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Everything posted by TareqPhoto

  1. Why not, the moon is the easiest clearest and closest target to us, so i always practice on the moon with any camera or telescope for initial test. Thank you.
  2. True, i can't resolve all those details by my eyes, but telescope and camera could, and happy for that, thanks
  3. Awww, s happy to hear that, thank you very much 🙂
  4. Thanks! That is exactly why i bought this camera, in addition, i will use it for planetary, i saw big names such as Damian Peach using this camera sometimes for planetary.
  5. Hi all, This is my best so far moon shot was taken last month, it was the first time testing my new camera, ZWO ASI174MM, i know the camera is amazing without the test, but it is nice to see the results anyway.
  6. Use the scope now and let us know, confirm about the issues, test it first and then judge later, if you can manage to keep the target in the view for at least 2 minutes then you are fine, most of my images are up to 3 minutes only, so it isn't a big deal, mostly with the moon because we have a good seeing i sometimes don't go more than 1 minute video anyway.
  7. For planetary or the moon it may be fine although not ideal mount, as long you keep it with minimum load as much you can, so just the scope and camera, check out what is the capacity load of the mount and then check out what is the weight of this Mak 180, if you are within the capacity then great, if you still have room then adding a camera won't harm, if it is beyond the capacity then most likely you are having issues but not too much, because people can do even with AZ/ALT mount, so with limited EQ you can have like about %50 better than AZ anyway, just remember you won't use any Barlow and also you won't shoot with smaller ROI. Yes, all above are from my 180mm Mak and i have more.
  8. I am using my 180mm Mak with AZ-EQ6 as it is my only mount, and just recently say yesterday i replaced the focuser on the Mak, i mean i added a focuser as i don't like its stock knob, hopefully i can test it as soon as possible maybe today or tomorrow if the weather is stays nice and clear sky.
  9. Oh, what did you do or as you say "What you have done"? i hate my 180mm ............ Because it couldn't match C14 or 1 meter scopes 😂😂😂🤣 Congratulations, you will enjoy it a lot i am sure For you
  10. That's what making it as a nice one to have for fun more, BUT, i mentioned APO refractor, there are so many refractors APO and small, and many prefer to go with a refr than a newt, so keep that in mind too.
  11. Ok, maybe one day when i finish getting Takahashi [i hope, OH GOD, i pray to you for this] and a dob and maybe 10-12" RC then i can think about this 130PDS ?
  12. Watching this thread i feel like why don't i get this 130PDS myself, i saw many nice results here, just i don't know how good it is compared to many other lenses such as APO refractor, and i already have 8" F5 Newtonian, so is this 5" Newt necessary?!!!
  13. And as you can see, I already bought Astrodon filter, and I don't know why, I got nicer results with my Astrodon filter last year than my Optolong Ha filter in filter wheel this year, and this one exactly why I kept going into DSO and I will never give up even it is under red zone light pollution sky, and this is another reason I want to buy a TAK, so I never give up later at all after so much spending If you want, I can post same this target again here but I can call it "My first ever LRGB of M42", so is that counted too or only first ever at all?
  14. My first DSO is this from last year, ST80 and Astrodon Ha 5nm filter, very funny combo, huh lol
  15. Get a Mak like i did, i bought Skymax 180mm, it has 2700mm regardless its F15, give it a try or a think.
  16. Finally it is solved.Very kindly Mr. Robin from Cyclops Optics, helped me to figure out the problem of the filter wheel with camera direct connection, it was how i position the filter wheel, sounds maybe in different position the inside disk's screws getting loose or whatever so it prevent the filter wheel disk to rotate until i correct the position, he told me to check out the tight of those screws.It is working with SGPro and EZCAP, but it doesn't work with Sharpcap, yesterday i think or before yesterday it was working, so i don't know what's wrong, but i really don't care much about Sharpcap until i start doing planetary imaging with filters, i use Sharpcap for focus or polar alignment or something else but not much for DSO AP, maybe one day i buy ZWO filter wheel to go with ZWO camera for planetary i bought.Now all what i need is the adapter for connecting the flattener and spacers to the filter wheel then i am done, i ordered those already and now i have to wait them to arrive, under shipping already.Thank you very much for all the help, and sorry for causing any problems here.
  17. Hi, No, I have the ultraslim version. My flattener is Hotech SCA 2", and it says it has T thread, is that M45? so others told me to have an adapter of M54 to M42.
  18. Thanks! I solved one problem, i managed to control the camera and filter wheel in SGP with match, but the other problem is still exist which is i can't connect the filter wheel to the camera, the connection was from filter wheel to PC via USB directly, this means one more long cable, uggggh. Also the main problem is i can't connect the flattener[Hutech SCA 2"] to the filter wheel, i don't know what is the filter wheel front thread, but maybe i will just try to shoot without flattener if i can get the focus and see if i can start practice with LRGB filters. I ask in many forums, i try to learn from everywhere, and i can't depend on one forum if there are members don't have a clue with my issues or if they don't have same my setup, so the more i ask in different forums, the more i can get answers from some.
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