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Everything posted by HunterHarling

  1. I added Ha to my previous M33 image and reprocessed. I'm quite happy with the improvement so far: RGBL: 50x300s each Ha: 25x400s Asi1600mm FSQ106 Thanks for looking, questions comments always welcome!
  2. Beautify processed image! I really like the star field. I believe that this image is a bit deeper...
  3. This image is still a WIP as I want to add Ha data. I'm pleased with the result so far though, this is really a great target. One thing I found really interesting is that there are several green nebulae in m33 which I am used to seeing as red. Does anyone know why this is? It looks like OIII. And here are some of the OIII nebulae: L: 60x300s RGB: 50x300s each ASI 1600 FSQ106 Thanks for looking
  4. This was a shot from Joshua Tree NP taken 7 July 2019. This is 4 stacked 30s images taken with a Nikon d810a, nikkor 14-24mm and processed in Pixinsight and PS. one image was used for the foreground. The brightness on the right side of the image is from the moon. Thanks for looking
  5. It is out of focus a bit, do you use a Bahtinov mask? It looks like regular SCT coma. If so, there isn't much you can do about it, aside from get a high quality reducer like the one Starizona makes. Posting a full image might help diagnose the issue.
  6. These images do look like they have a lot of noise🤔 I would add many more exposures and see if it gets better. For noise reduction in Pixinsight, I found it best to use three separate processes all with a grayscale range mask. First, TGV denoise with a local support image. Second, multiscale median transformation at 8 different scales and amounts. Third, ADCNR after stretching the image if it still requires nose reduction. However, if you feel the data is a bit thin or has too much noise, just get more exposure. The more you add, the easier it will be to process.
  7. It's definitely worth imaging though, such a great target. I look forward to seeing your image.
  8. Thanks! The camera is amazing, especially for such a great price. The filters aren't so great, however. If I could I would get maybe Baader or Astronomic instead. Thanks so much, Carole. Thanks.
  9. I believe that narrower bandwidth OIII might help... I did capture during a full moon so there were some background gradients.
  10. Here is a crop of NGC 6888 and the bubble:
  11. Yes, this would probably work better. I might try this with some of my older data.
  12. I found it is best to throw all the R, G, B, and L subs together in a stack. There is the same amount of signal as L and a bit less noise.
  13. I am going to experiment more with exposure length though...
  14. This seems like it will work... I'll give it a try. Same with me. At least for my ZWO set, the OIII is always the one to give halos.
  15. Yes, I've imaged using 180s before with good results. Really though, if you have bad light pollution, you should do narrowband. You could get some great results even with extreme LP.
  16. Thanks, Alan. Well, I started with 300 second for narrow band, but there wasn't enough signal. Then, I went to 600s and there was too much amp glow, so I settled on sort of a middle-ground at 400s which seem to give good results
  17. I may be adding RGB stars to this image, but I'm satisfied I finally captured the Soap Bubble after seeing some great images of it. This is 17 hours of Ha and OIII in HOO palette. It was difficult to bring out the OIII halo, even with the 11 hours of OIII data... Ha: 55x400s OIII: 100x400s ASI1600mm FSQ106 ED ZWO Ha, OIII filters Thanks for looking and question/ comments welcome
  18. Thanks. My bortal sky is much worse on the south-west side than the north-east, so I believe the sky around Cepheus is about Bortal 4. However, looking south-west is probably Bortal 6 or worse I think I'm pretty lucky to have the better northern sky though, as I can capture the targets as they rise
  19. Yes, fortunately I can use 1.25" filters😂 Would be very expensive if I needed 2 inch, even for brands other than Astrodon. Amazing how much a small circle of glass costs...
  20. Thanks, Daniel and Wim. I tried cloning the halos, but it didn't turn out too well. I think you're right:) I'm really considering Astrodon, but if I go Astrodon I can't get the full set due to cost. Astronomic filters also look great though.
  21. Hi all, here is about 27 hours of Ha and Oiii data of NGC 7000. This is the largest deep sky panorama I've done yet, and was hard to put together in Pixinsight. Also, my ZWO filters are giving me halo problems, advise about removing the halos would be appreciated... ASI 1600mm FSQ106 ED Ha: 25x400s per panel OIII: 35x400s per panel Total~26.7 hours Thanks for looking
  22. I've never seen an image this deep of the Saturn nebula. Amazing...
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