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Everything posted by TareqPhoto

  1. WOW, people changed, before i always hear "Oh my, when this year gonna finish or end?!!!", and that is even in the middle of the year not in December for example, nice to see that people value every moment or minute now, good.
  2. I will, and i think not hundreds or thousands, i believe maybe millions of years. Tareq
  3. Someone in another forum said it is still not gone, i told him wait 25 days and then it is officially gone. Thank you very much
  4. Hey all, 2019 is already gone and we will welcome the new year if we are still alive, so i am sure everyone has a plan for next year, i am making plans always and always changing due to situations or results or whatever. Finally i got my OIII 3nm filter last month, did give it a quick try, wasn't bad, still need more time to try it, but i can tell it is way way better than my 6.5nm OIII filter i use [Optolong]. Now i am trying to make a list with all targets i can do with only Ha and OIII until i can manage to bring SII also, but now i am not sure if this time i should bring LRGB first [Astrodon] or SII, because i know i will use SII more with Ha and OIII, but there are targets i want to do with LRGB combined with Ha as well, so not sure if LRGB or SII will see more use regardless of the targets and sky condition i am in. I used my ZWO filter wheel which is mainly for planetary to mount my Astrodon Ha and OIII, but trying to connect it to my QHY camera caused me all problems i never expected, so now i don't know which filter wheel i can buy to accept my Astrodon/Chroma 1.25" 10mm thickness filters with my QHY163M camera, with QHY filter wheel i can use the short adapter to bring the camera closer, i do have that filter wheel, but i bought an internal disk for 1.25" and to my surprise it didn't accept 10mm Astrodon/Chroma filters, so either i go with their standard version which i don't know if it will accept it, or another filter wheel that can make QHY163M camera closer to the filters, if you know options please tell me so i can finish my problem. I bought QHY mini guide scope, it fit perfectly for my QHY5 camera, but i still have problems with guiding, and i am trying with one guy locally to figure it out and solve it, and it is with all my guiding setup with any imaging setup, so it is definitely software settings than the equipment itself, but i am still in that position thinking about "To OAG or not", at least for my Newt, i bought this Mini Guide Scope to mount it on my Newt to minimize weight, just not sure if it is FL is sufficient for it, i have to ix and finish with this guiding issue since years, my DSO imaging is all crap due to not making guiding working properly, so this will be my first goal to fix soon. Honestly speaking, using my Astrodon Ha again is a lot of joy, i did try for Horeshead and Orion and Flaming Star and Rosette targets unguided and they were amazing really, i tried with 5 minutes even unguided, sure the stars or results isn't good unguided, but the target is just right there screaming for better, so i have to quickly setup my gear perfectly as possible as i can and use this Ha/OIII to get nice data then i start new journey ...... "PixInsight Processing", i tried to play with others data, for short time not deep processing steps, got few tips, but i really want to play with my own data, i feel i want to spend 1-5 hours on my own data than others even if my data isn't that good yet, but i am learning now how to make my data as good once i mentioned about my gear setup being fixed, i spent long time now trying without reaching anywhere, and as someone told me, i will focus on one target and my plan is also to use one filter to have enough data of that then move to another filter for same target, sounds this year and last year were just experimenting, so i want to start new year with new plan, and serious one, almost got enough items to make it, always i have one kind of issue when i setup, but i hope this time once everything is right then i enjoy more imaging, it needs patience, i remember in 2017 i thought i will make it in few months, people told me it will take years, so now almost 3 years passed for me, now i have to start better. I attached Rosette Nebula done with my ST80 again and Astrodon Ha [5min subs unguided] as my setup failed on me with my Canon lens, so i ordered adapters, one for Canon connecting and the other for coma corrector with Newt, let's see how it will go for me.
  5. It has been 1 month long, but answering the last question, Side A or Reflection 1 is the correct one
  6. Please delete this thread/topic, no need to keep it now, thanks.
  7. Follow the reflection on the filters, if there is spacing or kind of double reflection or ghosting then this is the telescope side, i think i also saw another link where it shows the reflections of those unmounted to tell which side to use.
  8. Just got a budget although it is not bad but i have to squeeze it for few items only including one expensive item, so i have to make sure all items i buy are right choices. Chroma Oiii 3nm over Astrodon because it is cheaper, agree or no? Should i buy OAG according to the guiding cam or imaging camera? or it doesn't matter really? Does anyone here used dark filter for dark frames? if so what is the impression? I have to think about a filter wheel, but sounds i will pass it for now and try hard with what i have for miracle maybe, so if i will use ZWO filter wheel which has smaller mount adapter or window than QHY so not sure if OAG should be from ZWO as well or from QHY, my main camera is QHY163M. I have to decide very soon, so within 2 days i will order it and hopefully i don't regret it,, i may try to go with guide scopes i have, but something telling me that with the Newt 8" the OAG will do me better job and less issues once i set up it properly, for my Canon lenses or even future refr i can use whatever guide scope i have, but i keep thinking about my Newt to be used as soon as possible, for DSO at least, it will be fine over planetary imaging, but it must be combined with guiding anyway.
  9. Changes in plan, i decided to go with Zambuto mirror after all, and i think i will go with the quartz option as i don't want any surprises with weather/conditions any time, Zambuto wanted or suggested i go with Supermax version to save the cost, but when i told him about conditions then he agreed about Quartz finally, if i will pay it once then better make it the best even it is too much, if i will pay over $7000 anyway then $1000-2000 difference isn't gonna change the worse, the waste will happen no matter, and i will buy it for lifetime, so i am ready later to pay more to have a mirror with less headaches, not only about quality anyway. Zambuto mirror of quartz will take nearly 10 months more or less, so until 10 months or 1 year i can try to save for it monthly or every 2 months period, i hope i can get the budget fully made next year, i can start with a down-payment as he said to secure the making, but i prefer to have something like 40-50% of the total cost in my hand or sooner than later then i can think about saving, the dob structure will be ready within 2-3 months not a problem, the person told me he wanted the details about the primary mirror and he already had the secondary mirror model so he can resume and finish the design, later i can get the mirror and install it myself.
  10. Hopefully i can find [if can't build] a stable sturdy effective safe trolley to be used with my upcoming dob with is 20".
  11. No answer because there will be no one adequate answer, if you want replies they will give you too many answers. First, have to know that aperture is aperture no matter what people will tell you about the scope design itself or type, so 16" is definitely larger than 11", and you can manage some factors and other factors like seeing isn't in your hand, but between 16" and 11" i will blindly choose 16" and don't listen to those who will tell you that 11" SCT is very portable and capable, yes, but i want 16" aperture not 11", this is my simple answer. You can shoot with 16" Dob, i saw that on the net only, i myself decided to go with 20" customized design and later i will add mount or platform, you can use this 16" for visual perfectly, and it is Goto then it can be enough for a while, and if you plan to do planetary imaging then it is also an amazing scope, maybe goto isn't too much for planetary, but you can manage it somehow, and i advise you if you buy one of those then just buy ZWO planetary camera, 11" SCT or 16" Dob are amazing for planets and the moon.
  12. Thank you! Why Tenerife? What makes you to mentioned it upon another places around the world?
  13. Finally i decided to go with larger scope, it is a 20" Dobsonian, so i talked with a person who is willing to design or make the structure for me at very reasonable price, i feel happy for that as i was thinking i will only go with either 16" or 18" dob anyway, but with his prices i felt like 20" is now possible. The only thing that is stopping the making to go through is that i have to decide on which primary mirror to use, secondary mirror is already chosen and let's say it will be purchased soon next month hopefully, but i keep thinking about primary mirrors, and i asked in another forum and i've got all answers, but i also waiting a budget that can be a factor for me to which mirror i can go, i don't want to go with cheapest mirrors such as GSO one, but i can't just say i can afford the highest quality such as Zambuto, but the more i wait the more i feel like i really want to go with Zambuto and never look back, the scope will be like my most used ultimate one, so i don't mind to use the best highest quality i can find for it, and sounds Zambuto is that name for it. The scope will be mainly for planetary imaging, but i decided to make this Dob for main visual too, DSO and planetary, and for that i really think the best quality mirror is a must, but i shouldn't forget about another accessories i may need for it as well, collimation i will buy something worthy, coma corrector most likely for visual i don't mind coma and for planetary i will be using Powermate so coma isn't an issue, but i am thinking about finders or guiding if i need those, also what is the best option to go with, EQ platform or an EQ mount that can handle minimum 100KG if possible, also dew shield and shroud, so i want to know everything i may need once i get that 20" Dob in my place, i want to be ready for anything possible, i will try to see if i can buy or build something like a shed for it so i don't need to move it a round a lot, i will not transport or travel with this dob out of my yard even for darkest sites, but the person said he will make the design based on the Ultra Compact design, so maybe it can be tearing down for transport, so the possible is there, but until that, i won't take it out of my yard any soon. Can't wait to have that scope, waiting that budget really, and i hope it is a great budget so i can try to accelerate the making of it to get it soon, typically it will take 3-5 months either for the structure itself or the primary mirror, so i know this year i won't have it, but by next year before the planets are out up again i want to have this scope and get ready to visual and imaging.
  14. Same here, the moon is my top favorite target to be honest, in fact because of the moon people respected me and liked my images more even i have crap or junkie planets results, the moon helped me to improve significantly in planetary imaging.
  15. Thank you very much, this is so sweet to read your post, and it is nothing for me to share with you as you share with others and i get inspired as well.
  16. WOW, what a cool nice words! I will think about having this image as a cover picture maybe if i will print a book or make an album for myself, for me i feel like i have to work more with my scopes and this camera on planetary and the moon. Thank you very much
  17. Why people afraid or scared to do lunar, it is really beautiful. Thanks
  18. You have no idea how long i kept looking at the moon on the screen, i was shocked, then i woke up and figured out that the moon is getting lower, so i gave it a quick images before it is all down.
  19. Thank you very much That is a great idea, maybe i have to collect my best moon shots and printed them out either in one picture as collage or maybe individual, i have to think about it.
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