon is much better than sky at night since we lost sir patrick. Why does the BBC have to have 2 presenters finishing each others sentences one is fine , but typical BBC overspend "why have one when you can have 2 at twice the price"--question what film is that a quote from?


    Ah! Has to be The movie 'Contact'


    • Like 1
  10. I'm sure most of us are looking forward to the launch of the Webb telescope.

      Such a technical challenge this instrument, and it must rank very high in the hunt for the birth of the Universe

    Let's hope that event isn't even further back in time than was calculated. In any event, there will be revelations to savour for sure.   

    However, God speed the JWT.



    • Like 2
  11. You must be very pleased with what you have created here Graeme.
    It's an excellent image of this majestic galaxy. Your confidence must
    a lot higher now, and after 17 hours work, patience is something you do not lack,
    and that is a big plus in this branch of Astronomy.
    Good stuff sir :icon_salut:.

    • Thanks 1
  12. A very nice treat from your good lady Stu. Exactly tailor made to suit your interests too.
    The wife and visit London for a culture week every year, and always take advantage of the two for one
    offers that hold our interests.
    Nice one matey, now you make sure Mrs Stu. receives a nice Xmas prezzie 😀.

    • Like 1
  13. 11 minutes ago, tomato said:

    I was taught that a successful business:

    1. Gives their customers what they want, and,

    2. Never stands still.

    Speaking to Steve on Saturday, he certainly gets this.

    Yep! And with the quality of the guys In Flo's team, there will be no chance of steps too far. In  House communication will ensure feet will stay firmly on the ground.

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