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Posts posted by barkis

  1. 7 minutes ago, Neil H said:

    Great idea Ron but once this lock down is over the telescope will be going up the caravan which is on a fishing lake a nice dark site  , but that also means setting up in a field just for the summer then back home in the winter 

    Well, the good thing is, you have at least found a solution to the problem to permit full use of your instrument.  My first Newtonian was a 8" f6, and I got so much enjoyment out of it.                                                 Best Wishes



  2. Best solution I can envisage is, and especially If you are mostly using your scope at home,
    is build yourself a solid pier to mount your scope on.
    Remove the scope after use and take it indoors, but the mount If accurately polar aligned,
    can remain on the pier, so polar alignment is not disturbed.

    A pier is not difficult to put in place if you have the room in your yard or garden.
    A lot will depend upon your situation, ie, do you have the space, your views from your garden, obstruction
    may make it difficult to work from home.

    Great Care must be applied if you use a mains supply run  to any DC Adaptor power mount. Seek professional advice on that issue.

    Plenty of help on the forum here if you need suggestions on going about siting a pier.
    It does not mean spending a load of cash either.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Grierson said:

    Can’t answer your specific question Doug as I’ve not used the PC based version of EQMod since I received my EQ6-R. I do however use the ZWO ASIAIR version of EQMod with the mount and it works fine using a simple USB2 lead between the AIR and the mount. No adjustment required except for the baud rate. - John

    The mount works fine John, It's just that particular item I noticed in the 
    programme. Of course I realise Eqmod caters for many makes and types of mount, and
    some will have encoders on board. 
    I guess since the function can be switched on or off, in the case of my mount, it would matter not 
    whether it is on or off. I haven't noticed any change in performance  in either position, so
    I'll just stop thinking about it.
    Thanks for you input anyway 👍.


  4. Perhaps my question is silly, but Eqmod does have a switch pertaining  to
    encoders. I know the EQ6-R mount does not have them, except for the periodic error correction.
    Unless I'm misinformed on that point.

  5. Not sure about a switch within Eqmod.
    I understand the EQ6-Pro does not have encoders, other than
    one for aiding periodic error correcting. That being so, If I have this right,
    Is it necessary to switch on the encoders  within the eqmod interface, or can it be switched off?

  6. If your ambition is to eventually Image the night sky gems, star clusters, open and globular. Planetary Nebula, Spiral and other galaxies. Stellar Nurseries such as the Orion Nebula, and oh so many other exotic occupants of the Universe, then set your mind the essential part of the kit you will require. One of the GoTo varieties of Equatorial. There are several choices, some more expensive than others. Of course the second hand market is a place to visit which would save you a bit of money. 

    Gear your thinking towards the telescope you have ambition to own, as that will help determine the type of mount you should go for.  Buying a quality mount first, will allow you to image the sky with a DSLR camera, help hone your skills until such time as you can buy your desired telescope. This way of life can drain your wallet in double quick time, so take your time, and plot your way through the minefield Astro Photography  can be.

    Good Luck on your journey.                                                             Ron.



    • Like 1
  7. Anyone seen the Hubble 30th. Birthday Image of the Large Magellanic Cloud?

    Absolutely a mind buster. The description accompanying the Image is also quite revealing.

      No more upgrade or repair missions for the Hubble, so the James Webb needs to be a success, otherwise, they must strive to keep Hubble alive. This Telescope has far exceeded what was expected of it. A scientific Wonder is not quite enough of an accolade for the Hubble.


    • Like 1
  8. Welcome to the SGL Astronomy knowledge centre Dave There are experts covering many of the sciences
    astronomy consists of.   
    Are you an observing only guy, or is imaging the skies wonders also in your ambitions?
    Whichever you aspire to, there is always instant help should you need it.





  9. Nothing angers me more than the common thief.  My blood boils when I hear stories like this.
    The trouble is, most of are trusting soul;s, and want to believe the same of everyone else,
    unfortunately,  real  life experience tells a different story.  It is better to remove temptation away from the common thieves.

    Hopefully you might recover the Laptop, the thief will no doubt be known to the Police.
    We all sympathise with you, it leaves a bitter taste for sure. 
    and hopefully they can track him down.  

  10. The reason you have this happen is your supply to the mount was the wrong polarity.
    Unfortunately the EQ6 Pro's are not self protected against this.  
    If your cable is connect by leads to a battery for example, you must ensure that the leads are applied to the terminals correctly
    or you will blow out the scopes Motherboard. It is unfortunate, but you will need to replace the motherboard, which is
    quite easy to do.  A new board can be bought from First Light Optics,  roughly about £135. 
    Take good note of the connectors on the board before you remove them, so you don't get them wrong when fitting the new one.
    I don't know of anyone who repairs these, so buying new is your only option. 


    • Confused 1
  11. I was looking at focus max 4 to compliment my newly acquired Lakeside focuser.
    After visiting ccdware's website.  (having had to exclude their website via my Malware Prog.owing to a Trojan warning.
    I was a bit staggered by the price of $129. Not sure the advantages of the software will justify that price, 
    which will be around £105 I reckon. I'm not a mean Git, so If anyone using it will give it a 10/10,
    then I will re consider.



  12. Look for the Double Cluster in Perseus, binoculars show it well, too much magnification in a telescope kinda spoils it a bit.

    Just lay back in a Deckchair on a dark night, and just trawl through the skies. You'll be awed by the wonder of it all. Ever changing, do it once a month should the night skies permit. Telescopes are too limited to drink all the splendour in.


    • Like 2
  13. @Norniron   I've no Idea what your budget is, and you certainly don't need to reveal it here.
    I  can suggest you look at the used market for a decent instrument. There are many decent bargains to be had.
    and If you are in the early stages of amateur astronomy, then you should consider that route.

    Often expectations can be too great, and disappointment could lead to abandoning your ambition altogether.
    Before you make a decision to buy any particular telescope, If you are unsure, ask for advice on the forum here.

    • Like 1
  14. Sky at Night magazine gave this scope a good write up.
    Saturn should be viewable, but rather small. 
    Work progressively through your eyepieces from low magnification, to high.
    Make sure the sky is good, and seeing is steady.
    The moon is a good target, and some good details will be available to see.
    It is a neat telescope, but not a miracle worker. Have patience, observing can take a bit of time to master.
    Good Luck


    • Like 1
  15. 58 minutes ago, Midnight_lightning said:

    Thanks Ron, I think a diagonal would exacerbate the balancing issue but its an interesting suggestion and great lateral thinking :)



    As to balance,  are you unable to move your OTA further forward in the dovetail, and or the tube rings.  A picture of your setup might help with further suggestions.



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