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Posts posted by barkis

  1. My Asus Laptop was updated to  Windows version 10, and subsequently to version 11.
    Unfortunately it resulted in me losing most of my Astro files. Ascom is now Ascom Alpaca, and part of Github.
    I have been trying to  get my Skywatcher EQ6 Q Pro mount driver downloaded,  but I can't find it listed.
    Is the old Ascom platform now extinct ?  
    I there is something about Ghost Drivers, but I need to be advised on how to get what I need to get computer control
    of my telescope again. 
    Hope someone can point me in the right direction.           

  2. 14 minutes ago, Pete Presland said:

    Welcome back Ron, you are one of the few SGL members i have actually met in person at AstroFest a couple of years back 🙂 

    Good to hear you are on the mend, not much has changed around here really, seems a little Quiter than years gone by. I guess forums are not as popular as they once were perhaps.

     we are still moaning about the weather, seeing conditions, light pollution, but most importantly still enjoying this wonderful pastime.



  3. 22 hours ago, saac said:

    Good to see you back Barkis, you'll quickly get back into things. Task No 1, chase the non ascom compliant spiders out of the observatory :) 


    Heh/Heh. Some of the blighters have invaded the house too.
    Not a day goes by that the wife emits a scream from the bathroom. I  can't get up there quick either, the
    knee is still in healing mode.

    Thank for welcome back guys. it's been quite a while. 

    • Like 1
  4. You certainly have the setup for Imaging Jupiter, and most of what I see here is pleasing indeed. So much detail captured.
    Processing is always challenging, and expert I certainly am not, but you have some fine results, from your data.
    As said, you must decide what is satisfying to you, and be very happy with that.
    The James Webb doesn't have the   conditions scopes on earth have to contend with, so what you have achieved is pretty remarkable.
    Good stuff. 👍



    • Thanks 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

    Welcome back Ron.
    I don't think too much has changed to be honest, there was some big changes around being allowed on the classified section but that should not affect you, otherwise much as it was , just be courteous to others, no swearing or politics and you should be fine 🙂 


    Heaven Forbid Steve. 😇


    • Haha 2
  6. Many thanks for the kind words. I appreciate the welcome back.
    SGL is such a warm place, and the long lay off was a time of despair at times, so your welcome has 
    eradicated that memory. 

    I will probably be seeking help and advice, so I hope I don't turn into an inquisitive pest and become an annoyance 😀.


  7. I'm still recovering from knee replacement Surgery. That that time added to the long wait for the operation
    has kept me away too long from any astronomy, and most of all from this forum. Covid 19 alone caused many cancellations

    SGL. seems to have  developed some changes too, which I'll need to get accustomed too, so forgive me 
    if I make some errors.

    I have been absent from my Obsy. for so long I have encountered so much change in the procedures, for example, in
    trying to install  drivers for mount, focuser, and cameras, Ascom itself has been dramatically altered, and frankly has me
    baffled.   The long lay off has created a lazy brain, so I may need to ask for help in getting back to some kind of normality.

    Perhaps Admin. can explain any changes in the way SGL now operates, and rules and regs  now in place.
    I've sorely missed this place, so I hope to fit back in, and get to know the new members who have joined during my absence.
    Best Wishes to everyone,

    Ron.  AKA Barkis.   👍






    • Like 30
  8. 11 hours ago, bomberbaz said:

    I am using W11 Ron, only run DSS, Gimp and Stellarium so far as well as all my other non astro related stuff and not had any issues.

    If anything I find things run better and faster.

     Thanks for that Steve, I think I will do the Upgrade today and put 
    the setup to the test. It hasn't been active for two months but I don't anticipate
    any problems 👍.


  9. 1 hour ago, Mr Spock said:

    Hey Ron, I was wondering if you were ok. Hopefully they'll get you fixed soon 👍

    I don't have any astro software on W11, but it works just great with the stuff I do have. Even my decade old PaintShop Pro 7 works flawlessly.

    Glad you find It OK, although Microsoft did say some components of10 would no longer 
    work, I don't think those would be really important. I want to stay up to date with upgrades,
    and although I have a Desktop, and  another Laptop, neither have The TPM security required for the 

    Thanks for your reply matey, My visits to SGL  have been few and far between, I will certainly 
    get back to normality as soon as the gloom and doom lift.
    It's surprising how limited movement can affect enthusiasm. 
    Soon be Christmas, that should help 🙂.
    Best Wishes.


    • Like 1
  10. I am considering updating my Asus Laptop to Widows11.                 

    The only computer I have that conforms to Microsoft's requirements,
     is  my observatory machine, having all the necessary  Astro. equipment drivers installed.

    Upgrading to 11 is not mandatory I know, so I'm driven only by curiosity as to trying the upgrade at all.
    It is reversible if required I know, but If anyone has experienced any problems with their installation of their
    Astro.  drivers on Win.11, please add their particular issues if any, in this thread.

    I have not been in my Obsy. for quite a while now, due to being badly restricted with severe knee  problem.
    The pandemic  produced a major setback to Orthopedic operations, but  I have now had the Pre.Op. checks,
    and deemed fit for surgery and now await the call to hospital. It has been a long wait, but just as bad for 
    many others in the same boat as me. I just hope the wait isn't another long one. Life ain't been a joy for a long time now,
    and I need to get back to what I enjoy very much. 

    Many thanks in advance.


  11. As above member said, you must unscrew one bolt, then screw in it's opposite number the same amount.
    Do that until you get the scale pointer reading your Declination.
    Do this in small increments of course.
    The procedure should be reversed as necessary until you reach the desired number on the declination scale.

    Your particular site declination is 52.3079 Degrees.  The adjustments should be done with the mount loaded,
    which is why it should be carried out in small measures, it is easier that way.
    Is your Mount sited on a permanent pier,? If so , then it is good to get it as accurate as possible, especially for guided Astrophotography.
    If you are sited on a site in your garden, and the mount is removed after a session, then you should carefully mark the tripod
    legs on the ground to ensure you can replace them exactly in the same for you next outing.


  12. A warm welcome to the SGL  Astronomy phenomena.
    Your Avatar of a Ronchigram stirred some great memories for me.
    You must have been a Newt. Mirror Creator yourself, or perhaps you are 
    still manning the grinding post 😀.  It's a fascinating task, and a very rewarding one too.
    I  need to keep this post from my good lady, who has disturming memories of me depositing
    pitch fragments onto my pillows in bed, which had found their way into my hair when
    trimming the lap squares became necessary.😅
    Enjoy the company of fellow members here, they are a great bunch of folks 
    of all nationalities.


  13. Best of luck filling that post Steve. I'm sure there must be someone in the Exeter population
    tailor made for that role.  Of course it's another indication of how well Flo.
    has progressed over the years, and another addition to the fine and efficient  staff you already  have down there
    will further enhance your reputation.
    Here's to a successful appointment. 👍



    • Like 1
  14. Itr's never a good Idea to venture out on an Observing spell on ones own.
    Much better to  organize these  outings with a couple of friends, preferably people who share your interest,
    but even folks who don't will appreciate the sights you and your scopes will afford them.
    They will be enthralled, and may well take up astronomy themselves.
    Is there a local Astronomical Society near you perhaps, that would be the best
    way to get a group together.

  15. May he rest in perfect peace.
    His job may not have seemed as glamorous as  Neil Armstrong's or  Buzz Aldrins,
    but his role was overwhelmingly important to the Lunar landing mission.
    Can't have been very  easy to bear the strain  so alone, waiting for the LEM ascent .
    Nerves would be jangling for sure.
    All their names will live in Space Annals for all time.


    • Like 1
  16. The bolt on the Lockdown has been released, if only tentatively,  and  in the hope that the human element within this 
    treat it with great care and respect , and thereby permit it to go forward and prosper.

    There have been recent incidents  of a kind that will give many of us room for doubt, but we sincerely hope 
    that  no more temptation is offered to this deadly Virus through foolhardy behaviour.

    Practical Astronomy is an outdoor pusuit in the main, so we all wish the future  has a good outcome for all.
    Enjoy the freedom everyone, and I'm looking forward  to that first Martian Copter Flight 👍.


    • Like 4
  17. The weather has played a little part  from a  spirits raising  viewpoint,
    but I just hope it isn't a false dawn. 
     I will be overjoyed when I see the possibility of another SGL Star Party hatching on the Forum pages.
    Well, I can hope can't I ? 😀
    Lucksall Again would be just fine.

    • Like 3
  18. Welcome aboard the Goodship SGL Captain K.  Enjoy you stay among some of the finest amateur Astronomers
    online. Any problems you may need addressed will  be readily be  resolved for you if needed, just post your 
    problem  in the  Astro.  Lounge.
    Best Wishes.  


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